Issue 92

Removing Blocks To Success :

There are times that we know there are many things holding us back and even though we are trying really hard to make something that we want to happen, it never really does. We are doing many things at the same time like stressing and wandering about with our tail between our legs. Sometimes we do the same thing time and time again. Other times we have an illness in our body that prevents us from doing something we want. These can be aches or pains in a simple form or a something worse stored in our body that may later turn into a disease. AS these things build and worsen in our body and mental systems we find we manifest things that we don't want or need, even having simple accidents or turning up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Our circumstances sometimes govern our life and our patterns but there are many simple ways of aligning yourself to the ways of the future and not the limitations of now, to be in pursuit of change and abundance in all areas of life. Using simple and effective methods that may be supported through mineral supplements, there is now a form of meta-physical kinesiology and hypnotic neurological re-patterning, to fast track and change the potentials of your current experience, aligning you to that you wish to have in the future.

Increasing your options and opening new choices, you'll find not only your change is simple, but very quick and effective. You'll learn more about where you are, and where you want to be and be in complete charge of what you want and let go of that which you don't. And in so doing, your body will retain great health and you mind will always be in charge of the directions and change you wish to have, with positive and meaningful emotions. A new meaning of health and happiness will enter your life and circumstances to have the most profound changes and direction you will ever need. Your purpose and alignment on multiple levels will alter. Everybody succeeds in life when embracing their own personal software upgrades by their mind, and their own personal hardware upgrades by their body, using proven effective techniques utilised by so many sports, business and creative professionals.

A software upgrade without a hardware upgrade is ineffective, so using these techniques, all things in any situation are altered to a desired result. This is a rare opportunity to experience kinesiology and hypnosis at a metaphysical level, as one can demand the other. You'll find everything easily and effectively integrated by using these unique variances together, and not need to see someone else to achieve your adventure in life !




The Changing Face of Holistic Dentistry: with QLD Holistic Dental - A Natural Reason to Smile!

Holistic Dentistry is an approach to treatment that takes into account the relationship of the health of your teeth, bones and the muscles of your head and neck in relation to the health of your whole body.

Because people are increasingly concerned with their health and what they put into their bodies, whether it is quality nutrition, medication or supplements they take or medical treatment they receive, these factors have an influence on the course of treatment you receive at the surgery.

Queensland Holistic Dental strives to work with the patient as an individual in a quality and professional manner to give them" a natural reason to smile " with teeth the colour nature intended.

Holistic Dentistry integrates natural health philosophies with orthodox medicine and dentistry to obtain optimal balance and long term health, which is a key consideration in looking and feeling your best.

All aspects of general and cosmetic dentistry are available, including a hygienist. Procedures are conducted using the most advanced techniques with individual biocompatible materials.

The Features and Benefits of our practice are based on a fundamental caring for your comfort, safety and long term health. These include:

  • Comfortable, clean, attractive waiting & treatment areas
  • Aromatherapy, Rescue Remedy and other safe Homeopathic Remedies
  • Natural eye contact and personable rapport with dentist and staff
  • Comprehensive consultation & review of your medical/dental history
  • Full oral examination for tooth decay, gum disease, soft tissue lesions and muscular imbalance,
  • Examination for TMJ problems causing headaches, neck pain, discomfort.
  • Examination for evidence of leaking or failing fillings, amalgams and other toxic metals.
  • Examination for disharmonious galvanic combinations (gold and amalgam together, gold crowns over amalgam, excess metallic content).
  • Drug free relaxation technique (Little Calm Machine).
  • Safe amalgam removal protocol. All efforts are made to reduce exposure to both patient and staff from the heavy metal neurotoxic mercury vapour.
  • Rubber Dam used routinely.
  • If required / agreeable with patient, low exposure x-rays
  • Somnomed snoring and sleep apnoea appliance
  • Future metal free dental implants
  • Totally metal free cosmetic dentistry
  • network of complementary and traditional medicine sympathetic to the issues of holistic dentistry.
  • Smile makeovers
  • Xylitol products for the best preventative to tooth decay for all ages.


Laserbrite tooth whitening at a cost of $950.00 + GST (including take home kit), save $385.00. ( mention Dr David Cowhig BDS (Lond.) Tel: 07 3221 4632 Fax: 07 3220 1268 Address: 1st Floor, Bowman House cnr Edward & Adelaide Streets City Qld Email [email protected]



Dr Patch Adams called to administer Joy in Brisbane: with the Empowerment Institute!

Dr Patch Adams Called to Administer Joy In Brisbane: with the Empowerment Institute! At a time when Australia is supposedly at its financially wealthiest according to Treasurer Peter Costello, who recently proclaimed the Commonwealth as debt-free, thoughts turn to the state of the nation in terms of individual and workplace happiness.

It is ironic that in our first world country we owe nothing overseas, but what do we now owe to ourselves, each other and our workplaces? Are we really happy?

Many Australians feel that the political system has let them down, and that governments are not responding to their real concerns. We seem to have lost sight of a vision for a better society and to have entrusted our future to wherever the market takes us.

We now know a great deal about the factors that enhance our wellbeing and those that diminish it. Increasingly the negatives seem to outweigh the positives, despite our affluence.

Australians are three times richer than their parents and grandparents were in the 1950s, but they are no happier. Despite the evidence of a decline in national wellbeing, governments continue to put economic interests first. The obsession with economic growth means other things that could improve our wellbeing are sacrificed.

There is widespread community concern that the values of the market-individualism, selfishness, materialism, competition-are driving out the more desirable values of trust, self-restraint, mutual respect and generosity.

So, how far are we really along in the wellbeing scale? What makes for true happiness, if it is not "affluenza"?

Here are some sobering figures in our culture that seems to increasingly drink or take drugs to blot out reality to try to find happiness.

Depression currently causes over six million working days to be lost each year according to Beyond Blue, a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.

Individual depression now starts as young as early youth (roughly age 14.5) if not childhood, as opposed to our late thirties some 30 years ago - a Martin Seligman (American father of Positive Psychology) statistic in his book Authentic Happiness.

It has been estimated that 6.4 million Australian adults - almost half the adult population - accessed the Internet during 2005. Reportedly, more Internet users search the Web for information on depression than any other health condition.

It is estimated that 200 million scripts for anti-depressant medication are written in Australia yearly.

Further, the incidence of drug and alcohol abuse is at alarming societal levels, not only in younger age groups, but increasingly as a choice for celebrities, the upwardly mobile, and the weekend consumer as well as the weekday have-or-want-to's.

So, how happy are we? Will outside pleasures ever fill up the "holes in our souls," as Dr Phil of Oprah fame, describes it.

How do we find real joy in life and work, and how does it start?

According to Dr Patch Adams, clown and humanitarian - it is a choice that you make. And he is coming to Australia in October to tell us also about the how's, when's, where's and why's.

Hunter "Patch" Adams has been a physician for nearly 30 years, but he has been a clown for almost 40. He is a social activist, and Founder and Director of the Gesundheit Institute, a holistic medical community that has provided free medical care to thousands of patients since it began in 1971. Patch travels the world presenting at a staggering amount of places every year, as well as fulfilling his altruistic activities. For more info see

His message, that he brings at last to Brisbane, is how to make the conscious choice everyday of "Living with Joy in Life and Work ".

Thousands have seen the movie "Patch Adams." This is your chance to get up close and personal with one of the greatest altruists and social justice entrepreneurs of our time and learn what it takes to live a personally and professionally happier life.

Seats are limted, please book early to ensure your seat online at

Patch set new standards for the event as a speaker. He was mind blowing and raised the event to new heights. His presentation was entirely relevant to the audience.

- Graham Anderson, Saxton Management Group Pty Ltd, Australia Spoke to Australian Professional Pharmacy Association Conference

Behind his clown-like persona lies a great deal of wisdom, and it often falls to the court jester to speak the truth that those in power need to hear. Bernie Siegel, M.D.

For more information, please contact Susan Welch, Director of the Empowerment Institute 073268 1036 or 0413651643 s[email protected]

This event proudly supports Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Research Foundation, and Sids And Kids Queensland.

Susan Welch is Laughter Therapist and an Authentic Happiness Coach in the new Positive Psychology. She has been a pioneer of the Happiness movement in this country for the past 4 years, working with over 15,000 people in health, mental health, aged care, hospitals, schools, disability, corporate and government arenas. The evolution of this grass roots social justice movement has seen her evolve her work to the Empowerment Institute, a boutique bureau providing information, speakers, trainers, coaches and events for personal and professional development. EI offers solutions in health, wealth and happiness!

PATCH ADAMS Living with Joy in Life and Work OCTOBER 17, 7.30pm sharp MERCURE HOTEL NORTH QUAY BRISBANE Earlybirds Main Lecture

Earlybirds Main Lecture $125.00 (including 10 % tax) Main lecture tickets valued at $165, buy early and save $40!



Learning to Parent: with Clayfield Counselling!

Do you need a village to raise a child?

We often hear that famous African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child." when discussing the challenges of parenting. It reflects the notion that many people i.e. parents, siblings, extended families and the community influence children's lives. But, it also has significant meaning for new parents and highlights the support they need to perform this very demanding role. There is an expectation that first time parents just naturally know what to do. This is rarely the case with most parents learning by trial and error. In a recent Brisbane News article Dr John Irvine wrote, "Parenting is not meant to be all left to the mother and father. Every new parent - single or coupled - is "at risk" without tribal support". Parenting is a 24 hour; 7 day a week job and for new parents this can be a major adjustment in their lives. Struggling to care for an infant whose only response in the first few weeks seems to be constant crying or sleeping can be very disheartening, often leaving parents exhausted and vulnerable to a wide range of emotions, worries and doubt. Having a support network helps new parents overcome their fears and feelings of insecurity and gives them the confidence they need to embrace the many challenges ahead.

Who is teaching Parents how to parent?

It is reasonable to assume that the way we parent is heavily influenced by how we were brought up as children. For many of us it was the "traditional" model of family life, i.e. father in the workforce and mother at home raising the children. However for some people these traditional role models may not be the ideal scenario for raising a happy family. The father is absent from the family unit most of the time and the mother forgoes much of her independence to stay at home. There is a major push these days for fathers to adopt a greater presence in their children's lives. Additionally many mothers are now in the work force and pursuing personal goals when their children are still quite young. Today, more than ever, parents are relying on alternative carers for their children. Traditional roles are blending and in the case of stay-at-home dads, reversing. There is no right or wrong model, for families to adhere to. It is up to each family unit to find what works best for them. Regardless of what role each parent takes within the family unit, the most important thing to realize, is that having more individual freedom does not reduce the responsibility of being a parent. Like our own parents, we are constantly teaching our children by our example, whether we're conscious of it or not.

What makes a happy family?

It is easy to become disillusioned with the choices we've made for our family life when we are consistently exposed to media images of how a "happy family" should look and behave. The notion of mothers maintaining a spotless house, cooking meals and caring for the children, never becoming impatient or angry whilst fathers are in high income jobs, perhaps working long hours but never feeling tired or stressed is simply unrealistic. Trying to imitate this scenario can lead to feelings of inadequacy and guilt because we are unable to live up to these impossible standards. As mention earlier, what we need to remember is that it's not the structure of the family unit that provides the foundation for happiness, but the individuals within that unit and their actions and reactions. Ingredients for making happy families include loving communication between family members and quality time spent as a group and one-to-one to strengthen family bonds. These ideals hold true for all types of families whether they be seen as traditional, modern, single parent, separated, same sex parents, or blended family structures.

Being a parent is not a short-term investment; it's a lifetime commitment. Raising a child is an enormous responsibility and it is important to remember that no matter how hard we try we will never be perfect at the task. As new parents we need to accept that we will make mistakes and forgive ourselves, rather than dwell on the negative feelings that threaten to overwhelm us. Seeking out support from family and the community is the key to navigating the role of new parenthood and in return we become part of the support group for new parents that come after us. It is by sharing our experiences with others that we help to build the community support network for all families. Pride, joy, love and laughter are feelings that want to be shared and as parents we have the opportunity to express these feelings everyday.


$10 off your first consultation!

clickhere for details 07 3862 6622





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Contours Express (Newmarket): 75% off start up fees! (conditions apply) ( mention to redeem)

Body Industries- Katrina Newell ND( Greenslopes):One blend of Australian bushflower essences with an initial consultation. Please phone 3891 6525 to make an appointment and mention when booking.

Tree of Health (NONI) (National)- Buy 4 x 1 litre bottles Tree of Health Noni Juice for $190 and get a 500ml bottle for just $5 extra. SAVE $23. P/H $8 city; $10 country mention

Releve (National) RELEVE FOR MENSTRUAL PAIN Discounts available on bulk purchase! mention when booking.

Hand Made Naturals (Highgate Hill) For all 'My Health Specials' customers a 'one of' offer of 10% discount when you purchase the 3 products mentioned together ie: Jojoba Cream Cleanser, Organic Rose Water, Rose Hip & Jojoba Face Cream. Total cost of the 3 would normally be $36.50 with 10% discount this brings it down to $32.85 plus receive a complimentary facial sponge(valued at $2.50) to use with the Jojoba Cream cleanser. (when you mention myhealthspecials!)

Domain Domain Skin and Body(city)Over $200 of beauty treatments for just $89 Enjoy a facial treatment specifically tailored for your skin for $89 And receive absolutely FREE Eyebrow reshape and tint $30 FREE / Scalp, neck and shoulder massage $40 FREE / Glycolic peel or Eye treatment $55 FREE You Pay only $89.00 (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

What is Raw Milk and Why is it so Healthy?By Joanne Hay

Many modern nutritionists say that humans shouldn’t drink milk, that we are the only mammal who drinks milk after weaning and the only mammal who drinks the milk of other mammals. Milk has been linked to acne, allergies, Asthma, obesity, heart disease and cancer. Its enough to put you off for life, even if it does taste like heaven. Humans, however, have been herding ruminants for millenia. “Thirty thousand years ago, people in the High Sinai were confining and breeding antelope with the aid of fences, a human invention arguably as important as the spear,” writes Joann Grohman in Keeping A Family Cow. Humans have herded and milked all manner of ruminants including sheep, goats, horses, yaks, llamas, asses, buffalo, camels, reindeer and cows on each continent of the globe. How is it that we now suffer illness from consuming the foods created by our generous friends? The answer, in short, is pasteurisation (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Honeyed Strawberry Dip!



125g strawberries, hulled and roughly chopped 200g tub Australian Reduced Fat Natural Yogurt 1 tablespoon honey fresh fruit, cut into small portions, to serve


1. Place strawberries in a bowl and roughly crush with a potato masher or fork 2. Stir through yogurt and honey. Chill for 1 hour. 3. Serve dip with fresh fruit. Nutritional Analysis Per Serve Energy: 534 Sugar: 20 Protein: 6 Sodium: 69 Calcium: 169 Fat: 1.8 SaFa: 1.1 Iron: 0 Carbohydrate: 20 Fibre: 1

Energy: 1997 Sugar: 6 Protein: 33 Sodium: 302 Calcium: 289 Fat: 10.2 SaFa: 4.4 Iron: 2 Carbohydrate: 61 Fibre: 3

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

I've sure gotten old. I've had two bypass surgeries. Also a hip replacement; later new knees. I’ve fought prostate cancer, and diabetes. I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine, I take 40 dozens of medications that make me dizzy, winded, and subject to blackouts. I have bouts with dementia. I have poor circulation and barely feel my hands and feet anymore. I can't remember if I'm 85 or 92. I have lost all my friends.

But Thank God, I still have my driver's license!

Quote of the week!

"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing." Thomas Jefferson advising his daughter Martha, 1787.

For a Good Cause: Why support Deaf Services Queensland?

Deaf Services Queensland, formerly the Queensland Deaf Society, is a not-for-profit organisation that provides support services to deaf and hard of hearing Queenslanders throughout the state. For over 103 years, we have been providing information, referral, advocacy, interpreting, aged care, lifestyle support, education and employment services, to enrich the lives of thousands of deaf and hard of hearing people in Queensland. As a not-for-profit organisation, our service is made possible with the support of volunteers, the community, businesses and government..

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • West End Osteopathic Clinic!
  • Hand Made Naturals !
  • Releve!
  • Xango!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.