Issue 20


Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine: a discussion!
with Mark Bayley.

The question is often asked whether a system of medicine with its roots in such metaphysics as yin yang theory has anything to communicate to western science/medicine?

Chinese medicine (especially acupuncture) has achieved limited acceptance on the fringe of western medicine/culture.

Acupuncture is an object of widespread curiosity and some attempts have been made to integrate some of its techniques into western medical practice, to the point that in some areas of society Chinese medicine is "in vogue".

People have inflated expectations about medicine with the Doctor of "Oriental" medicine all too easily becoming a focus for people hoping for a cure-all, an infallible elixir or sideshow.


Western medicine is rooted in a society whose routine processes not only provoke stress - they contaminate the environment to such an extent that new comforts often conceal a new threat to life.

Chinese medicine offers a different vision of health and disease.

It attempts to treat illness within the context of an individual's total physical, psychological being and environment, with the remedies balanced to a patient's entire state of being.

Modern health care too often avoids seeing humans as unique organic beings.

Consequently much that is humanly and medically effective remains to be discovered or has been lost.

No Chinese physician (or person for that matter) can fail to be awed by the achievements of western medicine.

For example antibiotics or surgical techniques can penetrate to the core of disorders that Chinese medicine finds intractable and complex.

Western medicine is clear, precise and definitive. Its technology and precision allows swift intervention, which can be crucial in life threatening situations, yet many illnesses elude it.

Modern western and traditional Chinese medicine are two discrete systems of theory and practice that have complementary strengths and weaknesses. Can either absorb anything of real consequence from the other?

For science to remain science, it must believe what it discovers tomorrow may undermine or revolutionise everything it believes today. There is hope that the metaphysical Taoist spirit of inter-relatedness will illuminate the places that evade the western model.

The western book of medicine, because it is constantly changing, may yet include traditional Chinese medical concepts. For those readers who may want a better understanding of traditional Chinese medicine I thoroughly recommend The Web That Has No Weaver by Ted Kaptchuck. It is available through municipal library.

Mark Bayley Acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist Fellow of Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association,

Mark uses 13 years of clinical experience with traditional acupuncture and herbal medicines in managing the root cause of ill health. He completed postgraduate studies in China and Japan in 1990 & 1998. As well as general health care Mark has interests in injury management, women's health, infertility and paediatrics.

To contact Mark direct click here or call 07 3252 3177

To find a practitioner closest to you click here


Horstmann Technique: Release & Relief

The Horstmann Technique is a form of bodywork consisting of Ileosacral Release (for lower back and hip problems), Arm & Shoulder Release and Foot Release processes.

Developed in the mid 1990s The Horstmann Technique was developed by Australian Natural Therapist, Trish Trowbridge - Horstmann was Trish's birth name.

The Horstman technique can help you heal through the release of energy blockages, which usually manifest as pain or stiffness, and may be physically or emotionally based. This technique is performed while you are fully clothed, with your joints being taken through a range of movements while specific energy points are held. This provides effective relief for lower back pain, hip pain and stiffness, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and general neck and shoulder stiffness. Horstmann helps you release negative belief patterns that you may have held onto since childhood.

For a great introductory offer to The Horstmann Technique click here

Harmony Health Cover: Significant savings on natural therapies!


Here's how to claim the maximum amount back from your natural therapy consultations.

Harmony Natural Therapies Cover is a special extras cover from Australian Unity, which takes a holistic approach to your health. It helps you maintain your body from head to toe, inside and out, with a wide range of services balancing natural therapies and conventional treatments.

Harmony Natural Therapies Cover provides real value for money. It's the right choice if you want an extensive selection of services and providers, without paying an arm and a leg. As an extras cover, it offers rebates on services that are not covered by Medicare or associated with a hospital admission. You can take out Harmony separately or combine it with one of our hospital tables to get the most comprehensive cover.

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Harmony covers a huge range of complementary treatments that benefit the total you. These therapies can be used to address a particular health concern or as preventative care to help improve your health and wellbeing. Plus, you'll benefit from a $25 rebate per consultation for the following: Naturopathy Aromatherapy Homoeopathy Acupuncture Herbalism Chiropractic Traditional Chinese Medicine Osteopathy Remedial Massage Reflexology Shiatsu Iridology Myotherapy Bowen Therapy Dietetics Alexander Technique

Harmony also looks after you with cover for physiotherapy and speech, eye and occupational therapies. Australian Unity is committed to offering you the best preventive health care services, for a minimum investment.

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Fitness Questions?: Kerrie Blumson has your answers!

Q. From Natalie:
What would you recommend as the best motivator to get healthy! I have little motivation to do any exercise even thought my diet is perfect. any secrets?

Dear Natalie, Thanks for your email, not to mention your million dollar question! Now unfortunately I don't know that there is a single answer as to what constitutes the best exercise motivator. Often, the hardest thing is getting started!!

One of the most important things you can do is set yourself some goals. Decide what is important to you. Why do you want to be fit and healthy? Is it to feel good, is it so you can run to the bus without puffing or is it simply that you want to look good naked? Whatever it is, it must be an honest, realistic and achievable desire. It must be something that you can rely on to remind yourself just how good it will feel to achieve it. It should give you a reason to exercise!

Secondly, the exercise you choose must be fun for you. Who wants to do something they don't enjoy - I know I don't? Con a friend into doing it with you or try something new and different - whatever it is that works for you! I guess the other most difficult obstacle is sticking to your planned program.

Despite the goals and despite the fun, life often gets in the way and we tend to put exercise further and further down our list of daily priorities (ask anyone). Obviously, this is something you need to workout and try to schedule into your week.

Personally, I find it beneficial to sit down and discuss with my ladies a 4 week program. We look at each week, considering social occasions, work, holidays etc. Then I ask them to make a commitment to themselves and to me that they will follow this as best they can. Of course it also helps that each week has a scheduled Personal Training session. This is an appointment they feel obligated to make (just like the hairdresser or dentist.

If your exercise is just another part of your week and you know there is someone waiting for you - really keen to achieve your goals then how can you say no?? You should email me back and let me know how you go. How about a 4 week check in Good luck!

Ask Kerrie a question by clicking here
Click here to visit Fernwood Womens Health Club -Toowong.


Health Buzz: The latest news on all things good for you!

Brought to you by

New mood food

The latest development in natural depression management is called SAMe (pronounced sammy), a compound produced naturally in the body that's now available in tablet form to help sufferers of mild to moderate depression to enhance mood. Like its herbal equivalent St John's wort, SAMe has been the subject of extensive clinical research and has been shown to help manage mood swings, depression, anxiety and nervous tension. SAMe is not recommended for sufferers of bipolar depression, and of course, if you're thinking of changing your depression medication see your doctor first.

Sleep herb puts nerves to bed

Valerian is already a popular sleep aid, but new research suggests the herb may also help us cope better in stressful situations. Researchers from the Department of Psychology at the University of Surrey in the UK used blood pressure and heart rate as measures of stress in people subjected to a standardised colour/word mental stress task. Those people given valerian in the seven days preceding the test showed a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure and heart rate. Individuals taking valerian also reported feeling less pressure during the task.

Heart hope for hawthorn

Omega-3 fatty acids get all the headlines when it comes to cholesterol and heart health, but those with their fingers on the pulse of natural cardiovascular care hold the herb hawthorn in high regard. Hawthorn, Crataegus oxyacantha, can help to improve the integrity of the blood vessel walls, improve coronary blood flow, and clinical trials demonstrate that it may be beneficial in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Preliminary research conducted this year at the University of Reading, England also suggests hawthorn may be useful for lowering blood pressure.

Iron-clad friends

Everyone knows that iron is essential for building healthy red blood cells and preventing tiredness and anaemia, but did you know that your body's uptake and utilisation of iron relies on vitamin C? Combining your iron intake with foods that contain vitamin C will increase your body's absorption of iron and help you get the most out of this vital mineral.

Brought to you by


Short and Sweet: Curried Sweet Potato and Orange Soup with Grilled Peaches

Serves : 4

Ingredients : " 15g Australian Butter " 1 onion, finely chopped " 1 teaspoon curry powder " 500g sweet potato, peeled and chopped " 3 cups water " pepper, to taste " 1 cup Australian Skim Milk " 2 teaspoons fresh coriander, chopped " grated rind of 1 orange " 2 peaches, halved and stoned " 1 tablespoon brown sugar " extra orange rind , for garnishing "

Method : Melt butter in saucepan and saute onion until tender. Add curry powder and sweet potato and cook for 1 minute. Add water and pepper and simmer, covered for 15-20 minutes or until tender. Puree mixture until smooth and place into a clean saucepan. Add milk, coriander and orange rind and re-heat until heated through. Sprinkle brown sugar over the cut surface of peaches and grill until sugar has caramelised and peaches are warmed through.

Serve soup in individual bowls, topped with a grilled peach and garnished with orange rind and coriander.

**This recipe is suitable for lacto-ovo vegetarians who have adopted a vegetarian diet for health reasons. Nutritional Analysis per serve Serves : 4 Carbohydrates : 30 g Energy : 711 kJ Calcium : 118 mg Protein : 5 g Iron : 1 mg Fat : 3 g

Laughter is the best medicine!

A Zen Buddhist walks up to a hot dog vendor in the park and says: "Make me one with everything." The hot dog vendor makes him a hot dog with everything on it and hands it to him, saying: "That will be five dollars." The Zen Buddhist hands him 20 dollars and waits patiently. After nothing happens, he says: "Where's my change?" The hot dog vendor says: "Change is within." And he slowly walks away.?"

Quote of the month!

"There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub".

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


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Over the next 8 weeks we are giving away a gift voucher to the value of $400 thanks to Healthy Life. With over 10 stores in South East Qld Healthy Life are the perfect spot for Healthy Christmas gift ideas! Don't forget that all subscribers to Naturally Happy are automatically included in all our giveaways- GOOD LUCK!
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In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Special Christmas edition!
  • Youthealth!
  • Fitness Questions?
  • Health Buzz:The latest news on all things good for you!
  • Short and sweet!

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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness.