Issue 83

Dr Patch Adams Called to Administer Joy in Brisbane?:with the Empowerment Institute!

At a time when Australia is supposedly at its financially wealthiest according to Treasurer Peter Costello, who recently proclaimed the Commonwealth as debt-free, thoughts turn to the state of the nation in terms of individual and workplace happiness.

It is ironic that in our first world country we owe nothing overseas, but what do we now owe to ourselves, each other and our workplaces? Are we really happy?

Many Australians feel that the political system has let them down, and that governments are not responding to their real concerns. We seem to have lost sight of a vision for a better society and to have entrusted our future to wherever the market takes us.

We now know a great deal about the factors that enhance our wellbeing and those that diminish it. Increasingly the negatives seem to outweigh the positives, despite our affluence.

Australians are three times richer than their parents and grandparents were in the 1950s, but they are no happier. Despite the evidence of a decline in national wellbeing, governments continue to put economic interests first. The obsession with economic growth means other things that could improve our wellbeing are sacrificed.

There is widespread community concern that the values of the market-individualism, selfishness, materialism, competition-are driving out the more desirable values of trust, self-restraint, mutual respect and generosity.

So, how far are we really along in the wellbeing scale? What makes for true happiness, if it is not "affluenza"?

Here are some sobering figures in our culture that seems to increasingly drink or take drugs to blot out reality to try to find happiness.

Depression currently causes over six million working days to be lost each year according to Beyond Blue, a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.

Individual depression now starts as young as early youth (roughly age 14.5) if not childhood, as opposed to our late thirties some 30 years ago - a Martin Seligman (American father of Positive Psychology) statistic in his book Authentic Happiness.

It has been estimated that 6.4 million Australian adults - almost half the adult population - accessed the Internet during 2005. Reportedly, more Internet users search the Web for information on depression than any other health condition.

It is estimated that 200 million scripts for anti-depressant medication are written in Australia yearly.

Further, the incidence of drug and alcohol abuse is at alarming societal levels, not only in younger age groups, but increasingly as a choice for celebrities, the upwardly mobile, and the weekend consumer as well as the weekday have-or-want-to's.

So, how happy are we? Will outside pleasures ever fill up the "holes in our souls," as Dr Phil of Oprah fame, describes it.

How do we find real joy in life and work, and how does it start?

According to Dr Patch Adams, clown and humanitarian - it is a choice that you make. And he is coming to Australia in October to tell us also about the how's, when's, where's and why's.

Hunter "Patch" Adams has been a physician for nearly 30 years, but he has been a clown for almost 40. He is a social activist, and Founder and Director of the Gesundheit Institute, a holistic medical community that has provided free medical care to thousands of patients since it began in 1971. Patch travels the world presenting at a staggering amount of places every year, as well as fulfilling his altruistic activities. For more info see

His message, that he brings at last to Brisbane, is how to make the conscious choice everyday of "Living with Joy in Life and Work ".

Thousands have seen the movie "Patch Adams." This is your chance to get up close and personal with one of the greatest altruists and social justice entrepreneurs of our time and learn what it takes to live a personally and professionally happier life.

Seats are limted, please book early to ensure your seat online at

Patch set new standards for the event as a speaker. He was mind blowing and raised the event to new heights. His presentation was entirely relevant to the audience.

- Graham Anderson, Saxton Management Group Pty Ltd, Australia Spoke to Australian Professional Pharmacy Association Conference

Behind his clown-like persona lies a great deal of wisdom, and it often falls to the court jester to speak the truth that those in power need to hear.
Bernie Siegel, M.D.

For more information, please contact Susan Welch, Director of the Empowerment Institute 073268 1036 or 0413651643 [email protected]

This event proudly supports Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Research Foundation, and Sids And Kids Queensland.

Susan Welch is Laughter Therapist and an Authentic Happiness Coach in the new Positive Psychology. She has been a pioneer of the Happiness movement in this country for the past 4 years, working with over 15,000 people in health, mental health, aged care, hospitals, schools, disability, corporate and government arenas. The evolution of this grass roots social justice movement has seen her evolve her work to the Empowerment Institute, a boutique bureau providing information, speakers, trainers, coaches and events for personal and professional development. EI offers solutions in health, wealth and happiness!

PATCH ADAMS Living with Joy in Life and Work OCTOBER 17, 7.30pm sharp MERCURE HOTEL NORTH QUAY BRISBANE

Earlybirds Main Lecture

Earlybirds Main Lecture $125.00 (including 10 % tax) Main lecture tickets valued at $165, buy early and save $40!

Main Lecture

BULK BUY ONLY Main Lecture BULK BUY ONLY $99.00 (including 10 % tax) Main lecture BULK BUY ONLY, 10 tickets minimum. Normally $110 each for 10 for more. Tickets must be purchased before July 31.


Identifying & Resolving The Underlying Cause of Dis-ease: with Optimal Health & Wellness!

We have an innate ability to heal ourselves. When, for some reason we cannot heal ourselves, our subconscious will let us know that there is an unresolved problem that we need to pay conscious attention to. It does this by creating symptoms.

Rather than shooting the messenger by suppressing the symptoms, at Optimal Health & Wellness we help you to find what is causing the symptoms; what it is that the subconscious is unable to resolve and heal on its own.

During most of our sessions we use the gentle science of muscle testing (Kinesiology) and your subconscious actually directs us to reveal the cause of your problem, 'choosing' techniques that suit your preferred healing path. These may include many of the natural healing therapies and references, from both Western and Eastern philosophies some of which are - Homeopathy, Essences, Neuro-Training, Kinesiology, Emotional Stress Defusions, Acupuncture and Acupressure points, Nutrition or whatever other correction you need to resolve your particular problem - ones that will enhance your own natural healing ability.

The outcomes of an appointment can include:

  • Feelings of contentment and wellbeing
  • Clarity of thought
  • Energy and vitality
  • Pain relief
  • Choices and personal power
  • Harmonious relationships
  • Long term healing
  • Feeling well and happy…. and more

    We also hold workshops on Kinesiology, Homeopathic First Aid, Touch For Health, Neuro-Training, Food and Supplement Testing and Foot Joint Mobilisation for family use, personal development and professional training.


25% discount on first consultation. Normal $80 special $60 (inc GST). Extras such as homeopathics, herbs and supplements not included. ( Mention

clickhere for details

or call 07 3397 1898 or email [email protected]

Located in Cooparoo




Taking the pain out of women's periods: with Sandi Barnes Naturopath!

Period pain is a very common complaint I come across in my clinic. Many women think that period pain is normal. A bit of pain is usual, but being common doesn't make it normal. Painful periods are a symptom, not a disease and to successfully treat it, it's important to first establish what is causing the pain.

The severity of pain can vary greatly between women and is often described as a continual, dull ache or sense of heaviness, with episodes of cramping pain. A heavy aching pain extending down to the groin, back and thighs may be experienced and can be very debilitating, even being accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

Painful periods are generally caused by imbalances in contractions of the uterus, hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, certain conditions may lower a woman's pain threshold, worsening period pain, including anemia, obesity, chronic illness, overwork, stress, diabetes, and poor nutrition.

I encourage my clients to adjust their dietary and lifestyle habits to help reduce inflammation, enhance nutritional status and remove the triggers that worsen their condition. Additionally, I recommend supplements such as B6, magnesium and fatty acids to help reduce pain and replenish nutritional deficiencies. I use herbs, individually prescribed, to rebalance hormonal irregularities, support the uterus, reduce pain, improve the flow of the period and address the liver. The liver is responsible for the breakdown, excretion and recycling of hormones, so to successfully treat hormonal imbalances it's essential to address the liver.

It's not recommended to treat yourself; the subtle balance of your hormones can be easily thrown off-course with the incorrect herbs or nutrients. If you have been suffering from period pain, I can help you determine a suitable treatment for your individual needs. Call or email me now to join the growing number of women who, after treatment, are experiencing pain-free periods and better quality of life.

Sandi can be contacted at the Brisbane LiveWell Clinic

Email: [email protected] or Ph: 073861 5881

Located in Wavell Heights



Detoxification: with the Brisbane Natural Therapies Clinic!

The ancients have the answers. Ayurvedic medicine is the oldest medicine [over 40,000 years] and is the basis for all other systems of health from Chinese medicine to Western medicine.

In all good medicine the digestion is always the basis of good health. Poor digestion implies poor absorption of nutrients and poor excretion of waste. Therefore the wastes then circulate around the body causing the Common symptoms of toxicity;

  • Tiredness [especially on waking in the morning] or after exercise
  • Drowsiness after meals
  • Stiffness or pain in the joints or muscles
  • Bad breath
  • White coating to the tongue
  • Mucus problems such as frequent colds, sinus or flu
  • Weight gain
  • Constipation or a feeling of not completely emptying the bowel
  • Poor appetite
  • Candida [thrush] infections
  • Acne, boils, eczema
  • Poor memory and concentration
  • Mood changes, PMS
  • Depression

    The first sign of toxins reaching high levels in the bowel and then entering into the rest of the body is higher levels of ear wax. Children do not have a strong digestion. They are more susceptible to ear, nose and throat problems because of a poor diet combined with a weak digestion. This causes an accumulation of toxins to a point where bacteria live and grow to high levels leading to the use of anti-biotics. This further weakens the digestion leading to more toxins going deeper into the body until eventually more serious symptoms develop such as Eczema and Asthma.

    The treatment I use for detoxification is a combination of Western Alternative medicine [pre and pro biotics] combined with Ayurvedic diets and herbs for the best, safest and effective elimination programme.

clickhere for further details on the Brisbane Natural Therapies Clinic

email [email protected] PH: 0421 830 139

Located in Mitchelton

Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Ultra Health Centre(wooloongabba):
20% Off a 1 hour massage! INCLUDES FREE SPA SAUNA STEAM FACILITIES ( mention

New Farm Hypnotherapy Clinic
Your choice of a complimentary relaxation book or CD at your first consultation, Valued at over $35! - (mention

Neverfail Spring Water -(National) 3 Bottles FREE with your first order! ( call 13 30 37 to order - be sure to mention myhealthspecials)

Total Bliss (Buranda) -FREE Indian head,neck and shoulder massage (worth $45.00) with a total bliss ultimate facial! (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

New Farm Holistic Health Centre(City) - Purchase any day spa package and receive a self-application mud wrap absolutely FREE or Receive 10% off any products or services! ( Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Hemp - Not for Human Consumption By Sally Fallon

A number of companies are now selling hemp oil, toasted and shelled hemp seeds and granola bars containing hemp seeds. This is not a good use for hemp. Hemp may be appropriate for domestic animals and birds, but it should not be used for human food. In China, where cultivation of hemp originated, hemp oil was used occasionally, but there are no references in the Chinese literature to the use of hemp seeds as food for human beings. (Simoons, Food in China, 1991) (more…)

Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Aromatic Prawn Curry!

Serves: 3


cooking oil spray 1/4 cup red curry paste 1 brown or red onion, cut into wedges 750g whole medium green prawns, heads removed shelled and deveined 375ml can Australian Reduced Fat Evaporated Milk 3 baby bok choy, cut into quarters, washed 1 small red capsicum, cut into strips 1/2 cup (50g) bean sprouts cooked basmati rice, for serving


1. Lightly spray a frypan with cooking oil spray. Add curry paste and onions and cook on medium heat until onions are tender. Add prawns and cook for 1 minute or until fragrant.

2. Pour in evaporated milk, bok choy, capsicum and bean sprouts. Simmer until prawns are cooked through and vegetables are tender. Serve with basmati rice.

Energy: 1410 Sugar: 13 Protein: 49 Sodium: 1355 Calcium: 555 Fat: 9 SaFa: 2.2 Iron: 3 Carbohydrate: 14 Fibre: 3


Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

Ice cream flavor galore

A January 1994 Reuters News Service story on Manuel Oliveira's ice cream shop in Merida, Venezuela, reported on his 567 flavors, including onion, chili, beer, eggplant, smoked trout, spaghetti parmesan, chicken with rice, and spinach. He said some flavors fail; he once abandoned avocado ice cream, and tossed out 99 pounds of it, because it wasn't smooth enough.


Quote of the month!

Success is more a function of consistent common sense than it is of genius.” – An Wang, industrialist

For a Good Cause: Why support the Starlight Children Foundation Australia?

Living with a serious illness or injury can cause enormous strain in the lives of children and their families.Their everyday lives and the joys of childhood often taking a backseat to the stress of treatment and hospitalisation. Since 1988, Starlight has been brightening the lives of seriously ill children at a time when they need it most. Starlight provides them with an opportunity to connect with a variety of programs that can enhance their emotional well being and help them forget their illness. "Starlight was like that gasp of air, in between being dumped by waves" Starlight Parent..


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Total Bliss!
  • Assirm Natural Therapies!
  • Amigo Juice!
  • Sowelu Naturally Different Fitness!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.