Issue 85

Your Lifestyle Should Be Your Medicine:with the Hibiscus Health Haven!

Living in balance with nature's laws is the only way to true vitality and freedom from sickness.

Things like sunshine, clean water, fresh air, good wholesome fresh foods, rest, peace of mind and exercise all done correctly give our bodies the correct conditions it needs to self-regulate, self-adjust and where possible self-heal. It is a fact of biological science that all living things can heal and rejuvenate themselves where it is possible when given the right biological conditions they need to have freedom from disease and a high level of health in all areas of living.

A good way to kick start your body into this program is to do a detoxification first, followed by an 11 week rejuvenation plan. This is what we teach you at Hibiscus Health Haven, how to take control of your own health and that of your loved ones.

This is the beginning of health at an intra-cellular cleansing and detoxification. When this is done correctly you will discover rejuvenation of body and mind on a cellular level. Correct knowledge is personal power to change your life, perhaps save your life and extend your life.

Disease is a 'dis-equilibrium' in the body's self regulating functions, in otherwords, 'a departure from what is normal'. Toxins are being generated every second of our lives. These only become hazardous for our health when we allow them to accumulate beyond the normal limit of what the body can tolerate.

It is through the body tissue and fluids that contain abnormal amounts of unexcreted, accumulated wastes that disease processes can develop. When elimination of body waste is impaired by a faulty lifestyle, disease in one of its forms is inevitable. Your blood is your River of Life so keep it unpolluted and flowing freely to every cell in your body.

Disease and germs come when you have the right conditions set up for them. Detox your body, get started on the rejuvenation program, feel the vitality that is there for the taking. Obey nature's biological laws and live life to the fullest.

HIBISCUS HEALTH HAVEN has been a personal dream for Philip and Fay Lebsanft that has been five years in the making. This is something we have long recognized as a much needed service in country Queensland. We have created a unique country retreat with nature's gorgeous sunsets and serene views, from two 50 year old school buildings

In summer, our pool will entice you in. A bubbling hot spa is your special treat or a hot steamy session in the steam room is not to be missed either.
Detoxification :
If detoxing is required then "Hibiscus Health Haven" is the retreat you need to relax and revive. Learn a lifestyle that is liveable and one that works at keeping you feeling younger in your later years. Our detox program will kick-start your personal aims in achieving better health at a cellular level.
Programs: We offer 6 or 13 day or longer detox and rejuvenation programs. You will learn the benefits of skin brushing, to breath fully, how to relax, exercises to keep you supple as well as a simple toning program to shape your body beautifully. Enjoy a complimentary therapeutic massage, and an Iris and Sclerology analysis will give you an insight to where your problems (if you have any) are coming from.
6 Day Detox: During this time you will be on cleansing juices for 3 days, then selected fresh fruits, salads and an alkalizing soup. You will learn full breathing and gentle stretching exercises, learn a 'vitality walk' (an aerobic workout in itself) and toning techniques. You will have plenty of time for sessions in the steam room, sun and REST which are so important during this week.
13 Day or longer Detox and Rejuvenation: After the first week of detox, I introduce more foods to your diet and some physical exercises. During this second week you will have plenty of time to master the vitality walk and have full use of the weights. By the end of this week you will be in a good routine before going home. This is important, as you will follow this routine for the next 10 weeks, to continue the good work you've started here. If followed correctly your body will continue to detox and rejuvenate.
Super 10 Day Bowel Cleanse
In this cleanse you will complete 7 days of cleansing juices before introducing you back on to solids. This 10 day program is exceptional and well worth doing to get your health back on track
Nutrition : Experience a vegetarian feast and learn how to easily prepare common sense and highly nutritious meals that you can continue to prepare at home that make you feel satisfied.
Weight Loss : If weight reduction has been difficult for you, then try our program along with your commitment it will empower you in achieving and maintaining your goals.
Accommodation : Enjoy total privacy (or twin share) in your own attractively individually furnished unit with a private ensuite. Guests have a communal lounge and dining facility all their own. Our totally see-through closed in deck is so gorgeously warm and is the place to relax on those cold winter days.We also cater for B & B's and weekenders.

For program details (clickhere) Email : [email protected]

Call: +61 7 4697 9242 Located at: 780 Merritts Creek Road, MerrittsCreek, Qld. 4352. Australia ( near Toowoomba)

ASK about the discount on 11 day programs for 2 people!

Tips To Activate, Not Hibernate this Winter: with Healthy Inspirations!

Leading Australian dietitian and exercise scientist Matt O'Neill is sharing his tips to avoid winter weight gain and sore joints by activating, not hibernating, this season.

Consulting for Healthy Inspirations women's exercise and weight loss centres at Indooroopilly, Matt is using these tips to motivate members:

  • Don't pack your exercise gear away for winter. Keep it out where you can see it, as a constant reminder that you are ready for winter workouts.
  • Join a gym and exercise where weather isn't an issue.
  • Use a treadmill or exercise bike indoors. You can even set up a magazine to read or watch TV at the same time.
  • Make outdoor winter workouts more pleasant by wearing layers of clothing, rather than one big coat. Peel off sweaters and track pants as you warm up.
  • Take up a new indoor activity, like dancing or indoor bowls where there's social support to keep you going.
  • Try an exercise video at home. You may feel a little goofy, but you only need it to get you through winter.
  • Set a goal to achieve by spring. Enter a fun-run that requires you to train during winter.
  • Make a pact with your buddies to beat the winter blues. You'll have friends in your exact situation.

    Winter is also the best time of year to `soup it up', Matt said. "A broth or low-fat soup at lunch, or as a first course at dinner, helps to fill your stomach without expanding your waistline and there's solid research to back this up."

    Professor Barbara Rolls from Penn State University instructed 200 overweight and obese subjects to follow an energy-restricted diet for a year. The group that was asked to consume two servings of low energy density soup daily lost 50% more weight than the group consuming the same amount of energy as high energy density snack foods.


Call for an Obligation-Free FREE Trial Week ( mention

Click the below links for your local area,

Healthy Inspirations - Indooroopilly 07 3378 4709

Healthy Inspirations - Kenmore 07 3878 5222

Healthy Inspirations - Mitchelton 07 3355 1149

Healthy Inspirations - Mt Gravatt (07) 3420 4233

Healthy Inspirations - Palm Beach 07 5598 4845

For more information about Healthy Inspirations visit



Eliminate Stress: with the Brisbane LiveWell Clinic!

Eliminate stress. Don't let your life slip away without experiencing Health and Happiness

Diana , a female executive told me that every night she drinks a bottle of wine. I asked her why she drinks so much. She replied: "My work is just too much for me, I'm all wound up, but exhausted when I come home. I need the alcohol to relax me and put me to sleep. My husband drinks more than I do. He is simply depressed and stressed because we don't have time for each other any more. When we come home,, we are both exhausted, or angry. Our marriage is not going to last any longer if we continue to act like this. That's why I'm here: you have to help me."

Twelve years ago, this woman was a university graduate, healthy, happy, proud, slim, full of energy. Today, she is overweight , by age forty she had suffered low sex drive, chronic headache, bowel bloating, constipation, wrinkled skin, depression, and her marriage is close to breaking down, and she is now on all kinds of prescription drugs to maintain her day-to-day functions.

Diana demonstrates a rather serious case of stress, and I see many others like her in my clinic.

Stress is an integral part of modern life - more than many people realize. Unfortunately, when people are experiencing a lot of stress, they often visit a doctor or a psychiatrist who prescribes tranquillizers or antidepressants. All this achieves is temporary relief of symptoms. While the person may not be as stressed as before, they become confused and lost. They also suffer the side effects associated with these drugs: weight gain, liver malfunction, headaches, dizziness, low sex drive and so on.
Other people might not start taking tranquillizers or antidepressants, but instead smoke, or use alcohol, chocolate, or coffee.

Rarely do people seek the real cause of the stress and attempt to deal with by correcting lifestyle or mental attitude.
Some common causes of stress are: examinations, changing jobs, moving house, divorce, smoking, over-work, over-exercising, negativity, late nights and lack of sleep, death of family member or friend, marriage breakdown, injury or illness, job loss, loss of sexual function, pregnancy, poor family relationships, difficulty in getting along at work, lawsuits, accidents, chronic diseases and so on.

These are more serious types of stress and they need to be dealt with in a serious manner. If they are not treated properly, they will create a tremendous load on the immune system and the organ systems, especially the heart, blood vessels, and adrenals.
Lesser degrees of stress are everywhere in our lives. However, the same stress that can make one person ill can be invigorating someone else. It depends on their mental attitude. To deal with stress effectively, you must learn the following management techniques.

1.Positive mental attitude. Go back to basic. You are what you think.
2.Healthy diet and lifestyle. You are what you eat and drink.
3.Proper exercise and relaxation--- The best anti stress and anti inflammatory pills.
4.Adrenal support with herbs and bioorganic nutrients.

If you are now taking chemical drugs such as antidepressants or tranquillizers, or consume large amounts of alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, food, have major mood swings, and appear to have lost the purpose and goals in your life, you need to see a good natural therapist to help you correct these habits. This is most important, because if you don't correct them, you reinforce your stress levels.

Some Thousand year old Chinese herbs are wonderful in helping you cope with stress. They work on nourishing your nervous system and support your adrenal function as well as regulating your thyroid and metabolism. Some of these famous herbs are " Jia wei San", " Dan Mai San", " Xiao Yao San".

Acupuncture is also extremely successful in both treating and preventing stress. The purpose of acupuncture is to reduce fire in the liver meridian and nourish the heart and kidney. People report feeling wonderful after one or two treatments.

Here is something that you can do for yourself at home. As soon as you get home from work each day, remove your shoes and hose. Prepare a basin of hot water with five drops essential oil of lavender. Sit down, put your feet into the water, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and feel the deep relaxation of your body. Then go into your bedroom, turn on a relaxation tape, lie down comfortably and listen to the tape. You will find that you don't need to reach for coffee, alcohol or chocolate anymore, and you will be much happier at home.

This is a Japanese ritual. Most Japanese houses have a special room for performing this ritual. Japanese work very hard, but they never take their stress home with them. They download the stress before they enter their home. That is why the concept of the Japanese garden is so attractive to western people. It presents the sense of peace, simplicity and tranquility.

Washing their feet in warm flower scented water discharge their daily stress into the water. They meditate for 10 minutes, bring their energy from their mind to their body and heart and then they can fully enjoy their family life with their loved ones.

Western people need to learn urgently how to live a more peaceful life style. Everyone out there is going crazy with all kinds of self created stress. More than 30% of women are on anti depressants. This is a shocking fact. There are so many reasons why these women are depressed. Some of these reasons can be purely mental, emotional, some can be biochemical. The most important thing to do is for a good practitioner to help you identify the actual cause so you can cure it.

Life is meant to be lived joyfully. Health and happiness are what you want out of this life time. So don't let your life slip away without them.

By Hong Curley and Jane Ma Chinese Medical Practitioners from China

Email: [email protected] or Ph: 073861 5881

Located in Wavell Heights



Prolific Singer Songwriter Steven Jaymes: Performs a FREE Concert at the Courier Mail Spiegeltent 25/7!


Steven James is back with his 4th album Black 17. The new album showcases Stevens trademark Bluesy Jazz and roots complete with his world class songwriting.

As part of the Brisbane Festival Steven will be performing with his 7 piece band at the Courier Mail Spiegeltent KING GEORGE SQUARE TUESDAY THE 25th of July!




Media Release


"The music demands attention of every atom present in the room" Mindy Christiernin Boras Times, Sweden

Steven Jaymes wants to go home, but after so many years in so many places he is not sure where that is any more!

In the past two years he's performed his trademark bluesy jazz and roots sound in London, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Japan, New York City, Spain, Cuba and his home country, Australia. In his twenty five years of song writing and performing, he's played with Gavin DeGraw and Keith Urban and in such legendary venues as The Bitter End in NYC, Ronnie Scotts in London through to brothels in Switzerland.

Steven Jaymes' 4th album, Black 17 comes off the back of the independent success of his last album Hemingway's Cats, which is still receiving ongoing support in Australia and Sweden where two tracks have hit the Swedish airwaves.

The 11 song Black 17 begins with "Don't you know," a Gritty melodic track that sets the stage for an album draped in blues, jazz and roots. Apart from the whiskey edged voice that flows through his songs; he also makes his own, versions of Paul Simons 50 ways to leave your lover and a version of Dragon's iconic hit, April Sun in Cuba.

"The recording of Black 17 was the antithesis of Hemingway's Cats where I spent five years travelling & recording all around the world, this time it was mostly done in five hours, what a relief and joy just to play" says Steven.

With sell out shows at the famous Ronnie Scotts in London and a barrage of showcases across Europe Black 17 has been picked up for release in Scandinavia and Germany. He's received hand written letters from Geoffrey Rush, been courted by Hollywood producers and secured management in LA (LA - PD) and Sweden (Hemifran) but still lives to perform.

"It's like joining Sting on a picnic with Van Morrison where Don Henley is showing up with the dessert, Steven Jaymes has enough heart and soul to spread love through his music over the pacific ocean. Who can stop him?, who wants to?,not me! 11 real nice tunes." Kaj Roth - Melodic - Sweden


Black 17 is available at HMV Brisbane City,JB Hi Fi or HMV online & Itunes

or visit for more information!

or visit for the entire Brisbane Festival program.

Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Radiant Body Bar(Capalaba): Purchase a Contour Body Wrap and Receive a Free Mini Pedicure (valued $40) (mention

Rainesforest Massage & Day Spa(Indooroopilly) Special Thank you gift Complimentary spa and sauna Free aromatherapy oils Tea, coffee and biscuits during your visit ( mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Neverfail Spring Water -(National) 3 Bottles FREE with your first order! (call 13 30 37 to order - be sure to mention myhealthspecials)

Groves Natural Therapies(Wooloongabba) 20% off your first consultation! (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Trim-A- Weigh (South East Qld)- $40 discount off a 4 week program - phone or email for a free gift voucher. (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Sarah Speaks By Joanne Hay

Can birth really be an ecstatic experience? How can an ecstatic birth enhance safety, ease and pleasure for mother and baby? What is the scientific evidence that supports natural and ecstatic birth? Why is gentle birth a logical choice? (more…)

Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Chocolate Orange & Current Torte!

Serves: 4


125g Australian Butter 500g dark chocolate, chopped 1/4 cup orange juice 4 eggs 1/4 cup white sugar 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup ground hazelnut 1/2 cup plain flour, sifted 1/2 cup currants 1 tablespoon finely grated orange rind cocoa, for dusting vanilla bean ice-cream, to serve 1 orange, segmented


Place butter and chocolate in a double saucepan. Heat gently over simmering water, until smooth and melted. Stir in orange juice. Allow to cool completely. 2. Beat eggs and sugars together until very thick and creamy. Fold in ground hazelnuts, flour, chocolate mixture, currents and orange zest. Pour mixture into a 22cm buttered and lined springform pan. Bake at 180?C for 45-50 minutes. Allow to cool for 30 minutes before dusting heavily with cocoa. 3. Serve with ice-cream and orange segments.


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Laughter is the best medicine!

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (The Times of London)

Dear Sir,

I am firmly opposed to the spread of microchips either to the home or to the office, We have more than enough of them foisted upon us in public places. They are a disgusting Americanism, and can only result in the farmers being forced to grow smaller potatoes, which in turn will cause massive unemployment in the already severely depressed agricultural industry.


Quote of the month!

“A stumble may prevent a fall.” – Margaret Thatcher, British prime minister

For a Good Cause: Why support the Starlight Children Foundation Australia?

Living with a serious illness or injury can cause enormous strain in the lives of children and their families.Their everyday lives and the joys of childhood often taking a backseat to the stress of treatment and hospitalisation. Since 1988, Starlight has been brightening the lives of seriously ill children at a time when they need it most. Starlight provides them with an opportunity to connect with a variety of programs that can enhance their emotional well being and help them forget their illness. "Starlight was like that gasp of air, in between being dumped by waves" Starlight Parent..


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Total Bliss!
  • Assirm Natural Therapies!
  • Amigo Juice!
  • Patch Adams!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.