Issue 182

Love Your Body: by Natalie Wight from Revive Weight Control!

Chances are you don't love, love, love your body. But why not? We reveal how to ditch the self-loathing and learn to love the body you're in.

Given the chance, most of us would change something about the way we look. Three-quarters of women and two-thirds of men think they are overweight, found a 2007 body image survey conducted by CoreData, Australia.

At the same time, 95 per cent of women worry about things like their body shape and cellulite. More bad news for women: they are more critical than men about their own appearance, according to a recent international review of body image studies by the Social Issues Research Centre in Britain.

Up to eight out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror, and more than half may see a distorted image, says researcher Kate Fox.

Body image dissatisfaction is an increasingly troublesome problem linked to physical and mental illness, says Professor Susan Paxton, head of the school of psychological science at La Trobe University in Victoria.

She says poor self-image has been shown to be related to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and eating disorders. At the same time people who are unhappy with their body are less likely to exercise in public because they feel self-conscious, she says.

clearly, it is time we changed the way we feel about ourselves.

"Loving your body brings with it personal empowerment and healthy living," says Natalie Wight, Nutritionist at Revive Weight Control Clinic, Alexandra Hills. But true self-appreciation comes with positive action and thoughts working as one," Wight says.

"Focus on the positive, not the negative, and, it will help boost your confidence."

It is the you inside that counts. But where would you be without your body? Besides letting you play sport, make love, lie on tbeach, or go to dinner with friends, your body is the vehicle in which you enjoy every aspect of life.

Getting healthy boosts your body image, numerous studies have found, including a 2002 report by Canadian researchers Kerry McGannon and John Spence. They found that losing weight and taking part in physical activity resulted in small, significant improvements in self-esteem.

Treat your body like your best friend, with good nourishment and, and it will love you back.

Think about all the things you could accomplish with the time and energy you use worrying about your body! Get out there and get on with it.

Unless we love our body, have a healthy relationship with food and embrace physical activity, sustainable weight loss will remain elusive.

Nutritionist Natalie Wight, of Revive Weight Control at Alexandra Hills, believes we need to embrace a more holistic approach to weight loss that focuses on the three key elements - mind, menu and movement.

"My history as a Naturopathic Nutritionist is based on whole foods and a natural approach to life. Calorie counting and shakes might work in a controlled environment and for a short period of time, but not long term. It's about educating people on healthy food, helping them with mental focus and increasing their movement.

Revive Weight Control is different to other weight loss programs as it incorporates: o The Mind: Face-to-face weekly coaching from qualified nutritionist, Natalie Wight.
o Menu: Real food, not meal replacements. The program borrows from a ketogenic diet and is designed so the body burns fat for fuel.
o Movement: Weekly consults a movement coach, who will create an individual program to suit you.

The Revive team will monitor your progress, as well as motivating you throughout your journey to a happier, healthier you.

If you have found it difficult to lose weight in the past, Revive can help. With the support of qualified nutritional & movement coaches, you can lose up to 8kgs in 5 weeks. Call (07) 3824 0746 or visit

Forget ' Public Speaking' Just Share Your Message:by Sue Lester at Growing Content!

The fear of 'Public Speaking' stops many people in their tracks, and hinders them from sharing their expertise and growing their businesses and careers. Here are some great tips to help you change your mind and therefore your results.

1. Never call it "public speaking", to yourself or others, as there is a societal fear around those words we seem to be born with. "Presenting" or "sharing my message" are more empowering.

2. Your body feels excitement and nervousness in exactly the same way. It's only your self-talk that distinguishes between the positive (excitement) and the negative (nervous). So never tell yourself, or let anyone else tell you either, that you are 'nervous'. You are 'excited' (admittedly at times 'VERY excited') to be sharing your message. Sounds simple, but words are so powerful.

3. Never tell your audience you are inexperienced, nervous etc. We always feel more 'excited' on the inside than we look on the outside anyway, so if you don't point it out, they won't look for it. The majority are also very happy you are speaking not them! You are the 'expert' so have instant credibility. If you tell people you are nervous, they assume you really don't know what you are talking about and there goes your credibility and their confidence in you.

4. As part of your preparation, ensure you are well hydrated as it helps you think clearly (during the presentation pausing to sip water gives you the chance to catch your thoughts too), well fed and rested. Have your Power Point notes on paper too, in case the projector doesn't work, and aim to be there early so traffic delays don't matter.

5. When sharing your message it's a good idea to always give out something, a handout etc, with your name and website address on it that people will want to keep. Smile!

For assistance with clearing your fears of public speaking once and for all, book your time to change now with Sue Lester. Ph 07 3103 2679 or 0428 128 679.

(c)Sue Lester

How Do Flower Essences Work: by Marnie Lee from Body Essence Day Spa!


Every major event in our lives can be remembered in the presence of flowers. They are prominent fixtures at births, weddings, funerals, many religious ceremonies, birthdays, and as marks of our loves and friendships. This instinctual attraction can be traced back to the beginning of our history, when primitive peoples were buried in the company of flowers. We are drawn to them at pivotal times in our lives as they offer symbolism and hope in our daily lives, just as much as they are utilized for their medicinal properties.

Since the Ice Age, the Bibulum Tribe of Western Australia have been utilizing and developing their knowledge of the healing properties of the flowers that surrounded them in their daily life. In what is probably the oldest continuing Flower Medicine Tradition on our planet, over many generations, this knowledge of how the flowers of the region affect both the mind and the physical body has been passed on and studied further. The healing properties of the flowers are contained in the vibrational Vital Force of the Living Flower Essences, and they offer a powerful - yet subtle - support for people while they address their healing goals for optimum wellbeing and happiness. Flower Essences are safe to use whilst taking other medications, they will work in synergy with whatever you are taking.

We are now able to use these same traditional flowers to help heal the negative mind states and attitudes which lead to physical disorders - our subconscious is attracted to those flowers which can help us in times of stress and anxiety - each individual flower has characteristics which can reflect an aspect of their own survival pathway, and this characteristic resonates with our unconscious and subconscious understandings of the issue.

During a Mind-Body Medicine session, the feelings that are blocking a client's growth and physical wellness is explored. While these feelings are very present in the conscious mind, (in a process called the Flower Affinity) photographs of the flowers are shown in quick succession and the subconscious reaction is noted. If a strong attraction or repulsion to a particular flower occurs, the card is put aside and may become one of the flowers used in the final prescription. Through this selection and the exploration into the subconscious reaction, profound insight can be gathered into the nature of the problem, and the wisdom, or inner growth required to find resolution.

Flower Essences may be prescribed as a daily oral dose, as a personal or room spray, or for inclusion in a bath or footbath. There are many creams and blends ready-made and available to order for acute pain, arthritis, stress, clarity and such, but for best results it is recommended that a complete self-diagnostic Flower Affinity is undertaken.

Body Essence - New Farm

Ground Floor, 612 Brunswick St 07 3358 3100

Body Essence - Kedron

359 Gympie Road 07 3861 5822

Soul Detox: by Miriam Young from Flourish Remedies!

I visited a health centre recently that specialises in detoxification programs. The gentleman upon showing me around and talking for a time, ended the conversation with telling me about his concern with people leaving the centre 'clean on the inside' in a sense, only to revisit him some months later, equally as toxic as when he first met them.

The realization we both shared was that detoxification programs and retreats need to address the toxic emotions, and perhaps mental state of a person, not only the physical. As we are not separate pieces, but one whole, not to address all areas of a human being, giving equal importance to each area, will often lead to a healing system that will be lacking.

From Traditional Chinese Medicine we can understand that the organs of the human body relate to different emotions that human beings can suppress. The most popular organ in the body that a person seeking health, requests me to detox, is the liver.

The liver holds anger, resentment, bitterness, frustration, irritability, boredom, judgmental and critical ways of being, rigidity, father issues, and general negativity. If a person's gall bladder is toxic, they will find it hard to make decisions.

On a more positive note, the liver energy will get the job done. The liver will gently grasp inspiration from your heart and take action to transform your idea into reality. However the liver will need energy supplied by the kidneys in order to get the job done. However, if your kidneys are full of fear, the block will disenable the flow of energy to the liver, and deny the liver, the essence of what it need's to get the job done.

We then stop moving forward in life because of fear. Fear will often come from our conditioning as children. An example of this conditioning could be from when you were four years old, and shouted at not to stick your arm out of the car window in case you get hurt. From then on, you are afraid of sticking your arm out the window to feel the breeze, even as an adult, where you are driving slowly along a quiet street with no over-hanging branches. Most of us have had a life's education with a back-drop of fear. And this fear will block our neutral from carrying out its purpose here on the earth.

We have been taught to be afraid of life. This is the toxic, conditioned self. The soul or neutral part of us then is the part that is not fear, it is the part that is not conditioned, it is the part of us that is pure inspiration, before the mind (the conditioned part of us) steps in with all its doubt, worry and sabotage.

The first organ I will often detox in a person is their kidneys. This is because fear is always behind anger. It is important to clear the kidneys first, before cleansing the liver for this reason.

Mindfulness, being, and becoming intimate with your fear, being honest about yourself and with yourself, as well as different writing techniques will clear the cause of dis-ease in the first place, which when traced back will often come down to emotional suppression. In most humans, the point of pain can be traced back to before the age of seven years old.

Many people however, avoid starting this journey, as it is all too painful to BE with the uncomfortable feelings. However, a lifetime spent running away from our feelings, is in the end infinitely more painful.

Detoxification programs which release old repetitive thought patterns and belief systems, suppressed emotion, as well as the toxins from your internal organs, blood and lymphatic system, have the ability to transform your relationship to yourself and the world forever.

Be aware of any quick fix processes, or systems which swap one belief system for another, or systems which supposedly take it all away from you, without you having to feel it and be with it. Only then can the toxins truly come out of your cells. And only then will you not put it all back in again.

True detox will assist you in listening to the neutral inside and will also assist you in releasing anything that is not from this soul point.

The word soul and the word neutral have been used interchangeably in this article, so as not to subscribe to any belief system.

Miriam Young is a Medical Herbalist and Counsellor. She may be contacted at Flourish Remedies in Doonan on 07 5449 1130. Explore Miriam is also available for consultation in Fig Tree Pocket, Brisbane.

Detox Health Retreats: The ‘Detox for Life’ health retreat offers total cleansing and purification of the body, mind and soul through pure plant and herbal detox and organic juicing. Next Retreat/s: Sat 4th - Sun 12th September 2010

Healthy Meals For The Time Poor: By The Diet Factory!

The Diet Factory was established in Australia in 1981. After 30 years spent creating and refining our meals, and weight loss programs, we have learnt a thing or two about choice and what you need to stay motivated. We are always working on our products and presentation.

Did you know that our programs are suitable for diabetics and we also do full weight loss programs gluten free

Our products are in the process of becoming fully certified Halal. This means we will cater for all people from all walks of life.

At The Diet Factory we have just introduced our new two week Fast Track- Quick Results high protein, low carbohydrate weight plan. We supply your breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner plus your fruit.

The two week Fast Track-Quick Results plan will help you lose at least 4kgs in 2 weeks and then we place you on our calorie control weight loss program for 6 weeks or until you have reached your goal weight.

You can start and stop your weight loss plan anytime you want. There are no contracts or joining fees, no counting points just healthy balanced weight loss. We do all the work for you

Our dedicated mission is to help you lose weight and improve your health. Once you have reached your target weight there are various maintenance programs available for you.

Our specials offer with your first order is you will receive a free sample of our especially prepared weight control blend herbal infusion and also a free sample of our fast track shake. The weight control blend removes fat from the tissue and suppresses your appetite while the fast track shake can be used as a meal replacement or for added protein in your diet.

Another special offer we have for you is if you pay for 4 weeks at the beginning of your program we will give you a $40.00 discount. The time is now to make a commitment to yourself and not only reward yourself with getting back into your healthy weight range but receive a big discount and free samples as well.

Doctor's referral Dr Geoff Neuendorf w.r.a.g.g

I found the Diet Factory Programme to be very effective.

The programme provided substantial breakfasts, interesting and varied snacks and lunches and delicious main meals.

I believe the programme works. I was delighted by the variety of meals, because a lot of people have the perception that diet food is boring. I never felt hungry- this dispels another belief that you have to starve when on a weight loss programme.

The program provided fresh fruit, vegetable, carbohydrates, protein and an overall well balanced diet. The amount of fibre in the food prevented constipation- another problem that can arise on some forms of weight reduction systems.

The program is educational as well because it gives an insight into the size of servings that should be eaten and the type of foods that are to be chosen when a person is aiming to achieve and maintain weight loss

FREE CALL: 1800 065 255

Endermologie Special: with Body - Fix!

10% off for new clients.

Banish unsightly cellulite with Endermologie

Looking for a painless way to improve your body shape and tighten your skin? Look no further than Body Fix, an Endermologie clinic based in Brisbane's Southside.

call Theresa on (07) 3345 9773 / 0413 822 140

Short and Sweet:Carrot Cake!


* 250g grated carrots (squeezed)
* 250g brown sugar
* 120g organic virgin coconut oil
* 125g self raising flour
* 1 tsp ground cinnamon
* 65g chopped walnuts or pecans
* 1/2 cup sultanas
* 1 tsp vanilla
* 2 eggs (free range if possible)
* Zest of 1 orange (finely grated)

DIRECTIONS: Cream coconut oil and sugar. Add eggs one at a time and beat well. Add orange zest and vanilla. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into a cake tin greased with virgin coconut oil. Cook for 45-60 minutes at 165°C. Cake is cooked when skewer comes out clean.

Brought to you by Coconut Magic - Feel The Energy!

Laughter is the best medicine!

"I look to the future because that's where I plan to spend my life."

A group of 40 year old girlfriends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally, it was agreed upon that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the waiters there had tight pants and nice buns.

10 years later at 50 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food there was very good, the wine selection was good also, and the waiters were cute.

10 years later at 60 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could eat there in peace and quiet, the restaurant had a beautiful view of the ocean, and the waiters were sweet boys.

10 years later, at 70 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheel chair accessible, they even had an elevator, and the waiters were kindly.

10 years later, at 80 years of age, the group once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they should meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before.

.Quote of the week!

"If you are not moving closer to what you want in sales (or in life), you probably aren't doing enough asking." -- Jack Canfield, Inspirational Self Help Author and Success Coach


For a Good Cause: Why Support Keep Australia Beautiful Week?

Keep Australia Beautiful is a popular movement for social change that is active in all states and territories and nationally. The purpose of Keep Australia Beautiful is to lead, challenge and inspire all Australians to strive for a sustainable and litter free environment. The Keep Australia Beautiful network consists of independent state and territory offices coordinated by a national office.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Coconut Magic!
  • Vitale Life!
  • Rainesforest Massage and Day Spa!
  • Pinpoint Acupunture!
  • Dental Welllness
  • Body Essence!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.