Issue 113

No Shakes, No Hunger - Lose Weight: The Natural Way!

A recent research from the USA recently found that 2/3rds of Americans are on a diet. The study reveals that two in three people admit that hunger causes them to cheat on their diet, and in fact a majority of dieters (56%) feel there are times when they are "starving themselves to death." Unfortunately, feeling hungry is one of the most common reasons why the most committed overweight people fail at their weight loss attempts.

Using meal replacement drinks for weight loss is a sure fire way to failure - not only is hunger a common side-effect, but becoming light-headed, dizzy and nauseated is also a strong possibility. Worse still, it is very likely for all the lost weight to return once the client discontinues the shakes, so as a long term solution to weight control, these drinks filled with colourings, preservatives and additives offer very little.

The Natural Way does not offer 'diets' or meal replacement shakes for weight loss - instead, our clients get the opportunity to eat real, healthy food that is able to satisfy the most heartiest appetites. Our professional weight loss consultants privately educate each and every client on making healthy lifestyle choices so once at goal weight, keeping the weight off for life is a promise we can keep. To find out more about our no-hunger, lifestyle friendly programme, please call 1300 138 738 - The Natural Way can really give you life-long successful weight management.

Introductory Offer

Join before March 31 2007 and receive a free Endocrave (click the below links) or call 1300 138 738 to find out more

The Natural Way - South East Queensland

The Natural Way - North Queensland

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The Natural Way - Sydney

The Natural Way - Western Australia

Improve Your Memory with Herbs, Vitamins & Minerals: with Healthwise!

Brain tonic:

A complaint that we often see in clinic, either as the presenting problem or the patient remarks on during the consultation is failing memory. This can present as a major issue and concern regarding possible Alzheimer's disease or just be an inability to concentrate or to remember names. This becomes more common as we age but the brain is a marvelous organ that given the right ingredients and exercised with learning soon responds with improved memory. Often we see children that are falling behind at school because of poor concentration and an inability to retain information. These are all problems that can be dramatically helped by the appropriate herbs and vitamins and minerals. Some examples are:

Ginkgo biloba: Ginkgo is a herb that improves blood supply to the brain by improving circulation. Ginkgo is traditionally used to aid recovery from, or to prevent strokes. Recent trials have shown great promise in the early treatment of Alzheimer's disease with patients showing improved mental function. By improving blood supply to the brain Ginkgo improves the nutritional supply to the brain.

Bacopa monniera: Bacopa is a traditional Ayurvedic herb used as a brain tonic and to improve memory and learning. It is also used to promote longevity, and for nervous deficit due to injury and stroke. Other traditional uses include epilepsy, insanity, nervous breakdown and exhaustion.

Schisandra chinensis Schisandra traditionally is used as a adrenal gland tonic and recent research has shown its ability to improve liver detoxification. In clinical trials it has been shown to be able to increase concentration and memory.

Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus is a very stimulating plant especially on the central nervous system, where it is used for loss or reduction of sensory functions. Rosemary especially stimulates the brain, it is said to aid clear thought and memory. The stimulating and warming action of Rosemary has a circulatory stimulant effect thereby increasing blood supply to the brain.

These are some of the herbs we use commonly for memory or concentration problems but depending on other health considerations we may use these herbs or others. As in all prescribing the herbs need to be prescribed for the individual.

For individual herbal prescribing consult David McLeod or Zam Martin, 5/149 Wickham Tce Brisbane 4000. Ph 07 3839 1077

Introductory Offer

15% off all medication on your first visit!

clickhere for details 07 3839 1077

5th Floor Morris Towers 149 Wickham Terrace Brisbane City





Migraines Affect 2 million Australians: Learn to Alleviate them at Ultimate Health Solutions!

Migraines are a complex and common condition, affecting up to an estimated 2 million people in Australia alone. More Women than Men are affected, suggesting a hormonal link to the condition. As they are an extremely painful condition, alleviating the symptoms becomes a very important priority for the sufferer. Reports state that anywhere between 20 - 50% of adults experience an alleviation in the symptoms of migraines when they avoid the common food triggers. A few of these foods are Canola Oil, MSG, Beer, Red wine, Dairy products (especially Cheese), Oranges, Gluten (eg. wheat products), Strawberries, Eggs (some people can tolerate organic eggs OK), Bananas, Tomatoes, some Apples, Corn, Onion, and food that is high on the Glycemic Index. This list is not exhaustive, so individuals need to experiment for themselves, or they can have an IgG blood test for food allergies, which may show up some more trigger foods.

Other therapies that can alleviate migraines include high dose Magnesium. It is best to avoid poor quality supplements, for example magnesium oxide, which is the magnesium form of rust, and is very poorly absorbed. Diglycinated Magnesium is one of the best-absorbed forms. High dose B-vitamins and the herbs Feverfew, Ginger, Butterbur, Rosemary and Ginkgo have all been reported to be of benefit in alleviating migraines. Being tested for the bacteria associated with stomach ulcers, Helicobacter Pylori, may also be helpful. A clinical trial of 225 migraine patients found 40 percent of them to be infected with H. pylori. After treatment, the intensity, duration, and frequency of migraine attacks was found to have reduced significantly. Supplementation with antioxidants may be of benfit - these include Pycnogenol, CoQ10, GliSODin (a supplemental source of Super Oxide Dismutase - the most important antioxidant in the body) and Turmeric.

Mark Flanigan

Mark has a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition and also Herbal Medicine, and an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy. He also has extensive training in Metaphysical Counselling, which includes Age Regression therapy, Elimination of Phobias and Guilt, Guided Visualisations for Health, Aura healing, Visualisations for desired future outcomes, and more. He is a Full Member of the A.T.M.S..


50% discount on the VLA / BIA test – normally $20 when assessed in conjunction with a naturopathic consultation, this voucher gives you BIA for $10 when you come for a consultation.

(click here for details) (07) 55 632 682.

The Fountain of Life Cancer Clinic Doctors House 38-39/232 Napper Rd ARUNDEL GOLD COAST

For more extensive information, see


Improve Learning, Intuition, Mental Clarity & Concentration: with Holosync!

The benefits of meditation on the mind and body have been known for thousands of years and have recently been validated in scientific studies. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to meditate and give up without receiving these benefits. This problem has now been solved with the release of a powerful audio technology called Holosync that sends a very specific stimulus to the brain and creates states of deep meditation, quickly and easily.

Stimulating the brain with Holosync releases stress-reducing chemicals that are highly pleasurable. Most people go easily into a deep, trance-like meditative state normally only attained by experienced monks who have been meditating for over 20 years. In fact, EEG studies show the brain patterns experienced are actually deeper than those attained by monks.

As new neural pathways connect and synchronise the two sides of the brain, individuals develop what scientists call "whole brain functioning," which improves learning, intuition, mental clarity, creativity, concentration, and intelligence, as well as amazing quantum leaps in insight and self-awareness.

New research also reveals that even short-term exposure to Holosync creates significant increases in DHEA which is a precursor, or source ingredient, to virtually every hormone your body needs and is a buffer against stress-related hormones . It is a key determinant of physiological age. When DHEA levels are high, the body is at its peak - vibrant, healthy, and able to combat disease effectively.

Holosync also increases your ability to deal with stress and releases emotions such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. When Holosync is used regularly over time, many people discover that dysfunctional feelings and behaviours fall away - even those that have stubbornly resisted change in the past.


For more details and a FREE report and demo audio CD (or tape), call Freecall 1800 70 70 47 (24hrs, 7 days) ( mention myhealthspecials) or clickhere

Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!


Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Sowelu(Paddington) $50 exercise voucher - You can redeem the voucher for either one weeks unlimited access OR three separate classes to use over a 2 week period (visit our on line timetable at Alternatively you can use the voucher to book in for a one on one personal pilates/yoga session. ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Body Sync ( Tarragindi)15% off all IPL Hair Removal services, including specials!! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Rays Natural Health Clinic( Buderim) 10% discount!(Booking out fast) . Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Body Industries Katrina Newell (Greenslopes)-One blend of Australian bushflower essences with an initial consultation.
( Please fill out the contact form on the page) Lessons from Hawaiian Shamanism!

Ho’oponopono: Lessons from Hawaiian Shamanism by Joanne Hay

You're reading this article because you understand to change your life you need to take responsibility for your choices. No doubt you searched the web for help with an issue you wanted to take control of when you came across Nourished Magazine. You already know your success is directly related to how much you are 'able to respond' to your world. You're willing to take responsibility, but how far will you go? .MORE...


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Short and Sweet: Frozen Maple Syrup Buttermilk Terrine!


2 cups Australian Reduced Fat Natural Yogurt 1 cup Australian Buttermilk 1/4 cup maple flavoured syrup pulp of 6 passionfruits, for serving


1. Using an electric beater, beat together the yogurt, buttermilk and maple syrup. Pour into a large freezer proof bowl and freeze until partially set. 2. Remove from freezer and beat with an electric mixer until smooth. Pour into 25 cm x 8 cm bar tin and and freeze overnight or until set. Slice and serve drizzled with passionfruit.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

A man approaches an ice cream van and asks, "I'd like two scoops of chocolate ice cream, please."

The girl behind the counter replied, "I'm very sorry, sir, but our delivery didn't come this morning. We're out of chocolate."

"In that case," the man continued, "I'll have two scoops of chocolate ice cream."

"You don't understand, sir," the girl says. "We have no chocolate."

"Then just give me some chocolate," he insists.

Getting angrier by the second, the girl asked, "Sir, will you spell 'van,' as in 'vanilla?'"

The man spells, "V A N."

"Now spell 'straw,' as in 'strawberry.'"

"OK. S-T-R-A-W."

"Now," the girl asked, "spell 'stink,' as in chocolate."

The man hesitates, then confused, replied, "There is no stink in chocolate."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" she screams.

Quote of the week!

If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too.” . -W. Somerset Maugham, writer

For a Good Cause: Why Support Adopt A Pet?

Choosing the right pet for you is fun, but takes time, planning and lots of research. You need to consider very carefully both your needs and the needs of any animal that comes into your life; for example, how much time you can spend for exercise, how much space you have and how much you can afford to pay for food, toys and possible vet bills. To make this process easier, the RSPCA has introduced Adoptapet, a national website that lets you view some of the animals waiting adoption at RSPCA shelters across Australia. Thanks to the RSPCA, Bendigo Bank and VISA, you can now begin the search for your new friend from the comfort and convenience of your desktop. And when you’ve found the type of pet you think might be right for you, you can just contact the relevant shelter to find out more and make arrangements to meet potential new family members.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Aussie Fitness!
  • Health & Healing!
  • Merendi Exercise Physiology!
  • Result Skin Centre!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.