Issue 26


  • Better visable results for your skin:with the Bio-Pacific Skin Range!
  • Lifestyle & body transformation: with the Universal Fitness Shop Challenge!
  • Live beneficial bacteria: the infamous Probiotic!
  • Family owned since 1985: take a look at Websters World of Fitness!
  • The ancient art of healing: Dit Da medicine!
  • Naturally Happy Sponsors: Health and Lifestyle links!
  • Health Buzz :The latest news on all things good for you!
  • Short and Sweet:Chicken Cacciatore Casserole!
  • Laughter is the best medicine!
  • Quote of the month!
  • Win 1 of 2 Fitness First Passport Memberships valued at $400 each

Don't forget Mothers Day! You'll find over 1000 local natural health, fitness and beauty ideas at

Better visable results for your skin:with the Bio-Pacific Skin Range!

Bio-Pacific is a skin treatment range which consists of 13 products which have been formulated to cleanse, tone, nourish and normalise the most common problem skin conditions. One of the few products available with the approval of the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) to acknowledge a skin formula as an "acne treatment".

Bio-Pacific's products have been extensively researched and formulated homeopathically prepared with the finest ingredients nature can offer. Because the ingredients are organically grown the preparations are more effectively absorbed into the skin. High levels of Aloe Vera, plant extracts and special blends of essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and water soluble protein (MPS) Muccopolysaccrides, provide deeper penetration and stimulation of healthy cell regeneration meaning - better visible results for your skin.

"If you want to improve on your skin, you have to get back to nature, as all ingredients must come from nature, not from a synthetic form".

Bio-Pacific achieved great success in the US, UK and Korea with thousands of people attaining excellent results for conditions such as:

Severe Acne - Acne Scarring - Blemishes and congestion - Rosacea - Dermatitis - Pigmentation - Ageing Skin

Each product is formulated to work in natural harmony with your skin. The ingredients work in synergy with the skin's own natural functions to achieve a beautiful complexion making your skin feel healthy and radiant.

When you purchase a range of Bio Pacific products for a cost of $250.00 - We will give you a complimentary Dermatherapy treatment valued at $85.00 . Call Marcelle on 07 3861 5822 or email [email protected] or click here to visit the Bio-Pacific webpage.




Lifestyle & body transformation: with the universal Fitness Shop Challenge!

Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose fat, or run faster, when it comes to sports supplement strategies, you want an easy to follow plan, not just a box of products. You need a precise and customized strategy for your personal needs, from someone you can trust.

Many people waste their hard earned money on sports supplements through trial and error, the confusion of what brand to buy, what supplement to take, how much to take and when to take it. It's not surprising that the majority of people don't get the results they expect.

There is no mistaking that the right supplements can make a dramatic impact on the way you look. However despite all the marketing hype, they're not "miracle" products at all. They're a sports "supplement" to help balance an inadequate dietary food intake or to help maintain the right food plan which will give the results you want.

Universal Fitness Shop has been educating athletes, celebrities, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts for over ten years. Universal Fitness Shop tells the simple truth about what works and how to avoid the products that don't. Offering a money-back guarantee, Universal Fitness Shop will leave you confident about the informed and intelligent decisions you'll make about sports supplements.

After years of prescribing sports supplement solutions, Universal Fitness Shop has created a value-for-money Lifestyle & Body Transformation Kit. These Kits include a precise food plan, training program with the right supplementation perfectly assembled to help you achieve your best body. Eliminate the guesswork with a personalised Lifestyle & Body transformation Kit based on your individual needs and goals.

If you're already buying sports supplements now, think about how you are currently choosing, using and buying supplements. Are they really the right ones for you? Think about what a difference the Universal Fitness Shop Lifestyle & Body Transformation Kit can make. Give it a try. With a money back guarantee, what have you got to lose?

Purchase a Lifestyle & Body Transformation Kit and you'll have a 1 in 2 chance of winning Two free return air fares to the United States of America! (some conditions apply) click here for more details or call Wayne on 07 3354 1066



Live beneficial bacteria: the infamous Probiotic!

QUESTION: What is another word for a live beneficial bacteria that can help balance the good and bad bacteria found in our digestive system?


QUESTION:Where can we find a probiotic product?

ANSWER: In you local supermarket, convenience store or even milk bar. This product is called Yakult.

The probiotic in Yakult is known as Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain A probiotic must contain a high level beneficial bacteria and needs to survive the stomach and bile acids to reach the intestines alive. The role of a probiotic is to

  • Help control the number of potentially harmful bacteria that naturally exist in the digestive system
  • Replenish and balance the levels of beneficial bacteria
  • Assist with digestion of food and absorption of nutrients
  • Help manufacture vitamins
  • Enhance your immune system

The specially cultivated Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain, found only in Yakult, arrives ALIVE in the intestines.

Not all probiotic products can guarantee this vital factor. Furthermore, Yakult is made in Australia. For more information on bacteria and how to maintain a healthy level please check out : or call the Yakult on their free number 1800 640 023.


Family owned since 1985: take a look at Websters World of Fitness!

Websters World of Fitness is a family owned business which has been operating since 1985.They cater for all age groups & fitness levels, provide a wide variety of facilities and the personal attention and professional knowledge you may need to help you reach your goals. Your program is designed by a fully qualified personal trainer who is registered with the QLD registration body (QFAC) You will get 3 half hour sessions with a personal trainer who will discuss your needs, goals, injuries, exercise history and anything else that may affect your exercise program.

We will write and explain a resistance training program, and help you to do the program safely, using the right techniques, as well as giving guidelines on eating healthily and in accordance with your lifestyle.

Websters World of Fitness is located in the Coops Complex which has tennis and squash courts, and a 25m heated pool. A fun, safe childminding facility which is open weekdays between 9.00am - 11.30am.A large cooled exercise/aerobic room with a strung floor.A fully equipped gym with free weights and pin loaded machine.Easy-to-use cardio machines which include treadmills, steppers, stationary bicycles, cross trainers and an ergo rowing machine. A solarium to help your tan all year round.

Receive 3 months FREE + a FREE massage when you join up by clicking here or call Roy on 07 3263 9900


The ancient art of healing: Dit Da medicine!

Dit Da Medicine The Ancient Art of Healing This ancient form of physical therapy was cultivated within the walls of the martial temples of China. Dating back more than 4,000 years- the ability of the Art to heal continues to be recognised and trusted by the Chinese people.

Martial practicing Monks were taught Healing Arts in the senior levels of training. The Martial Art body wields more controlled power, making adjustments to the skeleton easier and far safer. Prognosis through feel and touch is more sensitive following prolonged dedication to Martial training due to the power within the hands and fingers and in many cases a personal experience of the injury itself. This one quality brings great sensitivity and knowledge towards the patient and their new ailment.

Paul Brennan has been in practice since 1989 and specialises in "DIT DA". This practice is ideal for sports injuries, bone breaks and back pain with a focus on Bone-Setting. Paul became a Martial Teacher from many years of study in Hong Kong where he received his certifications from grand masters in this ancient style.

Paul is also the (Sifu) Instructor of the Chow Family Kung Fu school in Brisbane and runs classes Monday and Wednesday on a weekly basis. For any details regarding Chinese Sports Medicine or the Chow Family Kung Fu school, Paul can reached by [email protected] or by phone 07 3366 8977 or click here



Naturally Happy Sponsors: Health and Lifestyle links!


Health Buzz: The latest news on all things good for you!

Brought to you by

Wheat Grass does amazing things

Wheatgrass juice is one of nature's true super foods; in fact it is a complete food capable of sustaining human life in the absence of other nourishment for long periods. We certainly wouldn't recommend such a single-track approach to nutrition, but this amazing juice contains almost everything necessary to keep us going. Wheatgrass Juice is extracted from the young sprouts of wheat berries or grains. It has optimal nutritional value if juiced when the shoot of the plant is about to make its first stem division (usually at 7-10 inches growth).

  • Contains very high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and live enzymes
  • Wheatgrass is easy to grow
  • Suitable for those on a gluten-free diet
  • Excellent provider of proteins required for cell regeneration and renowned for it's healing properties Just 2 ounces of juice provides the same nourishment as up to 4 pounds of fresh, green vegetables
  • Helps to maintain healthy digestion, purify and build the blood, and is an excellent all round detoxifier
  • Wonderfully energizing and very useful for helping in times of increased stress or illness.

Brought to you by


Short and Sweet: Chicken Cacciatore Casserole!

Ingredients : 750g chicken thighs, skin removed 1 medium onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 1/2 cup white wine 1 x 875g can reduced salt peeled tomatoes 2 potatoes, peeled and diced 1 carrot, sliced 300g mushrooms, sliced 1/2 cup red lentils 1 cup Australian Natural Set Yogurt 1 tablespoon cornflour 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Method : In a large non-stick saucepan brown the chicken on both sides. Add the onion, garlic and wine and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomatoes, potato, carrot, mushrooms and lentils and simmer covered for 35 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and lentils are tender. Combine yogurt, cornflour and parsley and add to the pan. Reheat without boiling. Serve with crusty bread.

Nutritional Analysis per serve Serves : 4 Carbohydrates : 33 g Energy : 1663 kJ Calcium : 195 mg Protein : 41 g Iron : mg Fat : 8 g

Laughter is the best medicine!

Signs You Drink Too Much Coffee

You answer the door before people knock.

You ski uphill

You grind your coffee beans in your mouth

You haven't blinked since the last lunar eclipse

You lick your coffeepot clean

You're the employee of the month at the local coffeehouse and you don't even work there

Your eyes stay open when you sneeze

You chew on other people's fingernails

Your T-shirt says, "Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's blend

You can type sixty words per minute ... with your feet

You can jump-start your car without cables

You don't need a hammer to pound nails

Your only source of nutrition comes from "Sweet & Low."

You've worn out the handle on your favorite mug

You walk twenty miles on your treadmill before you realize it's not plugged in

You forget to unwrap candy bars before eating them

Charles Manson thinks you need to calm down

You've built a miniature city out of little plastic stirrers

People get dizzy just watching you


Quote of the month!

To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it.

Charles Caleb Colton (1780 - 1832), Lacon, 1825



Win 1 of 2 Fitness First Passport Memberships valued at $400 each

This month thanks to Fitness First 2 lucky winners will pick up a passport memberships! A great prize for you and a friend or you and your partner. The 3 month passport membership is valued at $400 and can be used at any Australian Fitness First location. Fitness First is Australia's leading health club chain with 28 locations nation wide.

Don't forget that all subscribers to Naturally Happy are automatically included in all our giveaways- GOOD LUCK!
Click here
for more details.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Fibre Plus
  • The Great Aussie Back Rub
  • Holistic Dentisty
  • Peakology
  • Health Buzz
  • Short and sweet!

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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness.