Issue 204

Non-Toxic Body Brushes: with Bodecare.

If you are trying to rid your body of toxins don't risk using a body brush that is covered in chemicals. You deserve the best quality!

Next time you go to buy a DRY body brush make sure you check that it is made of natural timber that hasn't been treated with chemicals or plastics and the plant bristles have been boiled with plain water. Our skin is porous and absorbs everything we touch. Dry brushing is meant to open the pores and help the toxins release from your body, but it is no good if you have a cheap brush that has been sprayed with chemicals, it will be transferred onto your skin.

Is your body brush eco-friendly? Look for timber brushes that are made from Certified FSC Timber. FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization established to promote the responsible management of the world's forests.

Are the bristles from a plant? The bristles made from genuine Tampico plant bristle which is from the Agave plant is the optimum plant bristle for dry body brushing. The bristles are fine and won't scratch the skin. The plant bristles have many hooks and imperfections which gather the dry dead skin cells as it sweeps over your body. Plant bristle are firm when they are dry which is why you body brush with DRY skin, as soon as you wet plant bristles they soften and clump together and you won't get the exfoliation or stimulation for your skin.

Brush Care

As so much dead skin cells sloughs off while dry brushing and works its way into the brush bristles, it's important to clean your dry skin brush regularly. Once a week wash bristles with a Tea Tree soap, remove excess water by padding bristles into a towel and allow to dry naturally with bristles facing down, so the water can run away from the brush head. Daily application of a Tea Tree spray after each body brush will help keep bristles clean between your weekly wash.

Every small step we make to reducing the amount of chemicals we expose to our bodies will benefit in the long run.

Remember all MyHealthSpecial / Naturally Happy Readers receive a special $10 discount off your first purchase with Bodecare. At the checkout, simply use the coupon name: MYHEALTHSPECIALS and click ADD and it will automatically take $10 off your total. GO NOW TO and receive your gift.

Happy Brushing

Jodie Smith







It Is Conceivable that your Mind is Preventing You from Conceiving: Try the Free Online Fertility Stress Test.


By Gwendoline Ford, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Fertility by Hypnosis Practitioner

You have done everything that you are advised to do in order to get pregnant -- you've cleansed your body, followed a good diet, made love at the right time of the month and your doctor has no reason to think that you should have any problems.

Yet, the months are slipping by... .

If this sounds like you, then I can almost guarantee that what's on your mind is stopping you getting pregnant. Without the mind in order, the body is out of order too. When someone is in a coma and their brain is asleep, so too is their body, isn't it? .

I am sure that you have heard of stories where people have gone into remission or have become cured of serious diseases for no good medical reason. Or, what about those stories in which an old man is said to have only weeks to live, but he survives for months only to die happily the day after his daughter's wedding. And what about all those couples who gave up trying to conceive, adopted a child, and then fell immediately pregnant! .

All these cases have one thing in common: "Mind over matter." .

The mind and body are closely connected, so it is important to create harmony within the whole person to overcome fertility issues and finally achieve pregnancy. .

There are plenty of recent studies to support what Chinese women observed several thousands of years ago: that women who had difficulty conceiving often had an underlying emotional issue that was preventing conception. Your moods, both high and low, your emotions, your stress levels, that self-talk that goes on in your mind… they all play a part on your holistic health - which is a combination of your mind, your body and your spiritual self. .

It can be surprising just how strongly the urge to reproduce can affect you. It can become an obsession, an aspiration that totally consumes you. This in itself can start to cause all sorts of stress in your life and your relationships especially when things don't go as smoothly or as quickly as you would like. Stress affects our bodies in many ways and for the couple trying to conceive it may be much more than vaginal dryness and semen quality. .

Your overly stressed body could experience:
Suppressed luteinising hormone
Increased serum cortisol levels
Inhibited hypothalamic Gnrh function
Prevented implantation of a fertilised egg
Reduced egg quality
Delayed release of eggs .

So how is your mind preventing you from getting pregnant?

It may be that you have thought patterns that are holding you back, such as:

You are not meant to be a mother for some reason or other
Maybe you think you are too old

Maybe you are carrying some guilt that you think may be the
reason; perhaps you would feel guilt if you did fall pregnant because
your sister or best friend can't have babies

You think you are being punished for some reason or other

You think you're not good enough

Perhaps other members of the family had trouble conceiving and so you naturally believe you will too .

Maybe even deeper down in your subconscious, you have some conditioning that you don't even think of -- such as hearing your mother or aunties say, "I will never go through that again!" Or perhaps you heard other negative stories as you were growing up about menstruation, childbirth and child rearing. What did you hear about your own birth? .

Maybe you didn't experience good parenting, so you don't have a good example to follow. Do you have the experience of not feeling like a valued child? .

Or, maybe your family doesn't approve of your partner... or your having a baby because of your age or for some other reason. .

Maybe you are simply afraid of the effect of the pregnancy and what it will do to your body, your relationships, your career, your finances… perhaps you are even afraid of the act of giving birth itself. .

At this point, you may be asking, "What memories, messages and experiences am I holding onto that could be sabotaging my efforts to conceive and give birth to a baby?" .

It is easy to see that you could have a lot going on -- both the conscious and unconscious level -- that may have a negative impact on yourself and your partner. These stressful thoughts can block your ability to support conception and pregnancy. .

Hypnotherapy can help with many things. It is one of the most marvellous and effective natural therapies. Hypnotherapy supports motivation for life mastery, stops bad habits that are life ruining, can end mental anguish of fears and phobias, and can get the mind in order for conception! .

As the clinical hypnotherapy practitioner at Brisbane Fertility Clinic, I am committed to helping you overcome the stress and mental blocks that may be keeping you from conceiving. We have also FREE online Fertility Stress Test that you can complete anonymously in order to gauge yourself:

For a non-obligation telephone consultation, please call the Clinic at 07 3392 0602 from anywhere within Australia. If you would like more information, simply call or email us at [email protected] or fill in our online enquiry form here:




Stretch Marks - Want to Get Rid of them?: by Dr Lise Perry Of Viva Wellness.

Until now, solutions to reduce or remove stretch marks have had limited success. At last an effective treatment has arrived in Australia. The Dermapen is an advanced needling device that rapidly and effectively deals with stretch marks.

Over 50% or women develop stretch marks as a result of pregnancy. You can call them a badge of honour, but that does not make these scars any more attractive or desirable. They form as a result of tearing of the underlying dermal layer in your over-stretched skin.

Rapid growth or weight gain during puberty also can result in stretch marks. Initially, they appear as purple-red streaks in the skin. These fade to a silvery-blue colour. The skin in the stretch mark can appear almost translucent. It lacks elasticity and will pucker when pinched. By this time, the skin texture can be more disfiguring than the colour of the stretch mark.

Dermapen uses multiple fine needles that vertically pierce the skin. These micro-injuries trigger a wound healing response in the skin, stimulating natural collagen production. Treatments are rapid, painless and affordable. Initial results are visible within a week. Both fresh and aged stretch marks can be treated successfully.

These photographs show the improvement in skin integrity and stretch mark reduction after only one week following a single Dermapen treatment at Viva Wellness.

Images before and after. What you see in these images is a huge boost in natural collagen and elastin in the skin and scar-less healing following Dermapen treatment. This transforms the appearance and texture of the skin within one week. Skin texture continues to improve over the following months.

Dermapen has shown great success in treating burn and surgery scars, acne scarring, skin tightening, lifting and skin rejuvenation, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, minimizing pore size and treating early stages of alopecia.

Unlike traditional dermal rollers, the Dermapen causes less trauma and minimal skin damage, reducing discomfort and improving recovery time. The adjustable needle depth and fine manoeuvrability means it is safe to use in delicate and hard to reach areas such as around the eyes and lips.

No wonder that Dermapen has recently been named as the Winner of the Aesthetic Practitioner Award 2012.

Viva Wellness, an early adopter of evidence-based aesthetic treatments, is achieving outstanding results with the Dermapen. What are you waiting for? Stop hiding and start living.

Ring Viva Wellness on 3350 3669 for your complimentary consultation.

Chermside or Indooroopilly



Your Mid-Year Stock Take: by Sue Lester Head Transition Coach, at Growing Content Pty Ltd.


It's the mid-point or end-point of the year, depending whether you work in financial years or not. So how are you tracking? Is there a smile of satisfaction on your face, or a look of disappointment or fear? No need to despair, the rest of your life starts a second from now, so you can always start afresh. Doing well? Great, and you can also learn and move on, by following these steps:

1. Review your goals. (Didn't write them down? Well, that's part of the issue. Pretend you had for now.) Give yourself a score out of 100% for each, that way you measure your progress more effectively than Done/Not Done. Acknowledge progress, even if small. :

2. Delete any goals no longer relevant. For those not finished, consider why. Was it a goal for someone else's idea of what you should be doing? Was it fear, anxiety, self doubt or self criticism stopping you? Or an unrealistic expectation of what could fit into your life? :

3. Dream for a while. Step out into your future and see, hear and feel what it would be like if everything just fell into place, easily. (No room for 'buts' and self doubts here.) :

4. Reverse engineer - work back from the future, writing down the steps needed to achieve that dream. (Goals are just dreams with deadlines.) :

5. Check you have something for you personally as well as for business/career. This is all for you, you know, your life, your satisfaction and fulfilment. :

6. Put those action steps into your diary, including lead up (small action steps) reminders. No point turning the page and realizing, oops, haven't done any marketing for that workshop tomorrow! If you are visual person put them on your wall too. :

7. Find someone to hold you accountable, to cheer you on and share resources. It's your path, but you don't have to walk alone. Your success is built on the strength of your team. :

If you've realised you're still running the same old strategies or habits, so are getting the same results, and are fed up with that, then it's time we had a chat. If you'd like a complimentary Success Map session to really clarify where you are, where you're going and where you need to focus for success, call me soon. I have time for only 4 Success Map sessions this month, and only 3 Transition Coaching program vacancies.

Free De-Stress For Success webinar 21 June. Join Sue Lester, Head Transition Coach, as she reveals the true underlying causes of stress AND the essential 3 layers of effective de-stressing so you can free yourself to feel the way you want. More information and to book:

Sue Lester, Head Transition Coach and Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnosis. Ph 07 3103 2679 or [email protected]



Irritable Bowel Syndrome- Causes, Symptoms & Management: by Peter McMahon.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by chronic abdominal pain and major alterations in bowel habits with no discernable organic cause. It was first described in 1892 by a Canadian physician, William Osler, who called it mucous colitis. It is also called spastic colon, nervous colon, irritable colon, and irritated bowel.

Irritable bowel syndrome is one disease that many people have but few talk about. An estimated 15% of the population have it and have been treated for it. However, the incidence is difficult to establish because of misdiagnosis by the health care professional and underreporting by the patient himself. .


The causes of irritable bowel syndrome remain poorly understood but are currently under avid research. Postulated causes are: those related to enteric infection, those with central neurohormonal mechanisms and those related to dietary intake. .

The disorder often manifests after a bout of gastroenteritis or stomach flu. This may be due to the persistence of colonic muscle hyperreactivity, and alterations in neural and immunologic processes of the small and large bowels. Infection with Giardia lamblia has been shown to lead to an increased prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. .

The limbic system of our brain mediates emotional and autonomic response. It has been shown to enhance bowel motility and reduce gastric motility in patients with IBS. Limbic system abnormalities have been described in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and major depression. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis may also be closely involved. Disturbances in motility correspond to increase in hypothalamic release of corticotrophin-releasing factor in response to stress. .

An intolerance to dietary fats may lead to bloating and distention. Also, short-chain carbohydrates such as fructose may also lead to irritable bowel symptoms. Symptoms.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are incredibly varied and may range from the very mild to the extreme. They are commonly directly associated with the digestive system and may include abdominal pain, abdominal distention, diarrhea, constipation, a combination of diarrhea and constipation, an increase in the frequency of stools, an urgency to pass stool, a feeling that you have not completely emptied the bowels after passing out stool, clear or whitish mucorrhea or mucus discharge with stools (sticky substance passed out with stool), nausea and vomiting, heartburn, and dyspepsia. .

There may be presence of symptoms that do not directly concern the digestive tract. These may include sexual dysfunction, dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse, loss of libido, urinary frequency and urgency, fibromyalgia, headache, tiredness and chronic fatigue, backache, depression and anxiety. Diagnosis.

Diagnosis is usually done by a careful history and by excluding other gastrointestinal diseases that have similar symptoms. An attempt to form suitable criteria to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome by symptoms was done to minimize the need for many tests to exclude other conditions. This set of criteria is the Rome III criteria for diagnosing Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGID). Rome III says that one must have abdominal pain or discomfort for a minimum of three days per month over a period of three months and that this should be accompanied by any two of the following: abdominal pain is relieved by defecation, onset of the pain is accompanied by change in frequency of passing stools, and onset of pain is accompanied by a change in the appearance of stool. .

There are four subtypes of IBS according to the Rome III criteria: .

IBS-C is IBS with constipation, if more than 25% of stools are hard and lumpy and less than 25% of stools are loose and watery. .

IBS-D is IBS with diarrhea, if more than 25% of stools are loose and watery and less than 25% of stools are hard and lumpy. .

IBS-M is IBS mixed, if more than 25% of stools are hard and lumpy and more than 25% of stools are loose and watery. .

IBS-U is IBS unsubtyped. .

The stools are classified according to the Bristol Stool Form Scale.

There are a vast number of differential diagnoses for irritable bowel syndrome. These include colitis, Crohn's disease, parasitic infection, celiac disease, food intolerance, depression, and colon cancer. These differential diagnoses are important and must be ruled out before a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is made. .

The following symptoms should alert the physician to a possible serious cause of the IBS-like symptoms: onset during middle age or in older individuals, acute onset of symptoms, progressiveness or worsening of the symptoms, symptoms occurring at night, anorexia or loss of appetite, weight loss, febrile episodes, rectal bleeding, painless diarrhea, steatorrhea or passage of fat with stools, and intolerance to milk, dairy products and gluten (a protein in wheat). .


While there really is no definitive cure because the cause is yet unknown, irritable bowel syndrome can be successfully managed according to its predominant symptoms. Changes in diet and lifestyle, pharmaceutical drugs, and behavior therapy can be employed to manage the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. .

Increasing the amount of insoluble fiber in the diet used to be one of the management options. It is believed to add bulk to the stool and enable the gut to function more routinely. This has however been noted to be untrue. While it is effective in persons without irritable bowel syndrome, the same cannot be said for IBS sufferers and may even cause the symptoms to worsen. Specialized diets and recipes have been formulated for patients with IBS and these may be worth trying. .

Antispasmodics, laxatives, enhancers of gastric and colonic motility and tricyclic antidepressants are some of the pharmaceuticals used to treat the disorder. The side-effects of these drugs may not be very optimal for the patient though, and may even cause the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome to worsen. As such, the benefits of use of these drugs should be carefully weighed against its adverse effects. In addition, they may even mask the symptoms of a serious gastrointestinal disorder such as colon cancer. .

Recently, research has been done into the role of probiotic bacteria. This area of research looks promising for patients whose lives have been disrupted by irritable bowel syndrome. .

Other avenues of treatment that are worth noting are hypnosis, mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Given that IBS is a brain-gut dysfunction, hypnosis and behavior therapy must be considered a valid form of treatment. Hypnosis used alone has an 80% success rate, it has near-zero adverse effects, it is entirely comfortable, and it may even result in the improvement of other symptoms such as headache and fatigue. CBT, is also an effective treatment for IBS. It involves specific strategies for relaxation, coping with stress and facing difficult situations. Mindfulness has also proven to be very effective in helping sufferers of IBS. When these three modalities are integrated, the results can be quite remarkable.

The Peter McMahon IBS Solution




Vitale Blog is a blog (weblog) website aimed at those interested in Natural and organic skin and body care. You will find: * A repository of useful articles for education about how to choose the best organic and natural skin care. These articles are aimed to help you with all aspects of understanding the ingredients and making the right choices for your skin and the environment. * A collection of videos about natural skin care. You can listen to the recordings at any time through your computer speakers rather than having to read through pages of content. * Fresh content is added regularly including vidoes on ingredients, interviews with other skin experts, how-to instructional articles dealing with current hot topics like greenwashing and effecitve ingredients, as well as news and information from the natural beauty world.





Short and Sweet:Herbed Chicken Salad with Fennel.


Serves 4


250ml dry white wine 500ml vegetable stock 4 black peppercorns 3 sprigs thyme 3 sprigs flat leaf parsley 3 chicken breast fillets (skin removed)


150 gm rocket leaves 1 curly leaf lettuce torn into pieces 1 avocado, chopped 1 small fennel bulb thinly sliced Dressing 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp lemon juice 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp white wine vinegar Place wine, vegetable stock and herbs in a pan and bring to boil. Simmer for 3 minutes. Add chicken and simmer until tender. Remove pan from heat and let cool slightly. Tear into bite sized pieces

. For Dressing:

Combine mustard and lemon juice, white wine vinegar & olive oil in a small bowl, season to taste and whisk to combine. Cover closely with plastic wrap and refrigerate until required. Place salad leaves, avocado, fennel and chicken in a large bowl, season to taste and drizzle with dressing. Toss to combine. .

Brought to you by Mass Attack.

Laughter is the best medicine!

While cleaning the attic, Joan and Harry found an old stub for some shoes they left at the repair shop 10 years ago. They thought it would be funny to go to the shop and see if the shoes were still there. So they did. They handed the stub to the repair man who took it and looked in the back. He came out again and said, "They'll be ready on Wednesday."

.Quote of the Month!

"A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug." Jimmy Patricia Neal


For a Good Cause: Why Support the Cambodian Childrens Fund?

Founded in 2004, Cambodian Children’s Fund provides life-changing education, nourishment and healing to vulnerable children from some of Cambodia’s most destitute communities. In the beginning, our world revolved around the health and well-being of 87 youngsters. Today we care for more than 1,200 children and extend our services to provide for their families and communities in crisis.





In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Bodecare
  • Viva Wellness
  • Think 24 hour fitness
  • Short and sweet!
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