
Issue Number 4 - June 2001

In this months issue of "Naturally Happy"

Oxygen Therapy: Whats the fuss all about!

Many aches and pains, general fatigue, a lack of alertness and a considerable number of other daily irritations can all be symptoms of a lack of oxygen in the blood.

What Does Oxygen Do For Us?
Oxygen is our greatest energy source. Oxygen increases stamina and endurance.
A vital ingredient to health, vitality, physical stamina and endurance, is maintaining proper oxygen levels in the body. Oxygen is our primary source of energy. It is the fuel required for the proper operation of all body systems. Oxygen is our Life Force. We can only live a few precious moments without oxygen. 90% of our energy comes from oxygen ... only 10% comes from food and water.

Oxygen gives the body the ability to rebuild itself, detoxifies the blood and strengthens the immune system Oxygen displaces deadly harmful radicals, neutralizes environmental toxins and destroys anaerobic (the ability to live with little oxygen) infectious bacteria, parasites, microbes and viruses. Oxygen greatly enhances the body's absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and other important nutrients.

Oxygen affects the brain and memory. Oxygen affects learning ability one of oxygen's most important functions is that it allows the brain to process billions of pieces of information every second. Even our ability to think, feel and act are all dependent on oxygen. It also calms the mind and stabilizes the nervous system. Oxygen heightens concentration and alertness. Without oxygen, brains cells die quickly ... and unlike our liver cells, brain cells cannot regenerate, which results in memory loss. More severe loss of oxygen in the brain can result in speech impairment and loss of motor skills. As we age, and oxygen deficiency increases, it takes longer to learn and retention span is decreased.

Pure 02 is already very popular and commonly available to residents of some of the world largest cities, particularly in America, Europe and Japan. Brisbane has also joined the ranks with pure oxygen available at a number of establishments in and around the city.

For more information click here:

Pilates: It's not just for the stars
By Nicole Vass (B Phty)

Well, we all know that Madonna does it, the Australian Ballet dancers do it, elite athletes do it!……but so do a lot of the rest of us do it or want to do it! Pilates is the word on everyone's lips when it comes to exercise, so what is it all about?

Well, Joseph Pilates had it right in believing that for ultimate fitness and wellbeing, you had to have good control and support from your abdominal and pelvic stability muscles. He called this your "core" stability. Most of us are well aware that this is where we feel weak and then everything else just stems from there.

Pilates conditions the body from the inside, out. It targets the deep stability muscles which support the body, and ultimately makes it function more efficiently.
It promotes a good balance between muscular strength and flexibility, improves posture, addresses the essential factors contributing to neck and back pain, and provides stress relief by coordinating breathing with movement.

How does a Pilates session work?

For the best results, studio sessions done 2 to 3 times per week are ideal. Most studios work on a ratio of one Instructor to 3 or 4 clients in a one hour session. This ensures individual attention and feedback with every exercise. You will do a combination of "mat" work, exercises on specialized equipment and exercises with other accessory equipment. These are all aimed at developing a strong, centered and balanced body.

Group Matwork classes are also a great option for getting to know the floor work and understanding your body better. Based on the key features of the work, a Matwork class will still cover strength and flexibility work for the whole body with the emphasis on control of movement, posture and coordinated breathing.

How quickly will I feel results?

Most people comment that even after their first few sessions, they are much more aware of their posture and how to activate the support muscles around the trunk. Physiologically, as with any exercise program, actual changes in muscle strength take up to 6 weeks.

People with chronic neck and back pain start to see results and a reduction of their pain within 8 to 12 weeks. Many of these injuries either start from or are the result of restrictions or poor posture and inefficient movement over a long period of time. It then takes time to recognize them, and replace them with more effective movement patterns.

Because it is based on individual instruction in the studio, it is a safer environment to exercise in after an injury or a long period of inactivity.

For more information click here:

Natural Fertility: It's more than you think

Natural fertility is the use of herbal medicine, nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve the possibility of conception. This is evaluated through the use of patient history and the use of temperature charting and mucous. The Natural Fertility Management (NFM) programme has been developed by Sydney based naturopath, Francesca Naish. Local naturopath Linda Demy-Gero is also a NFM counsellor and has successfully treated and assisted many couples.

One of the areas which is proving to be very popular amongst prospective parents is preconception health care which can make a difference to the physical, emotional and mental health of your baby and at the same time improve fertility of women and men, assist with conception and in some cases prevent miscarriage. Preconception care also has been found to assist with a healthier pregnancy and trouble-free birth and breastfeeding. The reason that preconception is a wise choice is that the mother's egg takes about 100 days to mature before ovulation and the father's sperm needs approximately 116 days to form. During this time, it is important to minimise possible damage. It is recommended to allow about 4 months prior to attempting conception to enable both the sperm and egg to develop in a nutrient-rich and toxic-free environment.

In some cases there may also be clinical reasons for fertility problems such as endometriosis or low sperm counts and many of these issues can be addressed through the use of herbal medicine and nutritional supplements. However, NFM should not be considered a lesser alternative in conception but a different alternative using only natural methods to improve outcomes. Even in cases where I.V.F. is the best option, natural fertility has still been found to assist reproduction through the use of nutritional and environmental changes and can be used safely with IVF.

If you would like to know more about this programme or would like a brochure sent to you, contact Linda Demy-Gero at or phone 07 3378 3255.

BICOM Resonance
Therapy: Effective individualised Therapy
By Milo Milosevic N.D

BICOM Resonance Therapy is an efficient bio-cybernetic therapeutic method which works with the patient's own electromagnetic oscillations and those produced by substances.
What is fascinating and new about this therapy is that pathological oscillations which cause illness can be "picked up" from the patient and used directly in therapy just as disturbing signals from all kinds of toxins can be used for elimination.

As a holistic method, BRT combines know-how accumulated through 20 years' experience with knowledge from homeopathy, acupuncture, environmental medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. BICOM Resonance Therapy can be used as a good adjuvant to conventional treatment and can be combined extremely well with a range of naturopathic methods such as cupping, homeopathy, neural therapy, colon hydrotherapy, ozone or oxygen multistage therapy.

As auto-isopathy it has no harmful side-effects and works on several physical levels simultaneously, on the energetic, humoral, mesenchymal, hormonal, cellular, immunological, neural, organic and functional level. Moreover, it can drastically reduce the side-effects of other, e.g. traditional therapies.

The main aim of BICOM Resonance Therapy is to activate the body's own self-healing powers and release them from disturbing pathological influences. Its method of operating has been proven both through in vitro-, in vivo- and clinical studies as well as retrospective studies from medical practice, reports of users' experiences and numerous documented case studies.

Since all bodies and all bodily substances display characteristic electromagnetic spectra which can be influenced and modified by exogenous and endogenous pathological factors, BICOM Resonance Therapy has a wide range of possible uses. BICOM Resonance Therapy is a valuable addition to the numerous options which already exist in medicine and has already become firmly established in a number of practices. The likelihood of tackling even difficult cases successfully are significantly increased with this gentle therapeutic method.

For further information on BICOM Resonance Therapy contact Milo at:

My Body Expo 2 for 1 Exclusive Offer for "Naturally Happy " Subscribers

The My Body Expo is all about you, and your body - with so many options available in the market today that can improve your appearance and quality of life, you can have the body (and look) of your dreams.

We live and work an somewhat stressful and busy times - most of us are working harder than ever before, raising families, paying off homes, and planning a future, so there is precious little time to look after your single most valuable asset - you, and your body.

This show is a forum or meeting place where people will come to gather information and express ideas. You might be after a sexier body, research cosmetic surgery options, get fit, loose weight, laser eye surgery, body piercing, tattooing, massage techniques, hair care and cosmetics or natural medicines.

Click here to print your 2 for 1 special offer

Take the 12 Week Challenge

For the past two years, thousands of Australians have taken up the Challenge
to regain control of their body's and lives.

Over a period of 12 weeks (June 25th to September 25th) entrants will exercise and diet their way to success. For an incentive, Men's Health magazine is putting up over $100,000 in prizes including a new Holden Astra. All you need to do is register with Men's Health Magazine and get advice from a local fitness centre on how to exercise and eat to gain the maximum results.
Participating clubs are listed in the magazine.

Sportsmotion have developed a proven system that will produce winning results in any body shape, no matter what age or fitness level. On average the Sportsmotion system can achieve losses of 8-10 kg of fat in the 12 week period. These results are common using our system, but unfortunately, not that common in other fitness centres.

If entrants wish to use the system that achieved three finalists
in last years competition, they will register at Sportsmotion by June 20th
and let us take care of the rest

To find out about Sports Motion click here

Short and Sweet:

Mocha Mousse

Nutrient analysis per serve:
Energy: 1175kj Protein: 21 g Fat: 6g Carbohydrate: 38 g Calcium: 544 mg Total Sugars: 35 g

Serves 4

2 x 375ml can Australian light evaporated milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder, sifted
2 teaspoons instant coffee powder
1/4 cup castor sugar*
1 1/2 tablespoons gelatine
1/4 cup water

Combine milk, cocoa, coffee and sugar in a saucepan and whisk over heat until just below boiling point. Combine gelatine and water in a bowl and stir over boiling water until dissolved or microwave on high for 45 seconds. Fold gelatine through mixture and spoon into serving dishes. Refrigerate until set.

*Recipes containing sugar may also be made using equal quantities of a granulated artificial sweetener.

Laughter is the best medicine

Aromatherapy makes scents.

Why can't life have an "undo" button?

I lent a man $5,000 for plastic surgery. He never paid me back
and now I don't know what he looks like!

Quote of the month

"To know, and to not to do, is not to know"

Leo Buscaglia

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Ozone Therapy
  • Personal Training
  • Japanese Acupuncture
  • Pre and Post Natal Body Care

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