Issue 52

Holosync: Meditate to Beat Stress!

The benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years and have recently been validated in scientific studies. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to meditate and give up without receiving these benefits. This problem has now been solved with the release of a powerful audio technology called Holosync that sends a very specific stimulus to the brain and creates states of deep meditation, quickly and easily.

Stimulating the brain with Holosync releases stress-reducing chemicals that are highly pleasurable. Most people go easily into a deep, trance-like meditative state normally only attained by experienced monks who have been meditating for over 20 years. In fact, EEG studies show the brain patterns experienced are actually deeper than those attained by monks.

As new neural pathways connect and synchronise the two sides of the brain, individuals develop what scientists call "whole brain functioning," which improves learning, intuition, mental clarity, creativity, concentration, and intelligence, as well as amazing quantum leaps in insight and self-awareness.

Holosync also increases your ability to deal with stress and releases emotions such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. When Holosync is used regularly over time, many people discover that dysfunctional feelings and behaviours fall away - even those that have stubbornly resisted change in the past.

For more details and a FREE report and demo audio CD (or tape), call Freecall 1800 70 70 47 (24hrs, 7 days) or visit


The Float Centre:Eliminate Stress and Tension!


So you can eliminate stress, tension & muscle in a simple effortless floating.

"Floating compensates for lack of sleep ... 2 hours in a Float Tank can be more restful & restorative than a full night of sound sleep"

Floating is successfully used by athletes to improve performance signficantly & to speed recovery"

How does it work?

A floatation tank is a special lightweight floatarium designed to remove the effect of gravity. No Noise, No Light, No Feeling of Weight.

Entry to the tank is through a light sliding door which you can close or leave partly or completely open. Once inside the tank you rest upon an extremely dense solution of sterile warm water and Epsom salts - a velvety mixture just 10 inches deep,yet so tremendously buoyant, you have no choice but to float - you cannot sink. During this process your muscles relax to a degree not possible under any other circumstance & relief flows through your entire body.

Throughout this process stress, tension & fatigue are rapidly released. The benefits include feeling calm & clear headed, physically relaxed & refreshed.


You will feel so calm & contented you won't feel like rushing back to the real world straight away. Allow yourself an extra 10 minutes to sit & enjoy the experience in our lounge.


Complete Privacy is assured. You float in your own private Float room, in your own tank. You are in total control of this tank and can leave it at anytime you like during the float. Floating in a tank does not feel claustophobic. Tanks are very roomy, lightweight & well-ventilated.

The door of the tank can be left open while you're getting used to the process & a soft light may also be left on if you are not comfortable with total darkness. Rest assured you will feel perfectly comfortable.


The high salt concentration in the tank makes the water so dense it's like the DEAD SEA and anyone, no matter how heavy they are, will float. The salt content also keeps the water sterile, along with an automatic filtration cycle after each session.


Our most popular product is a "FLOATAGE" a combination of a Float & a Massage. A floatage combines either a 1/2 hour or a 1 hour massage with a regular 50 minute float. A Floatage can be described as a mini holiday - two hours of pure relaxation and recuperation.

Contact The Float Centre on 07 3369 5811 or click here for a great introductory offer!



Outshine: A New World of Beauty!

Outshine is simply that … welcome to a new world of beauty where holistic therapies meet the ultimate in scientific advances to provide the salon for the skin savvy, modern woman or man. The two inner city day spas are located in Fortitude Valley and West End.

Talented duo Penny and Karen have perfected the recipe for success and it's all mixed at Outshine. Clients can expect the highest levels of treatment standards and expertise. Penny and Karen's key to success is based on the five senses of look, hear, taste touch and smell - "it's not all about doing a treatment but about creating an experience." With a choice of six skin care ranges, makeup and skin accessories galore outshine is the perfect place to reinvent, renew and re-invigorate.

At outshine our treatments benefit the mind body and soul. We have an amazing Japanese acupuncturist, reflexologists and body-ologists. Health care rebates are also available on acupuncture treatments. Combine physical therapies with the ultimate in nutritional support. Outshine boasts the full range of Nurtriway - The worlds optimum organic vitamin range.

Outshine has been repeatedly recognized in Marie Claire and Vogue and has been quoted "luxury" by channel tens Mari-Louise Thiele. Also awarded most innovative salon, Outshine has not gone un-noticed.

Outshine also boasts A-list Ultracueticals, Thalgo Premier and Guinot Platinum status. Add MD formulations best advice salon, and there you have a salon with the best brands and the best of both worlds.

At Outshine we create the perfect environment for corporate rewards, bridal parties and gift vouchers. To organise any package or special event call Karen directly at James St Salon on 3252 2882 Monday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Promotions offer vale for money and an exciting opportunity to try new treatments. Outshine has new promotions monthly. Mention My Health Specials when booking a one hour massage and receive a complementary express facial.

The Markets- 69-79 Boundary St West End 07 3846 0062

3/39 James St New Farm 07 3252 2882

or clickhere for on-line details.

We look forward to seeing you soon!





Mind Motivations : Life Enhancement with Hypnosis!

Dr Collingwood Ph.D. is the principal hypnotherapist at Mind Motivations, he has assisted and consulted with more than 7000 individuals. His extensive client list includes Sales Motivators, Commercial Airline Pilots, Business People, Medical Professionals, Company Directors, Sales People, Homemakers, Children and people from all walks of life, facing such challenges as Stress Disorders, Nicotine and Drug Addiction, Gambling, Corporate Sales Motivation and Stress Management, Memory Enhancement, Phobia Control, Panic Attacks, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression and many other diverse issues.

Dr. Collingwood is the Author and Presenter of the top selling Life Enhancement Series of hypnosis CDs, and now the even more powerful Life Improvement Series of Hypnosis CD recordings. The Life Enhancement Series produced extremely positive results for the majority of participants in an independant trial conducted by Televisions' Channel Nine - A Current Affair that was broadcast Nationwide in August 2001.

Our trainers and associate lecturers have a collective experience of more than fifty years in all modalities of Hypnosis, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming.

The Australian Academy Of Hypnosis - training tutorials are formatted and presented to effectively instruct students in all significant aspects of Ericksonian, Authoritative and Eastern Hypnosis and also in the practical application, the academic instruction and the historical perspectives.

All required training materials, including the Academies own In Clinic Instructional Video, Textbooks and Workbooks are supplied and included in our low cost tuition fees.

All course applicants will be required to attend either a telephone or an in person interview.

Upon satisfactory completion of the required study, all students are awarded an Undergraduate Bachelor of Hypnosis, or a Diploma of Advanced Hypnosis, as defined by The Academy as our satisfaction of a student having met all of the requirements and successful completion of all examinations and self assessments as required by The Australian Academy Of Hypnosis.

Study available in Perth and Brisbane - clickhere or call (08) 9261 7715

Enhancement Series of hypnosis CDs @



Health Scare For Our Kids:Here's a Special Message Just For You!

Poor diet and childhood obesity could mean today's children will have shorter lives than their parents, health experts have warned. The relationship between being overweight as a child and overweight as an adult is certainly quite strong and cannot be ignored. A survey of nutrition and exercise habits in Queensland children released in April indicates that future generations will be struggling with the problem of obesity and its resulting health implications. Being overweight as an adult certainly increases your risk of having diabetes, arthritis and many other diseases and can affect mortality and morbidity.

With that in mind, let's begin by dispelling the myths of resistance training. Resistance training is the best way to enhance musculoskeletal development in Preadolescents. How about the argument that youth cannot benefit from strength training because they lack the proper levels of testosterone? Overall, strength training produces muscle development well beyond normal childhood growth. In yet another strength training study, Westcott et al, 1995 Grade 5 boys and girl's strength trained twice a week for eight weeks. This group showed an average loss of 2.7% body fat, a 2.5% increase in lean weight, and a 1.5kg decrease in fat weight. These are significant positive changes for a young person's development into a young adult.

WOW Health Club is recognising the need for kids' nutrition and exercise to be controlled and has developed a Kidz Fit Program for children between 8-16 years Strength training with nutritional backing can be a safe and extremely effective activity for young people. At a time when our youth are becoming increasingly sedentary, and activities like playing video games and watching television are overtaking traditional preadolescent activities, the benefits of an effective strength training program are tremendous. We need to encourage boys and girls to develop both strong musculoskeletal systems and healthy, physical active lifestyles that promote proper growth and lead to habits that will bring a lifetime of benefits. Let's take our kids from now to "WOW"!

Introducing your new, improved life-changing solution.


Try it out. It's a FREE offer for a limited time. Call Now! 3268 2855 or email [email protected] or visist

61 Kent Street Hamilton Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Reclaiming Personal Power: Part 3 Earning a Living with Authetic Power By Tys Dammeyer :

This month we are going to take a look at money and how we may at times sacrifice our authentic power in order to obtain it, especially in the “job” situation. Before reading on, take a moment to reflect on the meaning of money to you. What are you willing to do to get money? Do you have all you need or do you always seem to be running short? What are your beliefs about money? more…

Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: All Raw Cheese Cake!

This delicious treat can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. After a piece or three, you will feel satisfied and nourished without the guilt and the sore tummy. There is no gluten, sugar or impossible to digest dairy involved. And best of all, it’s all raw, which means it’s chock-a-block with enzymes and bacteria to heal your digestion.

* 2 cups crispy nuts * 1 cup pitted dates * 4 cups home made cream cheese, softened * 4 organic or free range eggs, separated, at room temperature * 1 1/4 cups milk, preferably raw * 2 tablespoons gelatin * 1/2 cup raw honey * 1 tablespoon vanilla * pinch sea salt * selected tropical fruits In a food processor, process dates and almonds until they form a sticky mass. Press into a buttered 9 inch by 13 inch pyrex pan to form a crust. Put egg yolks and milk in a sauce pan, beat lightly, sprinkle with gelatin and warm slightly until gelatin is dissolved.

In a food processor, combine cream cheese, honey and vanilla and process until smooth. Add yolk/milk mixture and process until smooth. Transfer to a bowl and place in refrigerator while beating egg whites. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff, fold into cream-cheese mixture and pour into crust. Chill several hours before serving. Selected fruits cut up and sprinkled with lemon juice to keep from browning, make a tasty topping which will entice squeals of delight from your family and friends. Enjoy.

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Laughter is the best medicine!

What kind of house weighs the least? A lighthouse.

Quote of the month!

Trouble,like the hill ahead,straightens out when you advance upon it.

Win an EziDry Snackmaker Food Dehydrator!

No longer the domain of farmers' wives with a bountiful supply of fresh fruit to preserve, the food dehydrator has moved into the kitchens of hikers, campers and those who simply like to be creative with their culinary skills. Dry fruits and vegetables for snacking, or for adding to recipes at a later date. Make your own garlic powder, garlic salt, onion powder and pulverised fruits (to add to desserts or cakes). Custom-make corn chips to taste, or prepare meals for hiking trips that weigh up to 75% less. Perfect for curries, pasta sauces and even soups! Once you get started, you'll thrive on the knowledge that you're obtaining maximum flavour and excellent nutrient value from the foods you dry. So simple to use. Create and enjoy! Valued at $199.00 from Live It Up Lifestyle Products. clickhere for a great introductory offer!

Don't forget that all subscribers to Naturally Happy are automatically included in all our giveaways- GOOD LUCK!
Click here
for more details.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Essential Health!
  • Wave of Life!
  • Endermologie!
  • Harmony Centre!
  • Goodlife Health Clubs!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.