Issue 77

Boot Camps Australia:The Leaders in Fun Fitness!

The Boot Camps Australia program has been designed to give your body the ultimate workout. Each training session integrates diverse and dynamic exercise regimes and innovative activities. The program is designed to physically and mentally challenge you on an individual and team oriented level. Boot Camps Australia has been designed so that each challenge that you accomplish will take you another step closer towards improving your personal health and fitness, achieving your goals and continually accomplishing results.

As the Boot Camps Australia program is tailored to your needs, you will be placed into a team according to your level of health and fitness. Each team is coordinated by a Boot Camps Australia personal trainer, one of Australia's most unique personal trainers. Your personal trainer will provide continual motivation and support to get you to achieve your goals and more importantly accomplish results.

The exercises and activities conducted in each Boot Camps Australia training session will focus on enhancing: core stability, cardio, endurance, hypertrophy, strength and conditioning and toning. Each Boot Camps Australia training session will comprise diverse activities and exercise, so that you can concentrate on enhancing the areas in which you wish to achieve maximum results.

Point of Difference in Training

Every Boot Camps Australia session is just like a personal training session, without the personal training cost - that's the difference!

We believe in the 5 M's when it comes to our members... Motivate

We motivate our members by providing continual variety and innovative training techniques combined with a fun filled environment week in week out


We manage our members programs by delivering sessions that focus on all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing


We monitor our members progress by testing them and measuring their results every 4 weeks


We help our members achieve the maximum results


We pride ourselves on helping our members achieve their results in the minimum amount of time



Bulimba / Morningside 07 3257 3301

Carindale Phone: 0401 673 283

New Farm 07 3257 3301

Redland Bay 0405 928 990

Rockhampton : 0408 361 672

Stones Corner / Camp Hill 0422 843 662

Wagga Wagga (02) 69250088

Gracemere 0408 361 672

Highfields 0410 475 032

Southport 0432 839 560

Yeppoon 0408 361 672




What can we do for our Children?:With the Green Apple Wellness Centre!

Thousands of Australian children are going to be struggling for the rest of their lives.


Because in the last 30 years there has been an accumulation of habits created by the advent of the fast food industry and the growth of technology (computers, television, electronic games) combined with a decrease in physical activity. The freedom to do incidental physical activity like walking to school or going to the shops on an errand, and to do "fun" physical activity like disappearing for hours roaming, climbing and generally using the body in a hundred different challenging ways has been restricted.

Thousands of children will grow into obese and physically inactive adults with thousands of medical problems and generally struggling.

Obesity levels in the USA are frightening and Australia is not far behind, in fact we are slowly catching up. The National Obesity Taskforce has been established in Australia to identify the causes and create strategic plans to attack the root of this monster.

The question is: What is being done on the coalface to weaken the effects of all this inactivity and poor food choices?

What role can the fitness industry play is slaying this monster?

Any children's activity has to be fun if it is to be successful. There is a huge need for Fitness Centres to become a "club" for families. The third port of call behind home, "Their Club" where they want to go, not only for exercise, but for fun and to wind down from school/work stresses

If we can achieve this, children will start to exercise more. More exercise equals more chance of a healthy body and hopefully better food choices.

How do we do it? That's the million dollar question.

The Green Apple Wellness Centre, Bald Hills, Brisbane, Qld has developed a forever active programme for children.

Mention “My Health Specials” and receive Either: Free Fat-Loss Value $121.00 Or: Two Free Hour Sessions Personal Training!

[email protected] Or 07 3261 1249

or clickhere for details - located in Bald Hills




Life,Work and Balance:With Rex Urwin of Mind Matters!

Life, Work and Balance? By Rex Urwin The intention of this article is to arouse in your awareness the question regarding how you are designing your life or not?

Research has evidenced that those who step into the responsibility of creating their lives consciously tend toward more effective lifestyles and type of work choices. They have better incomes, career satisfaction, health, supportive relationships and higher self regard.

This is no coincidence as they tend to realize that leaving their life to random outcomes leaves to much to chance and that risk is not worth taking.

The difference here is that these people understand that they dictate the results in their lives rather than outside influences.

Career paths are an ever expanding field of opportunity as we as a race open up new technologies and understanding of what it is that will provide services and products to satisfy our expanding world of possibilities.

If we view the choices available for career creativity they are abundant. If we view opportunities for play and adventure and creativity available on the planet they are also abundant.

So what is the factor not being entered into the equation that without it is resulting in mediocre lives?

Well perhaps it is not understanding that we do influence our choices, and we CAN change the way we do things.

Each of us is the major influence on our life's outcomes daily, on the things we decide or not decide to do and we live in the creation of those choices.

There is incredible information at our finger tips now and information is not biased as to who uses it. What would I be doing when I am excited, thrilled, congruent, playful, prosperous and in integrity to my uniqueness?

So! Begin or not, (you choose) by exploring where you are getting the results you desire, and enhancing them, and where you are not getting your desired outcomes, and change them into what you really want to experience.

Call 1300 761 617 or visit




Ground Breaking News for Dry,Scaly Winter Skin:With Vegesorb!

ENVIRONMENTAL factors play havoc on ALL skin types and never more so than during our cold and windy winters. Then, air-conditioning, heaters, electric blankets and a slowing down daily of our water intake compound the problem and we are left with dry, parched and dehydrated skin susceptible to infection and early ageing.

Clever marketing has convinced us that if a product smells and feels good when applied then it must be doing some long term good for our body's protective and largest organ. But skin is a pathway to our internal being and we need to ask ourselves, "WOULD I EAT PETRO-CHEMICALS or would I feel safe consuming this skincare?" The answer for most of us would be, "No."

It is not difficult for skincare manufacturers to disguise an inferior product by the addition of silicones (skin smoothing agents) or emollients (skin softeners) and put a sophisticated price and label on the product. Mineral or paraffin oils are added to creams and sold for cheap prices as moisturisers however these mineral additives are foreign to the skin and hence form a "barrier" on the surface.

BUT NOW there is a skincare product made from VEGETABLE oils that are compatible with ALL skin types, is highly absorbable and highly affordable.

Highly effective (and environmentally responsible), VEGESORB, is readily absorbed into the skin and moisturises from inside out. This restores balance to ALL skins so that naturally occurring lipids provide the ongoing nutrients and lubrication for a glowing and healthy complexion.

Forget "hypoallergenic" in the context of sensitive skin alone and retrain your concept of skincare towards a logical solution of using bio-chemically available vegetable oils for skin and mineral oils for inanimate objects such as motor cars. With only a subtle difference in price, this decision will not be difficult to make.

Take the case of Jenny Williams of Narwee, NSW who uses Vegesorb on her one year old son, Daniel, who is an eczema sufferer (…"extremely sore, rough and red skin…"). "I have now found a skin moisturiser, (after trialling all main brands on the market), to help with his skin condition. Thank you, VEGESORB," his mother writes.

Speaking from a recently conducted AGED CARE SYMPOSIUM in Brisbane, Jan Burguez, Aromatherapist, had this to say about VEGESORB. "This is a revolutionary product, an unsung hero that has everything any body needs in a skincare product. Sensitive, dry, damaged, and injured skin can only benefit from this breakthrough product. Bed sores and decubitis ulcers can be assisted with this product with the addition of prescribed essential oils. My clients in the aged care sector especially have made their own decisions to switch brands and they're sticking with VEGESORB. If people try it, they will buy it This has got what it takes to do the job at hand."

The Eczema Association of Australia Inc also writes, "…we have no hesitation in acknowledging their (VEGESORB AUST. P/L) commitment to the production of quality products."

For daily use as a preventative against environmental factors or for treatment of dry and scaly skin conditions, VEGESORB is Australia's best value moisturiser. Wholly Australian owned and manufactured VEGESORB is available at selected pharmacies, health food stores and direct by contacting Managing Director, Neale Scott on (07) 3885 2882, or visiting the website: Email for a FACT SHEET to: [email protected]




Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Boot Camps Australia One week free at Boot Camps Australia! ( mention

Vitality For Life (Nationwide) - 10% off on any purchase! (mention when booking) We have a wonderful collection of products and resources, from living juicers and water filters, to soymilk makers, sprouters, air ionisers, mineral supplements, through to food dehydrators and infrared saunas.

Red Suva Natural Therapies-(Clayfield) - Homeopathy – receive a complimentary remedy with your consultation. Massage – Relaxation massage and receive a 15min head massage for free. Remedial Massage – 1 hr remedial massage – receive a complimentary muscle-eeze cream.
Naturopathy – receive an individualised flower essence complimentary (Mention

BrainGym Books (Australia Wide) - Special to customers of myhealthspecials.Buy any 2 books from the Brain Gym web site and receive a 20% discount on the 2nd book.(where the 2nd book is the same or less value than the first) (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Anew Medispa (Everton Hills) - THIRD TREATMENT FREE! ( mention myhealthspecials when booking) Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

with Joanne Hay

Rewards and Praise: The Poisoned Carrot

We give our children ice-cream if they’re “good”, chocolate if they’re quiet, little gold stars if they eat their greens, maybe even money if they get good marks at school. We praise them with a “good boy!” or “good girl!” if they do something that pleases us. For the modern and discerning parent, the hitting-and-shaming method of “discipline” is passé. Punishment is out, and rewards are in. Why use the stick, when we can better teach a child by using a carrot? The New Age hype about praising and rewarding children for what we call “good” behavior has gained massive popularity. “Find something good your child has done, and praise them for it!” say the nouveau “how-to” books and seminars. Psychologists all over recommend the “star-chart” treatment to modify your child’s behavior. This trend is the offspring of a particular school of psychology - the “behaviorists” - whose thinking currently dominates much of mainstream psychological and educational theory. more

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Short and Sweet: Crunchy Satay Drumsticks!


Serves 4 people

Ingredients * 1 1/2 cups Australian Natural Yogurt|1/4 cup peanut butter|1 tablespoon curry powder|8 chicken drumsticks, skin removed|1 x 250g packet natural corn chips, crushed|1/2 cup grated Australian Cheddar Cheese

Method Combine the yogurt, peanut butter and 1 teaspoon curry powder. Marinate the drumsticks in 3/4 of the satay mixture. Combine corn chips, cheese and remaining curry powder. Roll drumsticks in corn chip mixture. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes. Bake at 200°C for 20-25 minutes. Serve with reserved satay mixture.

Nutritional Analysis per serve Serves: 4 Carbohydrates: 26 g Energy: 1969 kJ Calcium: 287 mg Protein: 29 g Fat: 28 g

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Laughter is the best medicine!

Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose? His powder puff is on the wrong end.

Is it true that bunnies have good eyesight? Well you never see a bunny wearing glasses, do you?

What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit banknote? One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny!

Why did the Easter egg hide? He was a little chicken!

Why did a fellow rabbit say that the Easter Bunny was self-centered? Because he was eggo-centric!

Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world? It has four rabbits' feet

What do you get when you cross a bunny with an onion? A bunion

What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force.

What do you call a bunny with a large brain? Egghead!


Quote of the month!

No great performance ever came from holding back. – Don Greene, motivational coach, former Green Beret

For a Good Cause: Why support Childhood Cancer Support inc?

The Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Society is a group of parents and friends of Children with Cancer. Some of our children are newly diagnosed, some are on treatment, some are long term survivors, some sadly are not. We simply provide support and assistance in a non-discriminatory environment to the families and communities of children impacted by cancers. Our support includes - * Accommodation whilst in Brisbane for treatment * Friendship, drop in centre and one on one professional counselling * Education and workshops for families * Recreation for parents, fun days for the children, family camps - and much more We receive no government grants, but rely on the support and goodwill of the community and businesses to provide all our services free of charge to the families supported.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Living Valley Springs!
  • Anew Medispa!
  • Jing Natural Therapies Clinic!
  • Bodecare!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.