Issue 68

Zest Health Clubs:Helping People Enjoy Fitness!

Zest Health Clubs have a simple mission; they want to help people enjoy fitness. This goes beyond merely looking good, it's also about feeling good. At Zest Health Clubs we want our members to enjoy the healthy benefits of fitness, wether that's an increased feeling of wellness, improved health, weight loss or muscle gain.

Regular exercise is the key to achieving your fitness goals. Every day and in every way, we focus on making the exercise experience enjoyable. We have a huge range of fitness experiences to cater for everyone including;

. cardio machines
. group fitness classes
. pools and spa's
. aqua classes
. free weights
. resistance machines

And to help you all out with this we have dedicated and experienced personal trainers in every club who can tailor make an exercise program to help you meet and exceed your fitness goals

Once we have established exercise as a regular and pleasurable habit for our members, their lives will be enhanced, even transformed. That is the goal we strive for.

To find the club nearest you or for more information on Zest, please visit our website at

To help you get started, please print off this article and bring it to your closest Zest Health Club for a free trial. That's a great reason to start enjoying fitness today. ( mention


Parenting Begins Before Conception:The Importance of Preconception Health Care!

The birth of a child is a time of great joy and one of life's most profound experiences. This joy is increased when there are no adverse outcomes and both mother and baby have come through a trouble free and healthy pregnancy, birth and infancy.

I have been professionally involved with mothers and babies for over 30 years now and, as a naturopath, have been treating couple with fertility problems for the past 20 years. While I am increasingly concerned at the number of couples now needing assistance in this area, I have also had the incredible privilege of being able to help so many couples in their quest for a health pregnancy and have been able to share in their joy with the arrival of a healthy baby.

In the last few decades there has been a worrying increase in reproductive health problems and infertility.

Recent research shows that -

  • The incidence of infertility has tripled during the last 30 years - one couple in six a now considered to be infertile
  • One woman in five will have a miscarriage
  • One woman in three will suffer some degree of post natal depression
  • One baby in ten is born prematurely
  • One child in thirty will be born with some type of congenital defect
  • One child in ten is likely to have either learning or behavioral problems
  • One child in five is likely to develop asthma, allergies or recurrent infections

    Unfortunately, the reasons for these alarming statistics are often dismissed with phrases such as "nobody really knows" or "it's just one of those things". The thing is that nearly every aspect of your reproductive health is adversely affected in some way by 21st century living conditions, diet and lifestyle!

    The good news is that the combined evidence of many eminent researchers has shown that conditions such as sub fertility miscarriage, poor foetal health, breast-feeding difficulties, behavior & learning problems, allergy and poor immunity are preventable and treatable with sound preconception health care programs combined with continued healthcare throughout pregnancy.

    What is preconception care?
  • A program for both prospective parents aimed at increasing the likelihood of conception, improving your pregnancy outcomes and optimizing the health of your baby.
  • Focus is on restoring optimum health and, in the case of infertility, to address and remedy the causes of your problem rather than just override it.
  • Aims at ensuring an adequate supply (through diet, lifestyle & supplementation) of all essential nutritional factors known to be vital for the health of your sperm and ova and for optimum foetal development
  • Reduces exposure (through lifestyle changes, environment, detoxification) to those factors known to compromise your health in general and are harmful to sperm, ova and foetal development
  • Begins at least four months prior to intended conception to ensure the health of your sperm and ova (take 100 -116 days to generate and mature) is optimal before conception.
  • Is achieved through the use of natural medicines such as nutritional supplements, individualized herbal formulations, education re dietary and lifestyle changes, cycle charting and timing techniques.

    Who should use preconception care programs?
  • Anyone considering a pregnancy
  • Those couples experiencing difficulties with fertility
  • Those couples using assisted reproductive technology e.g. IVF etc - recent studies have shown preconception health care will more than double chances of success
  • Those with family histories of allergy or other health issues
  • Those couples who are not infertile but would like to improve general health, have a trouble free pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding experience and to give their child the healthiest start to life.

    How can you learn more? For further details regarding a comprehensive natural approach to fertility and preconception care
  • Click on my link to myhealthspecials
  • visit
  • or call 07 3857 8515

    Introductory Offer - ½ hour appointment for you to ask questions about preconception care, give you a fuller understanding of what is involved and how you may be assisted with your particular fertility concerns.(mention




AquaMans Peace of Mind: Never Pay for Bottled Water Again!

Special offer Ask us for your Free Trial Today. & $100.00 CASH BACK OFFER!*conditions apply


Here's how we do it,
1. Saving you time and money, we will come to you.
2. You can choose from 8 different systems including counter top systems, under bench units, reverse osmosis, resin, ionizers and distillers, so you'll get the right one for your needs and budget.
3. Fast and Friendly Service.
4. Rent or buy, payment plans monthly, quarterly, 1/2 yearly, all Credit Cards.
5. 100% Written Guarantee.
6. We clean and service most competitors systems.
7. Full range of replacement filters for all kinds of systems

The Benefits of the AquaMan System include:

1. Endless Pure Drinking Water (FREE)
2. We can supply a system for all needs & budgets.
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4. Hot & cold units with Café Bar system.

  • Never Again will you run out of Water
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  • Innovative Technology
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Service
  • A Low Fixed Annual Cost
  • Wasted Time Costs You Money 100% Australian

    written Guarantee
    When you deal with AquaMan Australia you can do so with complete confidence with our 100% written guarantee.
    If you are in any way unhappy with products supplied to you by AquaMan Australia, we will repair or replace them free of charge. No questions asked, now that's peace of mind! Jon Murray Director

    Testimonial Brisbane Cricket Ground - The Brisbane Cricket Ground has been using AqualMan products in our facility for over 7 years. We are very satisfied with the quality and ease of use of the water cooler units, space and the service has always been efficient and friendly.
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    Special offers
    All new customers will receive any of the following depending on what product is purchased:
  • 3 months free rental valued at $156.00 or *conditions apply;
  • 25% off your first replacement filter;
  • Up to 25% off the retail price for any other service or product that AquaMan supply *Standard Product Range. *Excludes third party and professional costs, such as plumbing, parts, labour & GST.
    (Mention when ordering)
    For fast and friendly professional service call us on 07 3391 4566 or email us on [email protected] or visit our website at




Noni:A Traditional Polynesian Remedy!

Morinda citrifolia or Noni has oval shaped leaves and white flowers that occur in the summer and autumn in Australia, and all year round in the more tropical climates of the Pacific Islands. These are followed by the fruit, which are edible and have a pungent aroma. The juice of the fruit is considered to have a wide range of medicinal qualities. Morinda citrifolia has been used for centuries by Polynesian healers to treat the respiratory, digestive and immune systems. Likewise it has a strong healing history in India, SE Asia and in our own Northern Australia. Published information on its use by Indigenous Australians indicates that various groups regarded Morinda citrifolia as "an excellent food and a strong medicine." In recent times, since 1997, Noni juice has become popular in western nations as a health supplement. Studies into the healing benefits of Morinda citrifolia are now being undertaken by herbal research centres, like Lismore's Southern Cross University.

Morinda citrifolia is made up of polysaccharides, which include glucuronic acid, galactose, arabinose and rhamnose, coumarin, medium chain fatty acids, flavone glycosides, sterols (beta-sitosterol), terpenoids, essential oils, amino acids, vitamin C and potassium. Morindone (yellow dye), alizarin (red dye), rubiadin and a large range of anthraquinones are found in the roots, bark and leaves. The terpenoids help the body detoxify through their anti-bacterial qualities. The many anti-oxidants within the noni plant like the glycosides provide a defence against free radicals. Scopoletin or coumarin has anti-inflammatory properties. Limonene and beta-sitosterol have anti-septic value within the body.

In studies conducted recently at the Southern Cross University, the antioxidant activity of Noni juice was assessed to be in a similar range to green tea (with an oxygen radical absorbance capacity ORAC result in the 747 to 1517 level). Another study showed that Noni juice and noni powder inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Associate Professor Dr David Leach (Southern Cross University) says' "The in vitro findings are encouraging, and it is work we would like to repeat".

There are numerous positive anecdotal reports of Noni's effectiveness in improving vitality, libido, skin condition, hair condition and many of the symptoms related to low kidney yang levels. It is particularly useful for people who have a highly sensitive intestinal tract and who suffer easily from constipation and pain. People who exhibit sluggish metabolism associated with a hypo-thyroid condition also seem to benefit from using Noni.

Some traditional Hawaiian healers have noted that Noni is a plant food that is to be used when we are feeling really ill or really old. Others have suggested that Noni is a great blood purifier and cleanses the body of bacteria. It is common for contemporary traditional healers to use Noni with diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure as it is said to increase the flow of blood.

Morinda officinalis, a close cousin to Morinda citrifolia has a long history of use within TCM and is commonly used as a kidney yang tonic. The roots have been traditionally been employed and Morinda is known as "Ba Ji Tian." (Ba Ji Tian is traditionally recognised for its adaptogenic, aphrodisiac, urogenital astringent, analgesic, hypotensive, digestive stimulant and diuretic properties). It provides a tonifying action on the reproductive (sexual), urinary, musco-skeletal and central nervous system functions.

Buy 4 x 1 litre bottles Tree of Health Noni Juice for $190 and get a 500ml bottle for just $5 extra. SAVE $23. P/H $8 city; $10 country (mention

click here for the offer!

For more information visit




Great Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Groves Natural Therapies(Wooloongabba)- 20 % off your initial consultation! (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Camp Eden (Currumbin Valley) - Stay just a little bit longer … Pay for 4 nights and stay for 7 nights at no extra cost! (February only 2006)
(mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Magnolia Bliss Therapies (Brisbane City) - 10% off your initial visit! (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

The Float Centre (Ashgrove) - 1 hour float session $25.00.
(mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Studio 54 Health & Fitness Centre (Beenleigh) * 2 free personal tarining sessions when you join up for 6 months or more! ( value saving $70)
(mention myhealthspecials when booking) Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Book Review: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah J Buckley
By Joanne Hay

While driving home from dropping kids at school I was following a talk back discussion on Radio National about the pressures of modern family living; particularly the supposed tussle between loving one’s children and loving one’s partner. One women spoke about being in love with her husband and her children and how unusual this is amongst her friends. This was followed by a rash of callers declaring to be ‘in love’ with one’s children was a nonsense. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Creamy Mushroom Risotto Cake!

Serves 8 people


* 15g Australian Unsalted Butter|1 onion, chopped|2 cloves garlic, crushed|1 green capsicum, finely diced|1 red capsicum, finely diced|1 1/4 cups short grain rice (arborio, if available)|2 cups Australian Skim Milk|2 cups hot water|1 cup sliced mushrooms|2 eggs, lightly beaten|1/4 cup Australian grated Reduced Fat Mozzarella Cheese|2 teaspoons dried oregano


Melt butter and saute the onion, garlic and capsicum for 2-3 minutes. Stir through rice until well coated. In a saucepan combine milk and water and heat without boiling. Add 1/2 cup of liquid to the rice and stir until all the liquid has absorbed. Continue this process until rice is cooked but do not add more liquid until the last has been absorbed. Remove rice from heat and allow to cool slightly before mixing through mushrooms, eggs and cheese. Pour mixture into a grease-proof paper lined 20cm springform pan. Sprinkle with oregano and bake at 200øC for 40 minutes or until set. Allow to cool slightly, then remove from tin. Slice and serve.

NOTE: Risotto can be eaten unbaked as a rice dish. Simply omit the eggs and serve without baking.|**This recipe is suitable for lacto-ovo vegetarians who have adopted a vegetarian diet for health reasons.

Serves: 8 Carbohydrates: 30 g Energy: 789 kJ Calcium: 127 mg Protein: 8 g Fat: 4 g

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

Life's Reflections:

I'm not into working out. My philosophy is no pain, no pain.

Ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window?

Quote of the month!

"It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert." – Jacques Yves Cousteau, marine explorer

For a Good Cause: Support the 40th Anniversary of Walk Against Want!

In March 2006 people around Australia will take steps against poverty as Oxfam Australia celebrates the 40th anniversary of Walk Against Want. Registrations for the Walk are open as of 24 January, and Brisbane's Walk takes place on 12 March.

Brisbane's walk starts in the Botanical Gardens and follows a scenic route along the Brisbane River. Some participants will walk to the cliffs at Kangaroo Point and back for a five kilometre trek, while others will press on to the Story Bridge and back to the Gardens-walking a full ten kilometres.

This year's walk will feature Bollywood music and dance from the Brisbane Babas Band, as well as a performance by the Nunukul Yuggera Wantamaa dance troupe. Pets are welcome to participate with their owners and the route is wheelchair friendly.

This money is put to use supporting Oxfam Australia's work with poor communities in developing countries around the world, helping to provide these communities with access to needs like fresh water, health services and education.

Be a part of history and join the 40th Walk Against Want in Brisbane on 12 March 2006. To register, or for more information, visit or call 1800 034 034.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Renew-You!
  • Australian College of Natural Medicine!
  • High Performance Coaching + Training!
  • Lifestyle Laser Clinics!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.