Issue 93

Moving Your Body Will Clear Your Mind :

An alternative approach is helping bankers and brokers overcome their inabilities to meet targets at work in the business of health and stress relief.

A couple of years ago, my client was working 70 hours a week with no real direction in life.

A lot of companies will deny that it's there or they're not interested in it, but staff are generally unhappy with what they do, who they are. People's personal problems do exist in the workplace, despite business suggesting otherwise.

People bring them in to work; it forms very much a part of the social structure of their work, how they react with other people, how they behave.

Since seeing a kinesiologist my client is now the regional manager in a business strategy consultancy, and says his life has taken a significant turn for the better.

"The benefits have been a lot more than I expected," my client says. Originally developed in the 1960's by American chiropractor George Goodheart, kinesiology is a chiropractic tool, It was invented, "as a tool to attain specific information from the body using muscles, joints and reflexes to ascertain and validate what is actually happening in a functional and structural sense in regards to the physical, chemical and emotional status of the body."

More simply, kinesiology is a way of talking to the body. The muscle testing is a form of biofeedback that indicates how a person's body is functioning and where there is imbalance. Many therapists -from doctors to dentists and psychologists -are using this approach to help collect patient information and diagnosis.

Kinesiology is unique, because it is about integrating the mind and body. "A lot of people do courses to help upload their software - in other words, their mind - and doing these courses is fundamental. But unless you upgrade the hardware and do the body work to integrate the software you've basically got Windows 2000 on a 386 old computer. It can't read or run the program.

Using kinesiology is much faster than psychology and more holistic in its approach, "The difference is we actually work with a lot of the same concepts but using muscle monitoring and movement actually enables people to move themselves through things in leaps and bounds."

Treating bankers and stockbrokers and working on special corporate programs is a major change in businesses approaches to lessen stress and increase health. Programs have been run by ANZ and ST George, that focus on goal setting and achieving targets. People fail to reach their goals for a reason. "This type of behaviour usually stems from a conditioned response."

A common conditioned response is thinking that you will not get chosen for a promotion. This sort of response could stem from, for example, not being chosen for the basketball team in high school. This event might have caused you grief and pain at the time that may not have been resolved, and a conditioning reflex is setup. "A Pavlovian conditioned response will always follow a pattern until it's extinguished. Emotions are good for you but when they are not integrated properly and they hav'nt {been} extinguished, they get stuck in the body so you can play out the same routines. Unfortunately your body perpetuates what it expects to see."

"Using Muscle monitoring and movement enables people to move through things a little bit quicker."

Muscle testing will "bypass the conscious mind and gain access to the wealth of information that is contained within us that we may not even be aware of". My aim, is to align clients with their own personal power, which ultimately helps them to respond and not react.

For example, if a major account is falling apart, the chief executive may respond by thinking laterally rather than just indulging in knee-jerk reactions.

Kinesiologists agree that most corporate clients seek out a kinesiologist because of stress.

They are "getting quite burnt out and quite overloaded", common complaints include inability to think clearly, inability to communicate easily and losing their ability to prioritise. These feelings manifest themselves in the body through such ailments as fatigue, aches and pains and stomach ulcers.

For many business people, public speaking is often an overwhelming challenge and one that is frequently explored with clients.

"SO what we do is use muscle monitoring to identify where their blockages are that are stopping them from being able to easily do that."

Another client is an independent business consultant whose clients live in Asia. A friend suggested he try kinesiology. "While I did try other techniques such as meditation, I was not having much success managing my stress levels."

Stress Relief

Kinesiology is a chiropractic tool invented to attain specific information from the body.

Practitioners say using kinesiology is faster than psychology and more holistic in its approach.

They say corporate clients seek treatment to try to relieve stress.

Since seeing a kinesiologist, my client, says his stress levels are significantly down, even under extreme pressure.




When Neck Pain is a Headache & Headaches a pain in the Neck: with the West End Osteopathic Clinic!

Neck pain and headaches are often seen as being a normal part of living in the inner city and being in a desk based job. Even with the best intentions, good posture is something that most people struggle to maintain. Prior to the advent of the internet and computerised workplaces, neck pain and ergonomic overuse syndromes (repetitive strain injuries) were usually limited to secretaries and receptionists. As we are now far more likely to return our own emails or draft our own response to a letter we are finding a greater number of people suffering from neck pain, shoulder tension and headaches. In the last three months of the year, we often find that a person's headaches will be exacerbated, perhaps due to the impending stressful Christmas or the lack of public holidays to defuse the stressful situations.

Have you ever wondered if there was a better alternative to taking the panadol or nurofen? Osteopathy may well be just that!

At the West End Osteopathic Clinic our 5 year University trained, government registered, Osteopaths are able to assess, diagnose and treat neck and shoulder tension and pain as well as rid you of those headaches and advise you on any ergonomic or dietary changes that may assist in reducing your pain, improving your range of movement and reducing the tension that plagues so many people.

Osteopathy has been a recognised form of musculoskeletal medicine since the late 1800's and uses soft tissue stretching, joint articulation and mobilisation as well as manipulation if required. Mostly, an Xray is not required before starting treatment so you can begin the path to being painfree very quickly. All you need to do is call one of our friendly receptionists on 3846 3037 and make yourself (or partner) an appointment. The West End Osteopathic Clinic has appointments Monday- Saturday with both male and female practitioners.

With over 25 years experience between the practitioners, you are assured to be looked after by competent Osteopaths.

Remember to bring your private health card and we can make your claim through HICAPS immediately. You do not need a referral and appointments cost $70 for a 40 minute consultation.

Start your day painfree by seeing an Osteopath. Your hands-on healthcare provider.

Ground Floor, 56 Boundary Street West End T: 07 3846 3037

[email protected] or clickhere for more details.



Simple,Truely Natural Skin Care: with Hand Made Naturals!

The beginning...
From a growing concern about the effects of chemicals on our health, our skin, and just as importantly, our very precious planet, I began to research the possible natural alternatives to the vastarray of chemicals used today in skin, body and hair care preparations. During the course of my research I was often stunned and very disappointed at the amount of misleading labels such as 'natural' or 'organic' on many retail products.

As my knowledge of chemicals increased, so did my realisation that many so-called 'natural' ingredients were not quite so. Maybe they were 'natural' to start with or at the very least derived from something 'natural' but were chemically altered to a state which now made them a systemic danger to our health. So my research continued as did my experiments and trials to find truly natural alternatives to petro-chemicals, sulphates, synthetic preservatives and any other nasties so commonly found in everyday products.

If you've been looking for a facial skin care routine that's simple, truely natural, not just 'based' on natural ingredients, and just as importantly affordable, then you need look no further: - Begin with Handmade Naturals pure Jojoba Cream Cleanser ($10.50- 115gms) to remove dirt and make-up without stripping the skin, as it contains no soaps or detergents. You can even use it around the eye area to remove make-up. Follow this with a spray of our pure Organic Rose Water ($9.50- 125mls)-a natural humectant that helps rehydrate your skin leaving it feeling fresh and supple. Finish with a light application of our beautiful Rose Hip and Jojoba Face Cream ($16.50-55gms). This amazing cream has been a very special part of the 'Handmade Naturals' range for over 17years. Made from a unique blend of cold-pressed oils including Jojoba, Macadamia Nut, Sunflower, Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel, Organic Rose Hip plus pure essential oils and natural vitamin E. You will love the fresh natural feel and smell of the 'Handmade Naturals' range and that's because we use no synthetic preservatives, fragrances or any other nasties in any of our products. Try it - and your skin will love you for it!

For all 'My Health Specials' customers a 'one of' offer of 10% discount when you purchase the 3 products mentioned together ie: Jojoba Cream Cleanser, Organic Rose Water, Rose Hip & Jojoba Face Cream. Total cost of the 3 would normally be $36.50 with 10% discount this brings it down to $32.85 plus receive a complimentary facial sponge(valued at $2.50) to use with the Jojoba Cream cleanser. (when you mention myhealthspecials!)

7 Gladstone Road Highgate Hill 7 3846 4685

[email protected]




Positive Affirmations for your Kids : with Clayfield Counselling!

Think back to when you were a child. What did your parents tell you about yourself? Did they give you a label? Were you "the shy one" or "the outgoing one"? Were you "the tomboy"? Perhaps you were "a butter fingers" or "fraidycat"? Parents often label their children without thinking of the consequences but labels, whether positive or negative, can be stigmatizing and limiting right through childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

Kids learn about themselves and their world through the adults in their life. Parents, other adult family members and teachers may all have a great influence on a child's self image and self-esteem. Labels are often negative, a kind of emotional abuse. A child may be told he's "Just like his no good father" or she's "useless and can't do anything right". Sometimes labels are technical; "Make sure you keep an eye on Johnny he's got ADD" or "You'll have to pay extra attention to Sarah, she's learning impaired". Seemingly positive labels such as, "Mike is the responsible one" or "Naomi is such a little mother" can also lock a child into a particular role they feel they have to play, placing unnecessary responsibility on their shoulders. Labels can also focus too much attention on a particular area, in turn deflecting attention away from other areas of importance. Telling a child, "You're such a pretty girl" places the focus squarely on her image and if that's not balanced by also praising her for her intelligence or skills and talents she is likely to grow up thinking her looks are all she's got to offer.

Replace labels with positive affirmation

Instead of labelling a child, it is much better to encourage him or her with nurturing compliments such as,

"You're being really nice to your friends"

"Wow you kicked that football really well, that's great!"

"Thanks for doing such a great job at tidying your room today"

These positive affirmations encourage without limiting the child or putting emotional pressure on the child to be a certain way.


A real danger with labels is that they are often a reflection of cultural bias and social trends. For example, in his book Wild at Heart, John Eldredge points out how American boys are more likely to be treated for ADD with prescribed tranquilisers. "As Lionel Tiger reports in his book The Decline of Males, boys are three to four times more likely than girls to be diagnosed as suffering from attention deficit disorder (ADD). But maybe they're not sick; maybe, as Tiger says, "This may simply mean they enjoy large-muscle movements and assertive actions… Boys as a group appear to prefer relatively boisterous and mobile activities to the sedate and physically restricted behaviour that school system reward and to which girls seem to be more inclined." (Eldredge, J. 2001, p. 81, Wild at Heart)

In the past, women who didn't fit the accepted mould of the time and homosexuals were often diagnosed with a mental disorder and institutionalised. It isn't only children that can be mislabelled.

Labels, Self esteem and Adults

When a child is labelled, he or she is likely to grow up with self-esteem problems. Many adults are affected by what they were told about themselves as children. The little critical voice we hear reminds us, "you can never do anything right" or "you're so stupid". It can be a tough habit to break but with the help of a counsellor we can rewrite our inner scripts and live a more confident life. So if the label you were given as a child isn't serving you well perhaps it's time to sever it once and for all and begin to describe yourself as you truly are.

$10 off your first consultation!

clickhere for details 07 3862 6622





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

The Pranic Healing Centre(New Farm): Receive a 1.5 hour session for the cost of 1 hour. ( mention when booking) Pranic Healing is effective in correcting energy imbalances. Energy imbalances are congestion or depletion of the aura, chakras, organs or energy meridians & underly all physical, mental, emotional, spiritual disorders.

Stephanies Natural Beauty (NEW City location):

*Celebration One FREE SKIN REFRESHER - On any Beauty Treatment Booked at Stephanies Natural Beauty.

*Celebration Two "The ultimate in skin pampering & intensive results"

*Celebration Three "The secret to revitalising the body and relaxing the mind" (click here for full details) when booking.

Fit Zone ( Fortitude Valley)- $50 off the normal joining fee or $50 off our 12 months results programme! (mention

Releve (National) RELEVE FOR MENSTRUAL PAIN Discounts available on bulk purchase! mention when booking.

Urban Domain Skin and Body(city)Over $200 of beauty treatments for just $89 Enjoy a facial treatment specifically tailored for your skin for $89 And receive absolutely FREE Eyebrow reshape and tint $30 FREE / Scalp, neck and shoulder massage $40 FREE / Glycolic peel or Eye treatment $55 FREE You Pay only $89.00 (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

The Nourishing Meme By Joanne Hay

There’s plenty of information on the net about ‘detoxing’; bowel cleansing, liver cleansing, gall bladder flushing - the list goes on. The “you must cleanse” perspective on health is very convenient for shaming and shocking people into buying products: have you seen those poop pictures in the herbal bowel cleansing advertisements? We are told we’re sick because we’re dirty and we need to be cleaned, our bodies are broken and they need to be fixed. This is the age old story of ‘original sin’ in another disguise, and we fall for it every time because it’s so familiar. But is it true? (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Orange & Pistachio Butter Cake!


4 eggs equal weight of eggs in butter, chopped, softened caster sugar self-raising flour 1 tablespoon finely grated orange zest 1/3 cup chopped toasted pistachios Icing 50g butter, softened, extra 125g softened cream cheese 1? cups icing sugar mixture 1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest


1. Begin by weighing the eggs and recording their total weight. Each egg will weigh approximately 50g or 2oz. In this case 200g or 8oz.

2. Weigh out equal quantities to the eggs, of butter, sugar and flour.

3. To make the cake; preheat the oven to 170°c. Grease and line base and side of a 20cm deep cake tin.

4. Beat butter in a medium bowl with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add sugar and orange zest. Beat again until light and fluffy. Fold in a quarter of the flour, then 1 egg until well combined. Continue to add eggs and flour in batches until all added. Stir in pistachios.

5. Transfer mixture to cake tin; smooth top using a spatula. Bake in pre-heated oven 40-45 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Stand in tin 5 minutes, before transferring to wire rack to cool.

6. Beat butter, cream cheese and icing sugar mixture in medium bowl until smooth; stir in orange zest. Spread over cooled cake. Or split cake and spread icing between layers; dust top with icing sugar. Decorate with extra walnuts, if desired.

Energy: 1997 Sugar: 6 Protein: 33 Sodium: 302 Calcium: 289 Fat: 10.2 SaFa: 4.4 Iron: 2 Carbohydrate: 61 Fibre: 3

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields. The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm." The other cow replies, "I ain't worried, it don't affect us ducks."

Quote of the week!

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” William James, psychologist

For a Good Cause: Why support The Fred Hollows Foundation?

The Fred Hollows Foundation is a non-government organisation which seeks to eradicate avoidable blindness in developing countries and to improve the health outcomes of Indigenous Australians. We use a sustainable development approach to achieve our objectives. Our vision is of a world where no one is needlessly blind and of a land where Indigenous people enjoy the same health outcomes as all Australians. The Foundation is inspired by the work and example of the late Professor Fred Hollows..

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Body N Beauty!
  • Peter McMahon!
  • Releve!
  • Xango!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.