Issue 97

Microwave Madness: by Miriam Young!

One of the biggest health hazards Australians participate in every day of their lives is eating food that has been cooked in a microwave oven . It all sounds quite normal and harmless, however they are one of the most common habits I will ask my clients to surrender as soon as I meet them. Improvements in their health are often immediate.

Foods cooked in microwave ovens including meat, milk and cereal grains create different forms of cancer- causing agents. They can cause disorders in the digestive system, and cause malfunctions in the lymphatic system, causing a degeneration of the body's ability to protect itself against certain forms of cancerous growths. Free radicals are also formed when raw root vegetables are cooked in a microwave oven. Infant formula milk microwaved in a plastic bottle is the worse thing you can possibly give your baby - there will be no nutrition in the milk and it will contain toxins, including xenoestrogens, (environmental estrogenic chemicals).

Microwaved food is even worse than boiling, because at least some of the food's life force is retained in the water after boiling. With microwaved food, however although the vitamins and minerals are still present if scientifically analysed, these valuable components are dead. Micro waving foods render vitamins and minerals useless, including vitamin B complex, vitamins C and E. They have all been "nuked"! Foods cooked in microwave ovens contain no aura or energetic field and can provide us with no nourishment. (Irradiation also kills the life essence of food.)

If a person eats only microwaved food for a few months, his or her aura becomes very hard, solid and contracted and they will be nutrient deficient. I recently met a woman who was eating only microwaved foods, and her hair was falling out in great chunks. A quick change to eating steamed vegetables instead and the taking of colloidal minerals every day turned this condition around over night. Now she says that if she passes a comb through her hair she would be lucky if one strand fell out!

Somebody once told me that Australians are the largest users of microwave ovens in the world. A sobering thought. Most of the research into microwaves has been carried out in Russia. The Russian government subsequently banned them. The only time microwave ovens should be used is with heat packs used for aching muscles. The shelf in kitchens designed for microwave ovens once clear, make great cook book shelves!


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A New Perspective to Long Term Weight Management: Is There a Better Way?

Background To manage the increasing rate of excess weight and obesity, individual health care providers and many health promotion programs have focused on encouraging people to lose weight, in other words, on the 'end point'.

Objective This article provides a theoretical background of the need to think of the issue of weight management in a new way.

Discussion In an environment that has been described as 'obesogenic', past and current strategies have not succeeded in creating positive change. The time has come for a new 'process oriented', more holistic focus.

During the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of the population who are above their most healthy, comfortable weight that they can be . We also know that, across a population, people who are over their most healthy weight have an increased chance of associated health problems . However, despite millions of individuals spent by governments on health promotion, and an enormous number of individuals spending millions of dollars in an attempt to lose weight , these efforts have been largely ineffective .

What are people doing to try to lose weight?

Many people have tried, or are in the process of trying to lose weight. However, many people attempt to lose weight by following short term weight loss diets in an attempt to achieve and maintain a healthy weight . Three basic types of weight loss dieting strategies have been identified:

> avoiding eating for long periods of time

> refraining from eating certain types of foods

>restricting the total amount of food eaten

Australian figures show that 92% of young women and 44% of middle aged women have dieted to lose weight at least once. Paxton also showed that 47% of people had tried to lose weight in the 12 months before her survey . Importantly, of this group of dieters, 45% had tried to lose weight once, 43% between 2 and 5 times, and 12% had tried to lose weight six or more times!
So weight loss dieting is common. But what about its effectiveness and the consequences of dieting?

Consequences of dieting

Worldwide statistics show that weight reducing diets and restrictive eating plans do not help people achieve their goal, that is, to lose weight and keep it off. A summary article in the Annals of Internal Medicine states:
In controlled settings participants who remain in weight loss programs usually lose 10% of their weight. However, 1/3 to 2/3 of the weight is regained within one year, and almost all is regained within 5 years .

The article, "Position of The American Dietetic Association: Weight Management' states: Traditional intervention programs are built on the premise that persons can control their own weight and redesign their bodies regardless of physiology or genetics. These programs set weight goals according to standardized tables and use restrictive diet plans to assist persons in their attempts to reach what usually prove to be unmaintainable weights .

In fact, many people not only regain the weight they lose, but actually end up heavier than before they started the diet.

What are the dangers?

There are short-term physical side effects of weight loss diets, such as impaired concentration, with subsequent negative effects on work or study .
Recent studies show that there may also be long term physical side effects if people have swings in their weight .
Dieting has been seen to be associated with an increased chance of depression, and has been shown to be a risk factor for eating problems and for eating disorders .

In his 3 year study, Patton showed that female adolescents who dieted at a moderate level were 5 times more likely to develop an eating disorder, and those who dieted at a severe level were 18 times more likely to develop an eating disorder, compared to those who did not diet.

There are also significant emotional and psychological risks that come from regaining weight that has been lost on a diet. Rather than questioning the failure of the method, people often blame themselves. Self esteem decreases with almost every failed attempt, and this has a negative impact on many areas of life. Many people enter a 'vicious cycle' of going on and off weight loss diets, which can be very challenging to exit.

Some people develop a sense of feeling 'out of control' with food and their eating behaviour. They feel disempowerment as a consequence of dieting. These feelings can pervade many areas of a person's life, and it can be an enormous drain on their emotional energy. But can disempowerment and feelings of being 'out of control' affect a person's physical health? We are seeing some research that suggests it can.

The Whitehall Studies, which looked at risk of coronary heart disease in the workplace, have highlighted the importance of being 'in control' . Low control in the workplace has been shown to be a significant and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease . For many people, particularly women, the home, and especially the kitchen, is a workplace in its own right.

In its Darwin Declaration, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians said: …the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is disastrously poor compared with other Australians, and the fundamental cause is disempowerment .

Clearly, being in control of important life issues is vital to emotional and physical well being. Eating behaviour and weight management is one of these important life issues. .

A change in perspective .

Most people in the general public are not aware of this information. This is not really surprising given that it is relatively recent, and that there are many groups with a commercial interest in maintaining the status quo. Thus, the general perspective or paradigm in the community about being overweight and weight loss strategies is as follows:

> The amount of 'overweight' for an individual can be measured on a chart, and the cause of 'overweight' is straightforward and simple - it is either gluttony, laziness, or a combination of both.

> The solution to 'overweight' is to go on a diet and simply stop eating so much, and discipline oneself to take more exercise.

> We can all be slim if we try hard enough and 'think slim' and to reach and maintain our optimal health and personal happiness we all need to be thin.

This perspective has not created an understanding of the complexity of the issues for both health professionals and non health professionals, and has not supported positive change. Importantly, this perspective does not distinguish at all between weight and health.

Thomas Kuhn in his book 'The Structure of Scientific Revolutions', says: Paradigms gain their status because they are more successful than their competitors in solving … problems (and) The success of a paradigm … is at the start largely a promise of success … .

The prevailing perspective has failed to solve problems, has failed to create solutions, and has proved unsuccessful.

Is there an answer? .

We are faced with a huge dilemma. On the one hand we have increasing levels of people who are over their most healthy, comfortable weight. On the other hand, the methods that have been used to try to make a difference are not helping, and in many cases are making things worse. So what can we do? How, as health professionals, can we encourage people who are above their most healthy weight to achieve optimal health, and as a result, be the most healthy, comfortable weight they can be in today's environment? And how can we do this without causing negative sequelae?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer. We certainly need to be aware that the environment we are living in has changed drastically over the last 50 years or so. In many parts of the Western world there are a tremendous number of labour saving devices, from motor cars to battery powered lollipops (the lollipop spins around in your mouth so you don't even have to bother to turn it). Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, high fat, high sugar food is available. It is enormously challenging for all of us to be as physically active as we would have been a century ago, and not overuse food for any number of complex and individual reasons. We have also come to rely too much on external advice, and have forgotten to be aware of our own body's cues for weight management (ie. Our own physical hunger signals).

We need a new cultural perspective with respect to eating behaviour and weight issues to replace the old unsuccessful one. This position might include the following:

>That a healthy, comfortable weight is relative to the individual.

> That the cause of being above a healthy, comfortable weight for any one person is complex and multifactorial, and the solution includes setting realistic, individual, sustainable behavioural goals.

> That the solution also takes into account that we need wider society changes to help the individual achieve and maintain their goals (ie. Planning and promoting safe environments for physical activity).

The new perspective would include that the process needs to be empowering for the individual, and involves working on why specific issues have become a problem for that person. It does not deny that we should take care of ourselves by being physically active and eating healthily, but it promotes the message that health and vitality come in all shapes and sizes, and we can aim to be healthy at our own natural weight rather than thin at any cost. And it also says that we can lead happy, healthy productive lives without being the current culture's idea of an ideal shape. .

We are now in the early stages of this shift in vision

Dr Rick Kausman. Published in the Australian Family Physician. Vol. 29 No. 4

For the full references of this article please clickhere


Life After Diets

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1 Week till Patch Adams Arrives in Brisbane: Limited Tickets Available!

Discover True Happiness with Dr Patch Adams: October 17 Mercure Hotel Brisbane.

The global Happiness movement goes a step further in Australia in mid October with the most heartwarming social justice entrepreneur we know leading the new positive change charge. According to Dr Patch Adams, clown, humanitarian and the world's most loved MD, happiness is a choice that you make, and a practice. We can build meaningful lives that bring us joy. And it can be a simple and fun process, really.

Like the new science of Positive Psychology teaches us, happiness is not something we have to earn, deserve or that is external to us. It is the result of cultivating positive thinking, emotions, virtues and strengths that can buffer us against life's misfortunes and build lasting levels of contentment and gratification. We take the focus and energy off what is wrong with us or our situations, and apply it toward what is right.

Although Patch has brought his signature strengths of laughter, humour and playfulness and hope-dispensing to some of the world's worst war zones, natural disaster areas and to 10,000 deathbeds, his own personal "aha!" moment came through the darkness of personal depression he suffered as an eighteen year old. Overwhelmed with the violence and injustice in the world, Patch had several stints in a mental hospital prior to beginning his medical studies. However, in his last hospitalisation, the young Patch realised that one choice was to avoid or ignore the injustices, or to serve humanity. Another more complicated decision he made at the time was "to be a scientist studying joy, and to also to be it".

Not finding supportive academic research on how to live a life of joy, Patch decided he had to find his own solutions. Before he went to medical school, for social research purposes, he would ride up and down elevators in tall buildings for up to five hours a day. The study was for Patch to learn how to fall in love with people, and how to love life in each experience. He is 41 years into his own personal study, and has never had another bad day. Patch's cognitive intention of "I will never having another bad day" means that he has found the secret of how to love life, and the practice of that love, with joy being the consequence.

But why at this time of our social evolution do we need this message so badly? It is ironic that Australia is a debt-free Commonwealth, but what do we now owe to ourselves, each other and our workplaces? Are we really happy?

Depression currently causes over six million working days to be lost each year according to Beyond Blue, a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia. It has been estimated that 6.4 million Australian adults - almost half the adult population - accessed the Internet during 2005. Reportedly, more Internet users search the Web for information on depression than any other health condition. Some 200 million scripts for anti-depressant medication are written in Australia yearly.

As Patch puts it, if we do not "work to compose our joy" we lay ourselves open to depression and anxiety, boredom and indifference. It is time we individually decided to take a stand, to take control of our own happiness and learn the techniques that can lastingly us make us mentally healthy. Patch is surely a great example of walking the talk!

Hunter "Patch" Adams has been a physician for nearly 30 years now, but he has been a clown for almost 40. He is a social activist, and Founder and Director of the Gesundheit Institute, a holistic medical community that has provided free medical care to thousands of patients since it began in 1971. Thousands have seen the movie "Patch Adams" starring Robin Williams. This is your chance to get up close and personal with one of the greatest altruists and social justice entrepreneurs of our time and learn what it takes to live a personally and professionally happier life.

Patch Adams is being brought to Brisbane and Sydney for keynote seminars by Susan Welch, well known Laughter Therapist and an Authentic Happiness Coach in the new Positive Psychology. Susan has been a pioneer of the Happiness movement in this country for the past 4 years, working with over 20,000 people in health, mental health, aged care, hospitals, schools, disability, corporate and government arenas. The evolution of this grass roots social justice movement has seen her work this year transform from the Laughter Clubs of Queensland into the Empowerment Institute, a national boutique bureau providing information, speakers, trainers, coaches, products and events for personal and professional development.

For Tickets, contact Susan Welch, Empowerment Institute Pty Ltd. Email [email protected]

Book online at or phone 07 32681036 or 0413651643 for more information.




Naturopathic Approach To Managing ADD/ADDHD: with Craig Hitchens!

ADD/ADHD is a condition that affects many adults and children the world over. There are many and varied theories as to why this condition occurs in otherwise normal people.

As a Naturopath I see this condition often when people are at the end of their ropes with the situation and are desperate to find a solution. Nobody in their right mind wants to live with a child or adult that suffers this without trying to ease the burden a little for them as well as themselves. I personally have nothing but admiration for people who can tolerate these individuals and care for them as it is one of the hardest if not THE hardest thing to live with I have seen.

I am often asked if Naturopathy can help with this condition and my answer is a resounding YES. It is mine and the belief of many others, that this condition is more to do with reactions to substances in foods, the environment etc than the childs bad mental condition.

The naturopathic approach to managing ADD/ADHD involves consideration of the following:

Remove common food triggers from the diet for a period of 2-3 weeks. Whilst there may be no identifiable food allergies or intolerances initially, it is very helpful to lift the load off the digestive system.
Lactic acid bacteria (L. acidophilus and B. animalis) to manage gut dysbiosis.

Glutamine is an essential nutrient for the cells lining the small intestine For those children sensitive to certain grains, alternatives to consider include spelt, kamut, millet, barley and rice.

It has been found that simply eliminating sugar from the diet does bring about significant improvement over the long term. However, blood sugar irregularities should be investigated also as they can contribute to mood swings.

Chromium supplementation to address impaired glucose tolerance resulting from disturbed insulin response (again, digestive dysfunction and food intolerances can impair insulin response)
Eliminate the consumption of artificial colourings and flavourings, antioxidant preservatives and processed foods including refined carbohydrates. Ensure adequate protein is provided by the diet.

Identify the possibility of heavy metal involvement

Lead toxicity may contribute to hyperactivity and other behavioural problems in children. Children are more sensitive to lead toxicity because of their greater capacity for lead absorption. Studies show that disturbances of attention function are a consistent effect of lead exposure, and that the effects of lead are most evident in the performance areas of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised (an educational test13), and in perceptual and motor function. Over-exposure to heavy metals (such as lead) can interfere with nutrient uptake. Lead may interfere with calcium absorption, and in fact, lead absorption can be stimulated by calcium deficiency12.
It is also important for the practitioner to be aware that blood levels of lead below those associated with obvious symptoms may still have adverse effects on the brain.

If heavy metal toxicity is identified, treatment with the following should be considered:

> Alpha Lipoic acid Vitamin C

> Selenium Chlorella, garlic and coriander (fresh): useful for assisting chelating agents – a combination which could be taken as a juice.

Other nutrients to consider:

Fish oil:
The increased requirement for the omega-3 essential fatty acids in people with ADD/ADHD has been extensively studied. Research concludes that some hyperactive children have a deficiency of omega-3 essential fatty acids. This may be due to an inability to absorb them adequately from the gastrointestinal tract, dietary deficiency, or the result of the need for increased levels of essential fatty acids compared to other children.

Is necessary for the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Many children diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are deficient in this vital mineral. It is interesting to note that zinc concentrates in the hippocampus of the brain, an area involved in learning and memory. Zinc deficiency has been found to be a factor in hyperactivity and concentration and it has been suggested that adequate stimulant response depends upon adequate plasma zinc levels.

Iron deficiency:
May lead to anxiety, aggressiveness and poor attention span, and any deficiency should be investigated and addressed. The frequent occurrence of restless legs syndrome in children with ADD/ADHD may be associated with iron deficiencies.

Magnesium deficiency
Is very common in children and this has implications for the nervous system. Magnesium has a calming effect and has been shown in a study to decrease hyperactivity in magnesium deficient children with ADHD. Low levels of magnesium produce an increase in irritability of the nervous system.
Calcium is synergistic with magnesium and important for the nervous system. Children can easily become deficient in calcium at times of accelerated growth. In a pilot study conducted by the Austin Hospital Department of Psychiatry, it was found that children with ADHD placed on mineral supplementation had a reduced degree of hyperactive disturbance.

B group vitamins, particularly vitamins B1, B9, B6 and B3,
Are indicated for metabolism and support to the nervous system. Vitamin B6 has been particularly identified as having relevance to ADD/ADHD due to its requirement for the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Herbal medicines:

Ginkgo biloba
Has been found to be beneficial for neurotransmitter function and has been found to support cognitive function. Studies have shown that children with ADD had reduced blood flow in the brain compared to controls.

Brahmi (Bacopa monniera)
Is an Ayurvedic herb having a positive influence on many nerve endings found in the brain that are important for memory and cognition. The herb is indicated for use as a brain tonic for improving memory, concentration and learning.

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Has effects on serotonin levels of the brain. It should be considered in patients with ADD/ADHD, as blood levels of serotonin tend to be lower in sufferers of ADD/ADHD with the more severe markers of hyperactivity, impulsiveness, aggressiveness and lack of concentration.

Sleep disorders may be a factor for children with ADD/ADHD, and nervous system herbs to be considered include valerian (Valeriana officinalis) , passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) , scullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia) and vervain (Verbena officinalis) . Chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita) can function as a relaxant and digestive support, and is particularly suitable for children, with the added benefit that it contains minerals such as magnesium. Calcium and magnesium supplementation may also help re-establish good sleeping patterns.

The overall diet should be one of fresh raw vegetables and fruits where ever possible and organic fresh meats if meat is included in the diet. Stay away from processed meats and junk foods of ANY shape or description. Dairy foods and wheat also need to be monitored and excluded if they show signs of sensitivity as well.

Using these principals and methods above many have been able to manage their problem and some without the use of any drugs. This approach is not for everyone but it is worth a try.

I hope this has helped you all in some way out there.

Until next time, Best Of Health To You. Craig Hitchens (B.Sc.Nat.)






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Short and Sweet: Cinnamon, Pear & Date Porridge!


3/4 cup rolled oats 2 cups Australian Reduced Fat Milk 4 canned pear halves, quartered and drained 8 whole dried or fresh dates, pitted and chopped 2 teaspoons cinnamon sugar, for sprinkling


1. Combine the oats, milk, pears and dates in a saucepan and slowly bring to the boil, stirring continuously. 2. Allow to simmer for 10 minutes stirring occasionally, before removing from the heat. 3. Spoon into two serving bowls and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Serve with extra milk, if desired.

Energy: 1775 Sugar: 49 Protein: 15 Sodium: 138 Calcium: 389 Fat: 6.7 SaFa: 2.9 Iron: 3 Carbohydrate: 74 Fibre: 8

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Laughter is the best medicine!

The World's Smartest Dog?

As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, reading: "10 lamb chops, please."

Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog's mouth, and quickly closes the shop. He follows the dog and watches him wait for a green light, look both ways, and trot across the road to a bus stop. The dog checks the timetable and sits on the bench. When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front and looks at the number, then boards the bus. The butcher follows, dumbstruck.

As the bus travels out into the suburbs, the dog takes in the scenery. After awhile he stands on his back paws to push the "stop" button, then the butcher follows him off.

The dog runs up to a house and drops his bag on the stoop. He goes back down the path, takes a big run, and throws himself -Whap!- against the door. He does this again and again. No answer. So he jumps on a wall, walks around the garden, beats his head against a window, jumps off, and waits at the front door. A big guy opens it and yells at the the dog.

The butcher runs up screams at the guy: "What in the world are you doing? This dog's a genius!" The owner responds, "Genius? I don't think so. It's the second time this week he's forgotten his key!"



Quote of the week!

"He liked to like people, therefore people liked him." Mark Twain (1835-1910)

For a Good Cause: Why support Variety Queensland?

Variety is a world wide organization known as the "Heart of Show Business" - an umbrella children's charity dedicated to raising funds for sick, disabled and disadvantaged children under 18 years of age.

Our annual fundraising events include the highly successful madcap motoring event the XXXX Gold Variety Bash, the Action International 4WD Explorer, Gold Heart Appeal, the Motorline Variety Entertainers Ball, the Variety Jet Trek, the Variety Executive Golf Series, the Blue Lagoon Variety Fiji Splash and the Variety Children's Christmas Parties.

Variety Queensland is a member of Variety Australia and is Tent 76 within Variety International.

All of the net funds raised by Variety Queensland are spent on children and/or children's organization within Queensland.

An Appeals Committee makes recommendations to the Board for approval of funds to be spent. This is usually by way of goods and services - including the Variety Sunshine Coach Program (motor coaches) along with a vast array of grants to hospitals, schools, youth clubs and of course to individual children.

The Variety Club helps handicapped and under privileged children with any and all resources available to us. So many children need our help and we need yours. Become a member of Variety; it will do your heart good

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Zenergy!
  • Genesis Fitness !
  • Brisbane Aquatic Centres!
  • Vital Greens !
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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