
Issue Number 8 - October 2001

In this months issue of "Naturally Happy"

Give the gift of health this Christmas!

Thought about Christmas gifts yet? You will find over 400 Gift Voucher ideas for your family, friends and partners at Indulge them in a day spa, massage or even invest in a gym membership. Simply click on one of our 68 categories, locate a business in your desired area and print off your money saving voucher.

We guarantee you will save your hard earned dollars on all your Christmas shopping - and by giving the gift of health you will add to the quality of life of your friends and family.

Click here to find more

Jet Therapy: Treatments that work!

Jet therapy uses natural pure air that passes through a special agitator jet to deliver an exceptionally deep penetrating massage that significantly increases the activity of the lymphatic & circulatory systems. Outstanding results for reducing cellulite, diminishing facial lines and detoxifying the body.

Stimulates Circulation:

JET THERAPY brings instant relief to people suffering from numbness, cold feet, stiffness, tingling, pins & needles etc. by stimulating and increasing the blood circulation to the area. People afflicted with degenerative circulatory disorders have found it to be especially effective.
If you find it hard to sleep or are woken during the night with pain then JET THERAPY may be the answer for you.

Norman Spekham explained: “I have for years suffered from bad circulation. I was a keen walker but could no longer walk because of the excruciating pain. The results after only three treatments have been astounding. The circulation has returned to my feet and the pain in my calves is no longer as severe.”

Cellulite Removal:

JET THERAPY is every woman’s answer to Cellulite Removal. Most women, regardless of shape and size, struggle with unsightly bubbles of fat on the legs, thighs, buttocks, hips, stomach, etc.


JET THERAPY treats the condition of microcirculation deficiency which precipitates damage to fat tissue. Poor circulation causes a fatty build-up in the tissues, which eventually causes the lymphatic and blood vessel walls to permeate. When this happens the vessels leak fluid into the surrounding tissues creating further congestion. This congestion causes swelling which is visible on the skin surface as the unsightly bumps and the orange peel effect. The congestion in the tissues also hinders toxin drainage and the transfer of nutrients such as oxygen to the tissue. The connective tissue becomes progressively damaged until it eventually scars, trapping the fat cells within, causing those unsightly surface bumps.


Cellulite removal cannot be achieved simply by dieting - the cellulite has to be broken down by external manipulation. JET THERAPY uses a technological deviation that uses pure air to facilitate deep massage to these areas. Perfectly painless; no surgical interventions, only pure air. Promotes blood circulation through a deep penetrative massage. JET THERAPY increases urinary output eliminating toxins in the body and encourages fluid toxin elimination through the skin surface.

Sports Injuries:

Any sports injury that will benefit from a deep penetrative massage, will have positive results from a JET THERAPY treatment. The treatment increases the blood flow and oxygen to the damaged area thereby speeding up the recovery time.

JET THERAPY has successfully treated tennis elbow, sprains, hamstrings, ligaments, back and neck pain as well as accident victims.

De-toxing Massage:

Jet Therapy is an external, deep penetrating massage applied to the body using cold compressed air, which stimulates circulation in the body tissues and the micro vessels.

Jet Therapy increases the activity of the lymphatic and vascular systems thereby improving the body’s ability to remove and expel toxins from the tissues. As a result the urinary output is increased and there is an increase in expiration via the skin, which helps eliminate toxins from the body.

Facial Wrinkle Treatment:

The facial jet not only smoothes out wrinkles but also has a constricting action on the micro vessels in the skin. This causes a reflex action in the facial muscles and nerves and simultaneously stimulates the circulation to counteract the drop in temperature. This is very effective in ageing skin where the factors of a natural decrease in circulation, a decrease in hormones and as a result of lack of oxygen and nourishment, have caused the skin to become slack. An additional benefit of this treatment is the exfoliation of the area brought about by the air expelled under pressure directly onto the skin, which results in the skin taking on a healthy glow.


To find your closest Jet Therapist Click here


Personal Training: Shape up for summer!

with Brad Sheppard – Peak Physique Personal Training

People always ask me how to shape up; they are constantly in a search for new methods, new strategies & new ideas on how to improve their body. The bottom line is that if you are active (exercise) above & beyond your energy intake (food consumed), then your body will be burning those nutrients most efficiently. The best strategy is to, then, do more activity.

One of the major satisfactions that I & the team at Peak Physique feel is not only getting great results for people, but, seeing that habitual change that takes place when somebody embraces their fitness program. Of course, we help with the construction & tuition, however if the individual does not commit themselves to performing regular activity then the challenge is much greater.

The time to shape up for summer is now! The countdown is on until Christmas with only 8 weeks left, and this becomes a popular time to create & help people achieve their goals through exercise. One of the major influences becomes the holiday period, “I want to look great before I go on holidays”, “I want to wear a bikini this summer”, “I want to feel more comfortable in the heat”. If you are familiar with some of these comments then you are already motivated to achieving your goals. That’s great, so let me give you a few strategies that we use at Peak Physique to help our clients achieve their goals constantly.

1) Move More – We thoroughly encourage exercise. I would rather see my client enjoy their glass of wine AND perform the exercise, rather than trying to adhere to restrictive diets!

2) Eat Less Carbohydrate – We love carbohydrate (as many do!), however, we encourage the moderation of carb’s, as the over consumption of carbohydrate can contribute to making you fat!

3) Perform strength training – A stronger muscle uses more energy, increases your metabolism and makes you able to do so much more in life.

4) Enjoy Every Session – There’s nothing worse than feeling like exercise is a drag! Start to link positive thoughts & feelings to your exercise regime, do something you enjoy. At Peak Physique we always make sure that;you are having fun. If you’re having fun the exercise becomes much less challenging.

Brad Sheppard operates Peak Physique, a Brisbane based consultancy that helps individuals create & achieve their goals through exercise. Brad is a national fitness lecturer and former Junior Mr Australia. You can contact Brad & the Peak Physique Team on 0412-999-656, orclickhere for further details. Be sure to register for your FREE fitness newsletter coming online soon with workout tips, recipes & real life achievements.

Salt Crystal Lamps : Naturally Beautiful..... Naturally Healthy

Salt Crystal Lamps are a natural, effortless way to enhance your well being, and a beautifully unique addition to your home décor. Non-illuminated (cool) salt crystals work as mini ionisers, however the Salt Crystal Lamps (warm) which are illuminated from inside emit a higher number of negative ions.

Unlike some mass-produced items, each Salt Crystal Lamp has been carefully handcrafted and is unique - no two are alike on the planet. Salt crystal lamps are made from salt crystal rock formed by nature over hundreds of millions of years ago, and mined 800 metres underground in salt rock mines in Asia and Europe.

The salt crystal lamps are carefully hand shaped to retain the unique, natural shape and crystal structure of the salt rock. Explosives and standard methods of washing by water vapour are avoided when mining the salt crystal rock for the lamps we recommend. Salt crystal rocks of such clear and beautiful colours are rare, only to be found in limited locations in the world.

To order one of these masterpieces for yourself or for a Christmas Gift Click here

Mobile Natural Therapies: Absolute Convenience!

Brisbane Naturopath Scott Smail saw a niche market and now gives people a greater choice as to where and when treatment sessions take place - whether you prefer the comfort and privacy of your own home or your office, Naturopathic HealthCare now offers mobile services to all areas.

Services offered include: Naturopathy, Bowen Therapy, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Nutrition.

At Naturopathic HealthCare we aim to provide you with the best treatment options by utilising one or more of the modalities above. For example, you may have chronic lower back pain - treatments are individually designed and may involve a combination of Bowen Therapy, Herbal Medicine and Nutritional supplementation. All treatments aim at treating the underlying cause to prevent the problem from recurring, and at the same time giving immediate relief of signs and symptoms allowing you to get on with your day to day activities.

For all your HealthCare concerns, please contact Scott on 0409 643 285 or Click here

Practitioner Profile : Jodie Schubert : Remedial Massage Therapist

Jodie heads up Explore Natural Therapies in the city and delivers one of the best massages you'll ever have.

What do I specialise in?

Remedial Massage Therapy - improving posture and muscular imbalances to reduce pain and muscle soreness, and to prevent injury. My favourite techniques are Deep Tissue Massage and Trigger Point Therapy because the results are fantastic!

What qualifications do I have and what associations am I a member of?

I currently have a Certificate IV in Natural Therapies (Massage) and am continuing my studies toward a Diploma of Health Science (Remedial Massage). I am an RMT member of QAMT (Queensland Association of Massage Therapists). I am also a registered Fitness Leader and teach aerobics and aqua classes. In addition I have completed a Bachelor of Science (Australian Environmental Studies).

What are the key benefits of my modality?

Remedial massage focuses on specific areas of pain or injury to help heal soft tissue and muscle. Using specific techniques I can help to improve range of movement and lengthen shortened muscles which helps to re-align postural imbalances, reducing the risk of injury and reducing pain and stiffness. Remedial Massage makes you feel fantastic!!

Jodie can be contacted on 3229 0699 at Explore Natural Therapies or Click Here.

Eating for energy : A fast start to a healthy lifestyle!

So many of us are constantly tired, lack energy and believe this is just the way life is these days - fast, fast, fast. Well, that's wrong - this is called sub-optimal health!

For a fast start to a new healthy lifestyle, eliminate dairy foods and limit gluten (wheat/oats/barley and rye) and products containing sugar. Eating for Energy recipe book contains simple, tasty recipes with an Asian fusion flavour and basic recipes for gluten/dairy/sugar free baked goods.

From Starters through to Desserts - simplicity is the key to your new healthy lifestyle....observe the results - you may be surprised!

Click here to order Eating for Energy e-book for only $12 Aus.

Short and Sweet: Sultana Pikelets with Bananas and Ice Cream

Sultana Pikelets with Bananas and Ice Cream
Serves: 10

  • 1 cup self raising flour
  • 1/4 cup sultanas
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/4 cups Australian Milk
  • 30g Australian Butter, melted
  • cinnamon, for sprinkling
  • 2 bananas, sliced
  • Australian Ice Cream, for serving

Method :

1. Sift flour into a large bowl. 2. Add sultanas and cinnamon and make a well in the centre. 3. Whisk egg and milk together and blend into flour to form a smooth batter. 4. Lightly brush a non stick or crepe pan with butter and heat. 5. Drop spoonfuls of mixture into pan. 6. When mixture starts to bubble around the edges turn over and cook the other side until golden brown. 7. Serve with bananas and Ice Cream.

Nutritional Analysis per serve
Serves : 10 Carbohydrates : 21 g
Energy : 557 kJ Calcium : 69 mg
Protein : 4 g Iron : mg
Fat : 4 g








Laughter is the best medicine

A judge was punishing three men because they had committed a crime. Their sentence was a few years in the desert. He said that they could each take one thing with them.

The first guy decides to take an umbrella, so that he can have shade whenever he wants.

The second guy decides to take a water bottle so that he won't get thirsty.

Finally, the third guy decides to take a car door.

The judge asked, "Why in the world would you want to take a car door?" The man replies, "Just in case it gets hot, I can roll down the window."


Quote of the month

"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."

Marie Cur





Congratulations to Natalie from Milton for winning the Beautiful Salt Crystal Lamp. This months giveaway are 5 Free Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber sessions thanks to Oxygen Works. Perfect to relieve stress, fatigue & anxiety and increase your, energy, stamina, endurance & performance! Improve your concentration, focus, memory and decision-making.


Remember - if you are subscribed to Naturally Happy you are automatically entered into every monthly giveaway.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Special Edition devoted to great Christmas gift ideas!
My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness.

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