Issue 239

Homeopathy for Children - How I Discovered another tool in my parenting bag of tricks: with


I had never had much experience with homeopathy until my first child was 8 months old. I had heard about it of course, had met plenty of homeopaths but never really tried it myself. Homeopathy had always made me curious and I found its approach to health intriguing. I had preferred naturopathy or acupuncture as my modalities of choice. The thing is – it can be a tough gig to get an 8 month old to take an herbal tincture or sit still long enough to have little needles put in them!


Last year my little one got bitten on his lower back by something that resulted in little welts from the bite and a localised rash (we think it may have been a spider while he was playing outside). The rash then started spreading but he didn’t seem too bothered. No fever, no bother, just a rash that continued to spread. I started to think that I should take him to the doctor. A mother friend (who was a homeopath) suggested I try a homeopathic remedy that night and book him into the doctor the next day to get it checked out. I went to her clinic and had a full consult where she asked lots of questions about my son’s health, personality and birth. She then gave me a remedy which was specific to his presenting symptoms. I was instructed to give him three doses over 24 hours then to call back to let her know how he was progressing. She emphasised that if at any point I was concerned to take him straight to the doctor or hospital. I had no idea whether it would work but figured that at worst I could see the GP the following day. By this stage, James was head to toe with an anaphylactic rash that didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest except that he was red!

I gave him the first dose of his remedy (which was super easy as it was a tiny little pill) as soon as we got home then another one just before his bed time. Already, the rash had started receding and when I woke up the next morning it had practically disappeared. My husband was astounded and apologetic for teasing me about trying this ‘hippie’ approach. The rash was completely gone within 24 hours and who knows, maybe it was always going to recede at that time. The thing is that little 8 month olds don’t know enough about what should and should not work to put his speedy recovery down to the placebo effect.

Homeopathy, like any modality, isn’t for everybody but can be a great choice for the common health discomforts that many children experience. It has its limitations and strengths and as a parent I have found it to be a useful part of my wellness toolkit. At home we often use homeopathy as the first port of call. Teething? Irritable? Snotty? We have our go-to remedies that get us through the mild cases and if we need anything more, we can always go to our GP or Pharmacist for the harder stuff.

Never tried homeopathy? Why not try this non-invasive form of natural medicine. Homeopathy is available at Wellnation Clinics in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.

By an Endeavour College naturopathy student practitioner, Brisbane






Are You Where You Expected to be?: by Sue Lester Head Transition coach at


The beauty of planning in financial and calendar years is you get two fresh starts.  So did you put January to good use? How are your goals, particularly financial ones, tracking?  Goals?  Yes, those ones you wrote down.  Your planning must be written down otherwise you simply stress yourself out with everything swilling around in your head.  Get it out of your head and into a spread sheet, then diary so you can sleep well enough at night to make the most of your days.

So now is the time to reassess where you are and the gap (if none, celebrate!) to where you want to be.  Now it’s time to hone in on what one (2 at most) focused action will get you the result you want, and go for that.  Park all the other distractions and external demands so you can really focus on your goals, not someone else’s.  However keep in mind your solution may be teaming up with another business for a joint venture.  (Please remember to still care for your children and pets!)

Notice what resistance, what stories you start telling yourself – how are you programming yourself?  For success, or for failure softened by big fat excuses?  If you are already having conversations in your head about why it didn’t happen, then know you have already given up on your plans. 

Check in and confirm with yourself WHY the goal is important, HOW you will feel achieving it, and WHAT action steps you can take right now to make it happen. Write it all down, then action it.  Delegate, ask for help or guidance if you are temporarily stuck, book an appointment with your accountant, get your team re-energised and re-focused on their goals, not just yours.   e.g. relate productivity to bonuses to what they can buy with the money, if appropriate. This may motivate you too!

Remember, you are the one in control of your life, so how you think, feel and act creates your life – for better or worse, now and in the future.  What are you choosing to create?  Are you talking yourself into or out of success?
If you need help clearing the head trash you’re tripping over on your path to life or business success, book yourself in for a 1 hour Success Map session with Head Transition Coach, Sue Lester. You’ll gain clarity on exactly where you are, where you want to be and what steps you need to focus on right now to get there. Normally $195, mention this newsletter and it’s just $95 inc. gst in June & July. Also available via Skype worldwide.  To book call 0428 128 679.




Reduce Stress & Improve Sleep with this Simple Technique: by Tom @ Alkalife.

Do you remember walking or running around barefoot on the grass as a child – or later, as an adult, on the beach or the park? If so, you probably associate pleasant memories with those days, feeling calm, happy, and healthy. As it turns out, there’s a reason for that and it’s called “earthing.” Be warned, it can sound a bit woo woo, so you might be skeptical at first, but rest assured, there’s legitimate proof to back it up so keep reading!
What Is Earthing?
Although we don’t think about it very often, the surface of the Earth is brimming with energy, in the form of mobile electrons. It’s not something that’s immediately noticeable, of course, since electrons are invisible, but there are many real things that cannot be seen. Earthing is all about the connection between those electrons and human biology. The basic concept relies on reconnecting humans to the surface of the earth – skin to nature – and it’s as simple as taking off your shoes. Coming into direct contact with the dirt, sand, or grass helps to stabilise your bioelectrical environments as the planet’s electrons work to balance your body’s system. You see, your immune systems functions best when your body has an adequate supply of electrons and the simplest way to obtain them is by connecting with the Earth barefoot.
How Does Earthing Benefit You?
In our modern world, many of us find ourselves disconnected from the Earth on a daily basis; we sit in office buildings or in front of laptops, travel the world in enclosed cars and put the soles of shoes between ourselves and the world. Not only that, every second of the day we’re exposed to radio, wifi, mobile frequencies. Reconnecting with the natural rhythms of the earth can help you live as you were meant to. But is earthing just pseudoscience, or is it a testable phenomenon that actually affects health in noticeable ways? To answer this question, double-blind experiments¹ were conducted on various test groups and when results came back, they were overwhelmingly positive.
According to the tests, earthing is beneficial for:

  • Stress relief
  • Improved sleep
  • Chronic pain reduction
  • Improved immune system
  • Reduction of pre-osteoporosis symptoms
  • Better glucose regulation
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Better circulation
  • Lowered blood pressure

Using our natural environment to improve our health is an exciting idea, especially for those of us who have been looking for more excuses to get outdoors anyway. It’s safe (well, as long as you choose areas without bindies, hate those annoying bindies!), free, and does wonders for your mood. You have nothing to lose so give a go! Do you practice earthing? How has it affected you? Let me know in the comments





Discover the Secrets to Beating Diabetes: by Gary Martin of Living Valley Springs Health Retreat.


The life expectancy at birth of Australians, as at 2013, is 83 years, the ninth highest in the world.1 In June 2011, the country boasted 4252 living centenarians.2 However, when we look at the medical needs of those over 60, the levels of chronic disease and the steady increase in nursing home residents, the picture is not so rosy. Many would prefer to live a shorter life rather than suffer the slow and painful degeneration of body and mind during the last quarter. The health intelligence acquired and the choices made during the prime years will determine to a great degree the quality of life experienced in old age.

Eating properly and doing regular exercise will make a big difference when preparing for the long haul. When it comes to eating, however, there are many differing opinions as to what is considered proper. Irrespective of the various belief systems that influence diet, there is a truth that can significantly reduce the rate of ageing, promote optimal wellness and prolong life. The science of insulin is a vital key for understanding and achieving quality longevity.

Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease, and the sixth highest cause of death. 280 people a day are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. A total of 1.7 million Australians have the disease, with that number expected to double in the next 18 years. The total financial cost of type 2 diabetes is estimated at $10.3 billion every year.

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and released in response to elevations in blood glucose levels. It has an extensive effect on metabolism, influencing many bodily functions. Insulin causes cells in the liver and muscle to take up glucose from the blood to be stored as glycogen. Glucose is also conveyed into fat cells by insulin, which then inhibits the use of fat as a source of energy. Basically, insulin converts sugar and other food into energy for immediate use, or for storage to be used in times of need. Insulin, more than any other hormone, regulates the rate of aging. Poor management of the insulin response through improper diet can lead to diabetes, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, dementia, gum disease, dental decay and cancer. Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease, and the sixth highest cause of death.3 Over one million Australians are presently diagnosed, and registered with the National Diabetes Service Scheme.4 In 2013, the World Health Organisation reported that there were 347 million diagnosed cases worldwide.5 According to Diabetes Australia, diabetes costs the Australian taxpayer $14.6 billion per year.6 Yet, with a simple shift in the fat-protein-carbohydrate ratio in one’s diet, diabetes type 2 can be avoided, stabilised, managed and even cured. When excessive carbohydrates are ingested over a long period of time, insulin receptors in muscle, liver and fat cells become insulin resistant. They fail to take up sugar. This results in uncontrolled levels of glucose building up in the blood. Insulin receptors in the hypothalamus also become resistant, creating a devastating domino effect throughout the endocrine system. Thyroid function slows down, testosterone and adrenal-hormone levels reduce, melatonin production at night decreases and oestrogen goes up. A prolonged elevation in blood glucose can cause heart disease, obesity, impaired eyesight, peripheral vascular disease, high blood pressure and many other diseases.

India has been long known as the diabetic capital of the world. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimated that the country has 65.1 million diabetes patients requiring regular medication. Only China, with 113.9 million cases, has more diabetics globally.7 Addressing the International Conference for Endocrinology & Metabolic Diseases in January 2014, Dr. V. Mohan, president of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation stated that diabetes was now found in persons as young as 15 years. Among the main reasons was sedentary lifestyle, Dr. Mohan said, adding that escalators, which have become ubiquitous now, shared a major portion of the blame. Residents just don’t use the stairs anymore! Dr. Mohan said that 17 million people currently suffered kidney problems arising out of diabetes. He added that the focus must be on enacting preventive measures such as promoting physical activity and a proper diet. There are an estimated 77.2 million people in India who are suffering from pre-diabetes. Pre-diabetes is a condition in which the patients have high blood glucose levels but are not yet in the diabetes range. These people are at high risk of getting diabetes.8
Approximately 42% of the Indian population are strict vegetarians, consuming a diet that is predominantly high carbohydrate, low fat and low protein.9 If this sector of the country were to replace some of their grain and sweet foods with eggs, soft cheeses, butter and sour cream and increase the performance of regular physical activity there would be a significant decrease in diabetic statistics within a few years. America also boasts a high diabetes statistic, with 8.3% of the population diagnosed as at January 2011.10 The American Diabetes Association reported a prevalence of 25.8 million sufferers in its 2011 National Diabetes fact sheet.10 Once again this is mostly due to a diet that is high in sugar, processed grain foods and other concentrated carbohydrates. It has been found that when insulin is controlled through a reduction of carbohydrates in the diet, animals live much longer and the rate of aging is significantly reduced.

The key is to be educated rather than medicated. Control dietary carbohydrate, keeping consumption to around 50 to 80 grams per day (one slice of bread has approximately 15 grams). Sugar and other refined carbohydrates provide quick energy, however they also tend to elevate blood glucose levels and ultimately promote burnout. Replace carbohydrates with good fats that provide sustained energy, and maintain a moderate level of protein in the diet. Make vegetables the main source of carbohydrates.
Diabetes Type 2 is a lifestyle related disease that is totally avoidable. Regular exercise along with a little self-control in relation to those naughty, sweet dainties is generally all that is needed to live that much longer. In 2010, Australia boasted fourth position in the world for longevity.11 We now come in at ninth. With our magnificent climate, open space and access to quality foods, there is no reason why we cannot take first position in the next world study. If the majority of our population were to place an emphasis on an active lifestyle and a controlled carbohydrate diet we could certainly become world champions in the longevity stakes!

Find answers and get solutions for diabetes with a retreat program at Living Valley. Find out more by visiting our retreat overview page or calling 1800 644 733.


  1. World Health Organisation. Life expectancy at birth 2013. “CIA – The World Factbook Life Expectancy”. Retrieved 2012-03-22. “Central Intelligence Agency Factbook Population”. Retrieved 2013-03-22.

  2. Aust. Bureau of Statistics. Article June 1, 2011. “3101.1 – Australian Demographic Statistics, June 2011”

  3. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Mar 2013, Causes of Death Australia, ABS cat. no. 3303.0,[email protected]/Lookup/3303.0Chapter42011.

  4. “Key Facts & Figures”. Diabetes Australia. NDSS-content Nov 22, 2013.

  5. Danoei G, Finucane MM, Lu Y, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, et al. National regional & global trends in fasting plasma glucose and diabetes prevalence since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 370 country-years and 2.7 million participants. Lancet, 2011, 378 (9785): 31-40. 

  6. Prevention, Prevention. Prevention. A National Diabetes Strategy and Action Plan; Diabetes Australia 2013.

  7. Journal of the American Medical Association. Sept 4, 2013. vol 310, no.9.

  8. “The Hindu.” Tamil Nadu. Coimbatore. Jan 27, 2014.

  9. Mr Cyriac. March 1, 2012. “Just How Vegetarian is India?”

  10. American Diabetes Association. Statistics about diabetes. Data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet. Jan 26, 2011.




Party Leftovers - overcoming the sugar & Alcohol Hangover: by Dr Cris Beer of The Medical Sanctuary.

When you have kids it seems like every weekend is a reason (or an excuse!) to get together for a barbeque or party. The only problem with this is the inevitable alcohol and/or sugar hangover for adults and kids, respectively, which can easily ruin an otherwise good weekend or start to the new week. So what exactly causes alcohol and sugar hangovers and what can you do about recovering from these quickly?

Most of us have either experienced or heard of an alcohol hangover and have some idea of the symptoms. Few of us, however, are aware that the same symptoms can happen due to a sugar hangover including:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness and/or headache
  • Fuzzy thinking
  • Abdominal pains with bloating and wind
  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessively hungry and crave unhealthy foods

These symptoms are usually self-limiting but can last up to 24 hours. The reason for the delay in recovery is due to the fact that both the alcohol toxin and sugar need to be processed in the liver. Different individuals will process alcohol and sugar at different rates, some of us will be slower and others will be quicker.

So what can you do to fast-track your recovery from an alcohol or sugar hangover? The first step is to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Also plan to stay away from alcohol and excessive amounts of sugar the next day to give your liver a break. Eating small, regular meals can help to stabilise your blood sugar too which helps you feel less fatigued.

A liver herb known as silymarin may also help you recover quicker from your symptoms as it helps to speed up liver detoxification processes. Although not recommended in children it can be very helpful in adults. This comes as a tablet supplement and can be purchased from Health Food stores. Another supplement which can help in both adults and children is N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) which restores normal glutathione levels, an important liver antioxidant that is often depleted in many individuals. When glutathione levels become depleted liver detoxification can become sluggish.

On that note, just a word of warning about self-prescribing supplements – it is always best to consult a nutritional medicine practitioner to make sure you are taking the right thing especially when it comes to giving supplements to children. Consider too speaking with a nutritional medicine practitioner if you are experiencing longer recovery times than expected from drinking alcohol or consuming sugar which can indicate a liver impairment to which there are various natural treatments available.

Hopefully by following some of the above tips party season this year will be much more enjoyable for the kids and adults alike!

150 Ashmore Rd, Benowa QLD 4217 (07) 5564 5013



Vitale Blog is a blog (weblog) website aimed at those interested in Natural and organic skin and body care. You will find: * A repository of useful articles for education about how to choose the best organic and natural skin care. These articles are aimed to help you with all aspects of understanding the ingredients and making the right choices for your skin and the environment. * A collection of videos about natural skin care. You can listen to the recordings at any time through your computer speakers rather than having to read through pages of content. * Fresh content is added regularly including videos on ingredients, interviews with other skin experts, how-to instructional articles dealing with current hot topics like greenwashing and effective ingredients, as well as news and information from the natural beauty world.




Short and Sweet: Apple- Kale Smoothie.


Kale & celery make the best duo for lagging kidneys or painful joints. Both are rich in alkalising nutrients & potassium, supporting the release of toxins from the kidney channel. Apple juice assists in the break down of kidney & gall bladder stones & stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.

A tasty yet therapeutic drink filled with health giving properties.


  • 1 small stalk celery, chopped
  • 3/4 cup chopped kale, ribs and thick stems removed
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup fresh apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup ice


  1. Place the kale, celery, banana, apple juice, ice, and lemon juice in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and frothy.


Brought to you by My Health Sanctuary

Laughter is the best medicine!

.Quote of the Month!

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. Og Mandino


For a Good Cause: Why Support the RSPCA?

The RSPCA is an independent, non-government community-based charity providing animal care and protection services.

The RSPCA runs 40 shelters and employs around 1,000 staff. It costs more than $80 million each year to deliver all of our services which help improve the lives of Australian animals. Most of this money comes from public donations and fundraising initiatives, as well as business partnerships, grants and RSPCA patrons.

- See more at:

The RSPCA is an independent, non-government community-based charity providing animal care and protection services.

The RSPCA runs 40 shelters and employs around 1,000 staff. It costs more than $80 million each year to deliver all of our services which help improve the lives of Australian animals. Most of this money comes from public donations and fundraising initiatives, as well as business partnerships, grants and RSPCA patrons.





In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Oxford Naturopathics
  • Vacutrainer
  • Brisbane Integrative Health
  • Short and sweet!
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