Issue 66

Fitness Market:A Specialist Fitness Store!

At Fitness Market, we are dedicated to providing quality fitness equipment, supplements, service and advice! We are a specialist fitness store, which differs by selling superior fitness equipment and supplements at discount prices.

As a specialist fitness store, we cater to the nutritional needs of the active person. We have a huge range of delicious nutritional supplements that cater for people that are conscious of their size and fitness levels. Whether you are in a triathlon, marathon, cycling event or looking to burn those extra kilos, we can assist and help plan your diet. From whey and soy proteins, carbs and electrolyte formulas to branch chain aminos, multi-vitamins and creatine stacks, we have it all at discounted prices! Brands of note that we carry include Musashi, Red Back, Vital Strength, EAS, Body Science, Body Ripped, Muscletech, Max's, Nutra-life and many more.

We also stock an extensive range of high-quality home, light-commercial and commercial-grade cardio and strength fitness equipment including treadmills, exercise bikes (upright and recumbent), elliptical cross-trainers, gym sets, free weights and exercise benches. We carry an excellent range of accessories designed for aerobics, Pilates, yoga and boxing. Brands of note that we carry include Reebok, Body Solid, Healthstream, Gold's Gym, Nautilus, Vision Fitness and Tunturi - all reputable brands. You will find that we have gone to great lengths to ensure that we only provide reliable, durable and comfortable equipment.

We welcome you to contact us on Free Call 1800 635 685.  Alternatively, you can visit us in person at our Brisbane store located at 176 Enoggera Rd, Newmarket (opposite the new Newmarket Reading Shopping centre).

As a bonus to our loyal Naturally Happy readers, we are offering an additional 5% off our low prices. Just mention you are a Naturally Happy reader, and we'll slash the price. Give us a call today!



Lifestyle Physical Therapies:What is Lifestyle Medicine?

What is Lifestyle Medicine?
It is night time, the family is peacefully sleeping. You are suddenly awakened by the shriek of a smoke detector alarm.

What's your next move?

Turn off the alarm and go back to sleep?

NO, you investigate what set it off, locate the fire and put it out.

Then why do we turn off our body's alarm signals without investigating the triggers?

For instance joint pain and arthritis are commonly treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but doesn't it make more sense to investigate the cause? Is your diet and lifestyle producing inflammatory chemicals that attack your tissues? Specific corrective advice and where appropriate, nutritional supplements can treat the cause, not only fixing the painful symptoms but strengthening your whole immune system.

For the most part our medical health system is reactive and spends most of its resources masking or suppressing symptoms of illness and injury. Too few resources are invested in treating the underlying causes and moving us to a place of wellbeing where we can enjoy good health and vitality.

If you are interested in this deeper approach - then Lifestyle Medicine is what you are seeking. Lifestyle Medicine is practised by highly qualified and experienced medical doctors who treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. Treatment programs are tailored to the patient's individual needs and may incorporate:

Treatment Programs

1. Lifestyle changes
2. Nutritional advice
3. Prescription-only medications
4. Nutritional supplements
5. Natural bio-identical HRT
6. Counselling
7. Enhancing self-understanding
8. State of the art pathology and radiology for accurate and early diagnosis
9. Education

Lifestyle Medicine is truly effective as it uses the best of both worlds - Mainstream Medicine combined with Complementary Therapies.

Initial appointments are at least 30-45 minutes to allow for a thorough investigation in areas such as diet, exercise, hormonal imbalances, liver function, immune function and emotional issues. Any prescribed treatments will be accompanied by a common sense explanation in plain English of what's happening to your body and how it may respond to treatment.

Once you and your Lifestyle Doctor have developed and agreed upon a tailor made program you will be better prepared and far more motivated to follow through with the advice.

That's why our success rates are so high!

Current statistics reveal that the average life expectancy is on the rise. Today you can expect to live well into your eighties or even into your nineties and beyond.

What quality of life would you like in your last twenty to thirty years?
1. Dementia with a total loss of your mental faculties
2. Immobilisation from a stroke
3. Blindness from diabetes
4. Chronic chest pain and shortness of breath from heart disease
5. Terrible side effects from cancer chemotherapy

Unfortunately these things are becoming epidemic for baby boomers and those who will become old in the future - only holistic medicine is truly preventative medicine. I'm sure that you would prefer to live to a ripe old age whilst remaining in good health. There are proven health principles we can follow that will drastically improve our chances of this becoming a reality.

Don't wait until it's too late!


Invest in 3 sessions with our Dietition and receive a FREE Exercise Physiology session! click here for details

Jabez House 209 Manly Rd Manly West07 3396 9111




Brisbane Network Chiropractic: Network Spinal Anaylsis

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a relatively new form of Chiropractic which is effective in assisting people to manage their stress levels as well as spine and body tension. Developed by American chiropractor Dr Don Epstein, NSA uses specific, very gentle touches at the top and base of the spine to assist the recipient in releasing stored tension throughout their body.

When we experience stressful situations, our body goes into an immediate defensive posture called "fight or flight" physiology. This survival mechanism leads to muscle tightness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, distorted posture and guarding of the spine, while non-essential functions like the immune, digestive and reproductive systems are suppressed. At the same time our emotions and feelings are bottled up and stored as tension in the body. This commonly leads to ongoing ill-health and problems involving the spine and central nervous system.

Network Care recognizes the serious impact stress has on our health and acts by suspending the stress response and allowing the body to tap into its natural healing capacity. Permanent strategies are learned that will take an individual out of defence posture and into a state of relaxation, the body learns to self-correct and regulate its own tension.

Recent and ongoing research has shown that NSA consistently improves overall quality of life with respect to:

  • Increased energy
  • Increased flexibility
  • Reduced pain and headaches
  • Markedly reduced stress levels and greater ability to cope with stress
  • Improved emotional wellbeing
  • Improved ability to concentrate
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Greater confidence
  • Higher productivity
  • Increased ability to adapt to change
  • Increased contentment with self, work and life.

    To experience this unique form of spinal care, please contact:

    Brisbane Network Chiropractic (07) 3367 8452 115 Enoggera Tce, Paddington Q 4064

50% off an initial Network Spinal Analysis consultation!

click here for details



Gyms and Personal Trainers:The Best in South East Qld!

South East Qld has an array of Credible Health and Fitness Centres!

Each centre has a greaty special to get you started!

To find out information on your local gym simply click here!

Or visit our sponsors,

Optima Fitness Centre - click here for more - Clayfield

Next Generation Express fitness - click here for more - Spring Hill/City

WOW Health club - click here for more - Hamilton

Southbank fitness centre - click here for more - West End

Fit Zone - click here for more - Valley

Movements Fitness Centre- click here for more - Buranda

Green Apple Wellness Centre - click here for more - Bald Hills

Forest lake fitness - click here for more - Forest Lake

Clarks Lifestyle Centre - click here for more - Tarragindi

Centenary fitness centre - click here for more - Spring Hill

Xtreme Fitness Centre -click here for more -Everton Park

BodyWorks Health Club - Click here for more- Coopers Plains

Thors Fitness Centre - click here for more - West End

YMCA - click here for more - City

Body Focus - click here for more - Capalaba

Active Life Fitness - click here for more - Norman Park


Local Personal Training Guide:The Best in Brisbane!

Workout from home, your office, your gym or in the great outdoors, where ever it maybe Personal Training could be the answer to all your health problems. The majority of people need a motivating factor and a Personal Trainer is the key.

To find out information on a local personal training business simply click here

Fit Minds and Bodies - click here for more

Personal Best Personal Training Solutions - click here for more

SoulBody Focus - click here for more

Coordinated Fitness - click here for more

Brisbane Personal Trainers- click here for more

Quantum Physiques - click here for more

Curves - click here for more

Healthy Inspirations - click here for more



Holosync:Meditate Deeper than a Zen Monk!

The benefits of meditation on the mind and body have been known for thousands of years and have recently been validated in scientific studies. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to meditate and give up without receiving these benefits. This problem has now been solved with the release of a powerful audio technology called Holosync that sends a very specific stimulus to the brain and creates states of deep meditation, quickly and easily.

Stimulating the brain with Holosync releases stress-reducing chemicals that are highly pleasurable. Most people go easily into a deep, trance-like meditative state normally only attained by experienced monks who have been meditating for over 20 years. In fact, EEG studies show the brain patterns experienced are actually deeper than those attained by monks.

As new neural pathways connect and synchronise the two sides of the brain, individuals develop what scientists call "whole brain functioning," which improves learning, intuition, mental clarity, creativity, concentration, and intelligence, as well as amazing quantum leaps in insight and self-awareness.

New research also reveals that even short-term exposure to Holosync creates significant increases in DHEA which is a precursor, or source ingredient, to virtually every hormone your body needs and is a buffer against stress-related hormones . It is a key determinant of physiological age. When DHEA levels are high, the body is at its peak - vibrant, healthy, and able to combat disease effectively.

Holosync also increases your ability to deal with stress and releases emotions such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. When Holosync is used regularly over time, many people discover that dysfunctional feelings and behaviours fall away - even those that have stubbornly resisted change in the past.


For more details and a FREE report and demo audio CD (or tape), call Freecall 1800 70 70 47 (24hrs, 7 days) ( mention myhealthspecials) or clickhere Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Money is Gratitude By Joanne Hay

“Poverty is restriction and as such, it is the greatest injustice you can perpetrate upon yourself.” -Stuart Wilde A friend recently commented that my husband and I talk about money too much. He warned we may offend those without any. I asked him if he thought we talked about sex too much too. We have been told this before. Money, sex and majik have been taboo subjects for a millenia. The reason for this is the incredible spiritually transformative energy they hold. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Bacon and Mushroom Slice!


Serves 8 people


24 slices multi-grain bread, crusts removed|4 rashers lean bacon, chopped|1 cup button mushrooms, halved|1 red capsicum, chopped|1 green capsicum, chopped|5 eggs, lightly beaten|1 cup Australian Reduced Fat Milk|2 teaspoons wholegrain mustard|3/4 cup grated Australian Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese|paprika, for sprinkling


Using a rolling pin, flatten bread. Use half the bread to line the base of a 25cm x 35cm buttered ovenproof dish. Saute bacon, mushrooms and capsicum in a non-stick frypan for 5 minutes or until vegetables have softened. Spoon mixture into dish and cover with remaining bread. Combine eggs, milk and mustard and pour over bread. Sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180øC for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with a crisp salad.|NOTE: Substitute tuna in brine, drained, for the bacon or as a vegetarian alternative omit the bacon.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

What did the Hat say to the scarf?

You hang around while I go ahead!

Quote of the month!

"Progress is what happens when impossibility yields to necessity."

Arnold Glasgow, psychologist

For a Good Cause: Supporting People with Intellectual Disability!

HAND is a not for profit organisation in North Brisbane supporting people with intellectual disability by enhancing leisure and lifestyle opportunities. As part of its services to people, HAND manages the Leisure Access Program, the HANDS UP! Program and the Day Respite Program.

HAND is sponsored by the Catholic Church through Centacare and is funded by Disability Services Queensland and the Home and Community Care Programm.

The Aims of HAND are to: Provide support which promotes opportunities for individuals to develop skills, access the community and become more independent. Promote inclusive opportunities for people with disability. Promote awareness of the value and needs of people with disabilities


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • BodiZone
  • Acupuncture on Florence
  • Christine Sullivan - Naturopath
  • The Vitality Zone
  • Healthy Inspirations
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.