Issue 67

The Vitality Zone:A Wholistic Approach!

The Vitality Zone takes a wholistic approach to understanding disease processes and focuses as much on prevention of illness as on the treatment of health conditions.

At The Vitality Zone our practitioners are trained to offer you treatment that specifically matches and treats your individual health problems. As your condition changes and improves with treatment, the treatment will also change, until the desired health outcome is achieved.

The Vitality Zone offers a wide range of Services such as Acupuncture, Massage, Cellular Health Analysis Naturopathy and also stocks an extensive range of supplements.

As a natural form of health care:

  • Provides drug-free treatments
  • Very few side effects when provided by a qualified practitioner.
  • Treats the underlying cause of Disease and illness as well as the symptoms.
  • Provides a wholistic approach to the treatment of disease and illness, linking body, mind and emotions
  • Assists in the prevention against disease and illness as well as the maintenance of general well-being

    How can acupuncture help you? Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of a wide range of common and not so common health conditions. It can also assist with general health maintenance and disease prevention. By strengthening and enhancing normal body functions, the immune system is regulated and a general sense of well-being is promoted.

    Cellular Health Analysis / Nutritional advice
    At The Vitality Zone we tailor wellness and vitality programs to suit your personal needs.

Part of the service we offer here at the vitality zone is what we call a "Wellness Program". This Program is for individuals who seek greater vitality and health, instead of simply treating illnesses as they appear. Central to this program is a Bioimpedance Cellular Health Analyser. It's a quick, simple program that measures % body fat, muscle mass and your Biological Age among other things. This gives us valuable information about your health, and whether you are ageing too quickly for your years.

By measuring you key biological markers of ageing. Utilizing the Cellular Health Analysis will help improve your health, slow the ageing process and restore your youthful vitality

It is our great pleasure to introduce you to some of the most exciting and promising research ever done on human beings' ability to directly influence their ageing process. Even more importantly, we have been able to translate this research into practical programs of do-able action steps. This allows you to reproduce the wellness and longevity benefits of the test subject on a day-to-day basis by simply adopting our healthy routines of optimal exercise and nutrition.

The general public is now very aware of the value of massage in combating the stresses and tensions of modern living. So make it a part of your health routine at The Vitality Zone. Relax Refresh Restore

Check out all our great clinic locations to see which clinic is nearest you!

Offer to all Naturally Happy Subscribers receive a 1 hour massage for $55 as a gift from us valid at our Toowong and Mt Gravatt Clinic. Valid until 31/03/2006 *conditions apply 1 massage per customer only.

Also check out our great offers to those who visit us on the web


Healthy Inspirations:The Solution for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss!

Healthy Inspirations empowers women to change their lifestyle habits so they lose weight and feel good for good.

The women's only exercise and weight loss centres located around Australia help women get out of the rut of yo-yo dieting and dependency on special diet foods.

Members typically lose two to four kilograms a month when they follow the Healthy Inspirations program with four components: an individualised eating plan using regular supermarket foods; one-on-one coaching three times a week; simple exercise; and relaxation therapy in a massage chair once a week.

Unlike other 'miracle' weight loss solutions that are impossible to maintain, Healthy Inspirations helps women learn new healthy eating, exercise and relaxation habits for life.

The notion that all diets work but people don't stick to them is overcome with close monitoring, support, accountability and follow up three times a week and that's what makes all the difference.

Unlike women's gyms, Healthy Inspirations centres are personalised, with no overcrowding and are non-intimidating for women of all ages, shapes and sizes.

Four essential components to healthy, long term and successful weight loss include:-

Nutritional Program
Did you know that 80% of successful weight loss is learning how to eat in a healthy way that sustains an energy deficit? At Healthy Inspirations, members learn how to select and eat regular supermarket foods as part of dietician-supported eating plans that are sensible, filling and tasty. The bonus is the whole family benefits and everyone can incorporate this eating plan into their lifestyle and maintain it forever.

One-on-One Coaching
The National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) says people who want to lose weight need regular contact and support from health professionals. At Healthy Inspirations, members meet with our trained Lifestyle Consultants up to three times a week during the Healthy Weight Loss stage. These quick but crucial visits help members stay focused and ensure they are accountable for their eating and exercise habits.

Easy-to-follow Resistance-Based Exercise Circuit
A 30-minute fitness circuit is part of Healthy Inspirations' healthy weight loss and exercise program. This Australian-made equipment is fully adjustable and lets members exercise in an easy, non-intimidating circuit that is monitored and adjusted to suit each woman's needs. Outcomes include improved weight management, improved muscle tone, improved confidence and new friends. All of this is done in a friendly, relaxed and fun environment.

Relaxation Therapy
Although less recognized, weight gain and successful weight loss is influenced by life stresses and pressures. Hunger can be triggered by stress-induced hormonal imbalances. So, at Healthy Inspirations members can enjoy a weekly relaxation session in a luxurious Shiatsu massage chair. Located in a private room, you can lie back and relax in complete privacy.

Healthy Inspirations has been in Australia for almost 5 years and now has 22 centres around the country. If you want effective, long term, healthy weight loss that lasts for life, give Healthy Inspirations a call.

For more information, visit or call (07) 3378 6111.


Call for an Obligation-Free FREE Trial Week ( mention

Click the below links for your local area,

Healthy Inspirations - Indooroopilly 07 3378 4709
Healthy Inspirations - Kenmore 07 3878 5222
Healthy Inspirations - Mitchelton 07 3355 1149
Healthy Inspirations - Mt Gravatt (07) 3420 4233
Healthy Inspirations - Palm Beach 07 5598 4845
Healthy Inspirations - Toowoomba 07 4638 0222




Acupuncture On Florence: Specialising in Natural Treatments!

Do you suffer from?





Digestive Complaints?

Period Pain?


Poor Immunity?

If you want to be healthier, happier more energetic you, Acupuncture on Florence can help, naturally and effectively! There is more to health care than just treating the disease. Don't forget that your health is your most important asset; therefore it needs to be the first priority!

Here at Acupuncture on Florence we can treat a wide variety of conditions naturally using the Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) framework. This umbrella of medicine combines acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, tuina (Oriental massage), cupping therapy and Chinese dietary therapy tailored to your needs.

We also combine the ancient art of TCM with modern nutritional and lifestyle advice to get you back on track to well being and recovery. The clinic stocks a wide range of practitioner only dietary supplements tailored for the individual patient.

Beau Mannix, the founder of Acupuncture on Florence, has been trained both in Australia and China, seeing the uses of TCM in a hospital situation to great success.

TCM takes a holistic view of the body not just focusing on the symptoms present but the underlying causes as well. With our therapies we can treat acute problems, prevent future chronic diseases, and also support patients having conventional medical treatments.

It is an established fact that a healthy body has more resistance to disease and can recover faster.

Our individually customised treatments are designed to restore and promote the body's functional ability to achieve optimum health.

For more information about our services call us on 07 3852 2335 or visit the website or click here for a great introductory offer!

Acupuncture On Florence 7/29 Florence St Teneriffe



Bodizone:Lose Fat, Increase Energy & Gain Muscle!

Lose unwanted FAT now. Eat all the foods you love!

Yes that's right, eat a family sized pizza every single week and lose Kilos!!

And BodiZone Sport Supplements will give you all the information you need for success for FREE, yes that's right FREE advice to get you and keep you in shape forever.

Are you eating too much or too little to achieve success?? Our PFC calculator will guide you. Tips on the right supplements to use, sample meal plans that will work for anyone, yes anyone, training programs, food guides and a whole lot more.

And if you need any products to help you along the way for a limited time (offer ends 14/02/06) mention My Health Specials and you will receive 20% off* any product in store (*not inc specials, not to be used in conjunction with any other offer).

FREE advice, meal plans, training programs, food guides and 20% off products that are already heavily discounted. Now there's no reason to put it off any longer.

Build the Body You Want TODAY





Awakening to Self:A Full Day Satsang & Deeksha Retreat! Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Freedom (from fat-phobia) Fries.By Jessica Prentice

Jessica Prentice offers us her wonderful recipe for chips or fries using tallow, lard or poultry fat. If you still think all that animal fat can’t be good for you, check out Lori Lipinski’s wax on fat. Personally, since using more animal fat in our diet, my skin is more soft, my hair more lustrous, my musculature more toned and my sexual desire stronger. I’ve never felt so good and my husband agrees - he thinks I feel good too. It hasn’t made me fat to eat fat, grains do that to me, so much for the low fat paradigm. I’m grateful I have found fat freedom and these freedom fries top it off. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Banana Split with Butterscotch Sauce!

Serves 4 people


* 4 bananas, peeled 8 wafer biscuits 8 scoops Australian Vanilla Ice Cream chopped nuts, for serving BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE 75g brown sugar 125ml Australian Sour Cream 60g Australian Butter


1. Cut banana in half lengthways and place into sundae dish. 2. Top with Ice cream. 3. Pour over Butterscotch Sauce. 4. Garnish with wafer biscuits and sprinkle with chopped nuts. BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE Combine all ingredients for the Butterscotch Sauce together and simmer until sugar has dissolved and sauce is slightly thickened. Allow to cool slightly before drizzling over Ice Cream.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

The mother of one teenager caught on fast to jive talk. Her daughter asked "mama may I hit the flick?"

"I'm afraid I don't read you"

"Oh, Mother said the youngster you mean you don't know? Hit the flick is teen talk for go to the movie"

"In that case ask me again after you rub the tub, scour the shower, spread the bed and swish the dish"

Quote of the month!

"Every ones life lies within the present; for the past is spent and done with, and the future is uncertain." – Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor

For a Good Cause: Support the 40th Anniversary of Walk Against Want!

In March 2006 people around Australia will take steps against poverty as Oxfam Australia celebrates the 40th anniversary of Walk Against Want. Registrations for the Walk are open as of 24 January, and Brisbane's Walk takes place on 12 March.

Brisbane's walk starts in the Botanical Gardens and follows a scenic route along the Brisbane River. Some participants will walk to the cliffs at Kangaroo Point and back for a five kilometre trek, while others will press on to the Story Bridge and back to the Gardens-walking a full ten kilometres.

This year's walk will feature Bollywood music and dance from the Brisbane Babas Band, as well as a performance by the Nunukul Yuggera Wantamaa dance troupe. Pets are welcome to participate with their owners and the route is wheelchair friendly.

This money is put to use supporting Oxfam Australia's work with poor communities in developing countries around the world, helping to provide these communities with access to needs like fresh water, health services and education.

Be a part of history and join the 40th Walk Against Want in Brisbane on 12 March 2006. To register, or for more information, visit or call 1800 034 034.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Pilates Head to toe - Spring Hill
  • Zest Health Clubs
  • Christine Sullivan - Naturopath
  • Tree of Health -Noni
  • Aqua Man
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.