Issue 28
  • Migraine & Tension Headache:Prevention Breakthrough!
  • Design on Beauty: where you will feel welcomed and nurtured!
  • Peakology: useful information and tips thanks to Peak Physique!
  • Naturally Happy Sponsors: Health and Lifestyle links!
  • Health Buzz :The latest news on all things good for you!
  • Short and Sweet: Zucchini, Roasted Tomato and Mascarpone Risotto
  • Laughter is the best medicine!
  • Quote of the month!
  • Win 1 of 2 Biotonics Gift packs valued at $200 each!


Migraine & Tension Headache:Prevention Breakthrough!

Do you get Migraines? Do you wake up with a headache. Neck pain or sore jaw muscles? Do you suffer from sensitive teeth?

The first clinically proven, non drug method for the prevention of migraine. The NTI-tss is a small, virtually invisable mouthpiece that covers only your upper front teeth while you sleep.

The NTI-tss must be custom-fitted by a dentist which usually takes only one 30 minute visit. In a clinical trial 82% of migraine sufferers who used the NTI-tss 8 weeks had a 77% average reduction in migraine attacks. The NTI-tss device reduced not only migraine but also the need for medication usually taken to treat migaine pain.

For more information, or a consultation contact Queensland Holistic Dental Dr David M Cowhig 1 st floor Bowman House 276 Edward Street Brisbane T: 07 3221 4632 or visit




Design on Beauty: where you will feel welcomed and nurtured!

The essence at Design on Beauty is “CARE”. That is, care for your skin and well being in an atmosphere designed to provide you with a space where you will feel welcomed and nurtured. Our range of managed programmes will provide you with the knowledge and ingredience to restore your soul and at the same time have you looking great.

All skin practitioners are fully qualified and provide the level of care required through a carefully prepared in house training schedule to deliver the best possible service. You will benefit from the knowledge and experience we offer you.

After you have been to Design on Beauty you will realize there is an escape from the pressures of daily life with your relaxation and renewal in our care. Let yourself be rejuvenated – you deserve it!

Invest in one of our managed programmes and receive a complimentary Jet Therapy session! Call Helen at Design on Beauty on 07 3324 2111 or click here





Peakology:useful information and tips thanks to Peak Physique!

with Brad Sheppard

Would you like even faster results from your personal training? If you would, you'll love Peakology. Peakology will bring you useful information and tips dedicated to enhancing your life through ground-breaking exercise and nutrition habits.
So set aside 3 minutes RIGHT NOW to read the following article and then implement the strategies, it's that simple! The results start when you do.

Winter Insulation

During the colder months of the year, we take various strategies to combat the cold. Rug ourselves up with jumpers, get in front of a good DVD with the doona over us, stoke up the fire place with a warm Milo; or increase our body fat percentage to create that extra insulation.

Body fat creates insulation did I hear you say? …That’s right! Generally speaking, body fat is a form of insulation. Therefore the more body fat you have, the more insulation you have. That is not to say that the fatter you are the less you feel the cold; everybody on some level will feel cold, but, Generally speaking, the leaner you get, the less body fat you have, the more you will feel the cold.

With this in mind, the colder you are, the more body fat you will burn. I have heard of several bodybuilders who will simply immerse themselves in a cold bath for 30mins to increase the amount of body fat they burn. Keep in mind that we are talking extreme fat loss here - jumping into an ice cold bath is no substitute for not doing your cardio and eating right!

So, your body’s natural tendency is, in periods of colder temperatures, to store body fat to keep you warm. Then during these colder months your natural tendency may be to do the same. If that is the case then recognize it, and go with it!

If you are concerned about how this may make you feel, then be aware of what your body may be trying to do. Compensate for the fact that your body may be operating a little differently. This might include understanding what foods may trigger an increase in body fat with you and eat less of these foods, or simply do more activity!

Remember there is always two ways to look at any situation. During the colder times you could stand around complaining about the fact that you are cold or you could think about how you are simply melting away body fat!

If your would like to check out Peak Physique contact Brad for a FREE consultation on (m) 0412-999-656 or visit their webpage by clicking here or
[email protected]



Naturally Happy Sponsors: Health and Lifestyle links!


Health Buzz: The latest news on all things good for you!

Brought to you by


Chilblains are patches of red, swollen and itchy skin, believed to be caused by a combination of cold weather and poor circulation. The toes are particularly vulnerable, but other extremities that can develop chilblains include fingers, earlobes and the nose. Tight shoes can also contribute by irritating and pressing on the skin of the toes, especially the little toe. Despite the discomfort, chilblains don't cause any permanent damage to tissue. Not everyone exposed to cold and damp conditions will develop chilblains, which leads some researchers to believe that those who do are overly sensitive to changes in weather and temperature. The elderly, sedentary, teenagers and people with medical conditions (such as anaemia) are most susceptible.

Suggestions for treating chilblains at home include:

  • Resist the urge to scratch, as this will further damage the skin.
  • Use calamine lotion or witch hazel to soothe the itching.
  • Your chemist may also supply a suitable product.
  • Wear woollen or cotton socks.
  • Keep your whole body warm.
  • Gentle exercise will improve circulation to your feet.

Brought to you by


Short and Sweet: Zucchini, Roasted Tomato and Mascarpone Risotto


Serves : 4 - 6

Ingredients : 6 roma tomatoes, halved 20g Australian Butter, melted 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 100g Australian Butter, extra 2 zucchini, sliced 1 leek, finely sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 1/2 cups arborio rice 3/4 cup dry white wine 6 cups (1.5L) boiling chicken stock, hot 3/4 cup grated Australian Parmesan Cheese 1/3 cup Australian Mascarpone or Cream Cheese 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

Method: Place tomatoes on baking tray, cut-side up. Drizzle with butter and balsamic vinegar. Season. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes or until tomatoes are tender. In a heavy-based saucepan, heat extra butter, add zucchini and cook for 2 minutes or until just tender. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon. Add leek and garlic and cook for 3-4 minutes without browning. Add rice and stir for 1 - 2 minutes until well coated. Add wine and continue to cook, stirring until wine has been absorbed. Add 1/2 cup of stock, stirring constantly over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed. Repeat until all the stock is absorbed and rice is tender. This will take 25 - 30 minutes, requiring constant stirring. Add zucchini and Parmesan and gently fold in mascarpone and parsley. Garnish with extra parsley.

Nutitional Analysis per serve Serves: 4 - 6 Carbohydrates: 108 g Energy: 3773 kJ Calcium: 292 mg Protein: 21 g Fat: 40 g

Laughter is the best medicine!

Where do watermelons go on school holidays? John Cougarmelon camp


Quote of the month!

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)


Win 1 of 2 Biotonics Gift packs valued at $200 each!

The Biotonics skin and body care range was developed by professionals, including a Beauty Therapist and Aromatherapist, providing you with natural, professionally formulated, aromatherapy based products that will revitalise, nourish and protect your skin. The gift pack will include a selection of bio body, bio hair, and bio baby - a total skin and body care system to promote healthy, radiant skin.

Prize drawn August 30!

Don't forget that all subscribers to Naturally Happy are automatically included in all our giveaways- GOOD LUCK!
Click here
for more details.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Biotonics
  • The Great Aussie Back Rub
  • Osteopathy
  • Colon Hydrotherapy
  • Peakology
  • Health Buzz
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in the magazine.