Issue 175

The Myth of Magnets and Chronic Pain Relief!

30 years after discovering that magnetic field gradients were the missing ingredient to inventing the MRI, Paul Lauterbur won the 2003 Nobel Prize in medicine. Now a group of neurologists at a major medical university have discovered that the same magnetic field gradients are the key to pain relieving properties of magnets. These devices are now manufactured in Brisbane and used by some of Australia's elite athletes such as the Brisbane Lion's Simon Black for pain relief and fast recovery from injury.

The Magnet Myth Explained:

Skepticism in magnetic therapy is widespread because most magnets sold are the common bipolar variety which do not produce reliable pain relief. Only recently have health professionals, athletes and chronic pain sufferers been using a new generation of neuromagnet that has proven itself with its pain relieving ability. Called neuromagnets because of their effect on interrupting the pain signal travelling along the nerve, Q magnets are a revolution in pain relief.

Quadrapolar or Q magnets are comprised of four alternating magnetic poles within the one magnetic body. It is between these poles where the steep field gradients are generated that have the effect of interrupting the pain signal. They only seem to work on over excited nerve fibres, so by blocking the pain signal, the message doesn't make it to the brain. The body is then better able to regain normal movement and strengthen the surrounded muscles, which is usually best achieved with advice from a health professional such as a physiotherapist.

The main applications for Q magnets are athletes looking for fast, drug free injury recovery and chronic pain sufferers.


Athletes are often subjected to soft tissue and other painful injuries. For professional athletes a day or two drop in recovery time can make all the difference, you can read some of their testimonies here.

Chronic Pain Sufferers:

Often chronic pain is caused by an old injury where the pain signal is left on the "on position" by hyperexcited nerve fibres. Applying Q magnets over these offending nerves can turn them to the "off position", returning the excited nerves to a normal state.

20% of people suffer from chronic pain at any one time and 7% live with debilitating pain. Chronic pain has a significant financial impact on society, families and the individual and destroys all aspects of individual and family activities.

Physiotherapist Dianne Hermans has a special interest in treating chronic and complex pain and says when used correctly she has around a 80% success rate when using the devices. Now this needs to be understood in context, Dianne uses them on chronic and complex pain cases, these are the cases that have not responded to multiple treatments and/or surgery, so the success rate is quite outstanding.

Q magnets come with a 30 day money back guarantee. We realise that they don't work on everyone so you have the added comfort of being able to return them for a full refund. See refund policy here.


Purchase a Q Bonus Package of Q magnets and receive a gold plated ProQ at no extra charge. Please click on "Magnets for pain relief" for more details and to collect your coupon. Orders must be received by February 28th, 2010.

Qmagnets are manufactured in Brisbane by Optimal Life Australia Pty Ltd and are listed with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as a Class I medical device.



Love, Passion & Compassion: By Tracey Stranger!


"All you need is Love" sang The Beatles, "Love is in The Air" sang John Paul Young and "Love Lifts me Up Where we Belong" sang Joe Cocker.

So this Valentine Day on Sunday 14th February 2010, feel love in your heart, hear love in the air (birds, nature, children's laughter, a friendly voice) and see love in the soul of every one you meet. "I see you." Avatar

Love actually does promote good health. Loving-kindness meditation has been used for centuries in the Buddhist tradition to develop love and transform anger into compassion.

Positive emotions, compassion and happiness help us to feel better about our self and others, especially when we feel stressed or a little depressed.

Love, compassion and joy make our immune system function better and help battle diseases.

Romantic Love is when love consumes our whole reality and tugs at our heart. A dream-like state engulfs us and we feel carefree and wondrous uplifted by the possibilities that love can bring.

Passionate Love is when there is a strong sexual and sensual connection that nothing and no-one is going to stop. Passion, desire and intensity overtake any rational thoughts.

Compassionate Love is based on mutual understanding and shared respect. His Holiness The Dalai Lama says "The true expression of non-violence is compassion. Some people seem to think that compassion is just a passive emotional response instead of rational stimulus to action. To experience genuine compassion is to develop a feeling of closeness to others combined with a sense of responsibility for their welfare. True compassion develops when we ourselves want happiness and not suffering for others, and recognize that they have every right to pursue this.

Compassion compels us to reach out to all living beings, including our so-called enemies, those people who upset or hurt us. Irrespective of what they do to you, if you remember that all beings like you are only trying to be happy, you will find it much easier to develop compassion towards them."

My1st Book How To Overcome Stress Naturally with a foreword by HH Dalai Lama has FREE Daily Mindfulness activities…Sign up here:

Choose Love, Passion and Compassion this Valentine's Day and Indulge in Love for your Good Health!

My Health Specials Offer visit For FREE DVD "Mayan Calendar Comes North" by Ian Xel Lungold when you buy a copy of my book How To Overcome Stress Naturally

Tracey Stranger Author, Inspirational Speaker, Seminars Melbourne, Queensland Ph: 0409 879 271

Self Sabotage, Excess Weight : by Sue Lester from Growing Content!

You know that portion control, healthy food/drink choices and regular exercise can keep you trim and healthy, yet do you find yourself struggling in a cycle of diets and over-indulgence? Do you catch yourself sabotaging your best efforts? Very likely there are deeper level (unconscious) reasons for this. Through my work with a wide range of people, I've found these fall into two broad areas: Self Protection and Self Abuse.

Once the deeper level reasons are discovered, it is so much easier to understand your behaviour and make those changes you want to see. Please read the following slowly, with an open mind, paying particular attention to those points which 'push your button'. There is a clue there for you. Many apply equally to men.

Self Protection. In this category is the underlying belief that being overweight is sexually unattractive and therefore will keep her safe from unwanted advances. This is common in women who have developed physically before they could emotionally deal with the attention, who grew up with stories of attractive women 'asking for it', or who have been sexually abused. The fat is seen to cover dangerous curves.

It can be an act of defiance e.g. "You can control the rest of my life but not what I eat/how I look." This is also common in anorexia, which also fits into the self abuse category. Fat can be used as an excuse for not being in a relationship, initially from fear of intimacy, then becoming Comfort Eating through loneliness. Comfort eating is to fill a hole in the soul.

Excess weight can be an excuse not to take risks and fully live life. It can make you dependent on others, binding those with obligations to care for you. It can be an unattractive buffer when not wanting sex within a relationship e.g. after the birth of a child. It can be a protective barrier to conception and all the associated fears of bringing a baby into the world.

Self Abuse. Excess weight, the failure of diets etc becomes confirmation of their own unworthiness. The beliefs are unworthy, unlovable, a failure. The fat becomes an excuse not to actively pursue dreams or relationships which would disprove those beliefs. It 'unconsciously' creates disease to shorten an unhappy life. Also in this category is the woman who stays with a possessive partner who encourages overeating so she won't be attractive to others, and thereby reducing the risk she will leave the relationship.

I recommend you write down what stirred you up the most, and consider why. Then consider what next steps could you take, what do you need to do to support your move forward? Sometimes bringing an issue to light is enough to dissolve it, however if the underlying issue has been present for a lengthy time you will find it easier to clear with the help of a trained professional. Be reassured that anything can be changed, if that's what your heart desires.

A bonus tip for you: "Lose" vs "Release" If you 'lose' something, what do you do? Go looking for it, right? And how do you feel about 'losing' something - anxious, frustrated, worried, guilty, annoyed? Our unconscious mind associates the word 'lose' and 'loser' with negative connotations, so 'losing' weight is also negative. And who wants to be the biggest loser in the country? Call it 'releasing weight' and notice the difference in how that feels. 'Releasing' is positive, implies choice and free will. There's also no expectation to see it again!

Paddington Clinic 12/261 Given Tce, Paddington, Qld.
Growing Content, 432 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley Qld

0428 128 679.

Cougars:An Emerging Phenomenon: by Clayfield Counselling!

There is an emerging phenomenon, which in recent years has challenged our accepted social norms and family values. Many feel that once a woman reaches a certain age, that she is over the hill. There is a belief prevalent within our society that once a woman becomes divorced and there are children, her primary job is raising her children and fading into the paint work. However, with many women divorcing in their 40s, there is an emerging class of women embracing the notion of being single and looking for love with a younger man.

An 'urban cougar' is a vibrant and passionate woman who is ready to compete with women who are in their 20s, to snare a younger man. We've all seen it in the gossip magazine, one of the most notable examples is Demi Moore, who bucked the social trend and rather than fading into the woodwork, found love with a much younger Ashton Kutcher.

Characteristics of a cougar:

Divorced woman over the age of 40 " Hunting younger men for relationships
Sophisticated, attractive and sensually aware woman
Generally women who are successful and have control of their life.
Financially independent women

There are those who feel that women of this age should be raising their children and focusing on their home, however women have made it quite clear that they will not be subjugated back to the kitchen and are now combining caring for their children with finding love. Instead this phenomenon will only grow, women are taking what they want, and they're not apologising for it.

The problem with this is that many have a public perception that whilst it is okay for an older man to date and marry a younger woman, that it is taboo for women to do the same. But why should it be any different for women to take control of their lives, after all, love can be found in the most unexpected of places. 07 3862 6622

699-713 Sandgate Rd


Check Out The Feel Good Video from Steven Jaymes:'Everything Will Be Alright'

This Video was shot all over the world On Mobile phones and iphones.

My Health Specials: Valentines Ideas!


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Outshine Day Spa / 2 Outshine

Royal Spoil : includes 2 massuers, pressure point, Aromatherapy, reflexology, Deep tissue 1 hour $150

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The Skin Managment Centre


Deep Cleansing Back Treatment - • Back cleanse with a cooling clay cleanser to purify and refresh • Customised exfoliation with gentle oatmeal and rice bran • Hydrating mask incorporating a unique blend of white tea, ginger, wasabi and honey • Moisture therapy treatment using natural fruit enzymes to smooth and refine

The Treatment -

• Double cleanse
• Face mapping
• Exfoliation
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• Aromatherapy pressure point massage
• Customised masque
• Moisture treatment
• Hand and arm massage

Pressure Point Scalp Massage -

• Using Frankincense essential oil for a blissfully relaxing experience

1hr 30 minutes - $99 Valid January - March 2010


Kick off your New Year, New You challenge with a rejuvenating detox treatment. Start with a 30 minute detoxifying foot treatment and then relax into our specialist body and facial treatments. Designed to stimulate the circulatory system, de-stress and detox with this comprehensive package.

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2 hr 30 minutes - $205 Valid January – March 2010

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The Float centre

1 hour float session $25.00

Short and Sweet:Asian Style Fish Salad!


300g swordfish 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, peeled and grated 1 teaspoon coriander roots, chopped 3 small fresh chilli, seeded and chopped 1 cup lime juice grated rind of 1 lime small tin of lite coconut milk salt and pepper to taste Garnish: 1 small Spanish onion, thinly sliced 1 small carrot, thinly sliced 1 cucumber thinly sliced Sprig of coriander leaves to taste 1 cup of bean sprouts washed & trimmed


Wash fish fillets and cut into stripes (approx 1/2 cm wide), place fish in a stainless steel bowl, top with ginger, coriander root, chilli, rind, lime juice, cover with plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator for a minimum of 1 hour. The fish will be "cooked" by the lime juice but do not leave the fish for more than 2 hours or the fish will be "burned" by the acidity. To stop the cooking add the coconut milk then season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve well chilled on the top of the salad ingredients



Laughter is the best medicine!

duck walks into a bar and asks: "Got any Bread?" Barman says: "No." Duck says: "Got any bread?" Barman says: "No." Duck says: "Got any bread?" Barman says: "No, we have no bread." Duck says: "Got any bread?" Barman says: "No, we haven't got any bread!" Duck says: "Got any bread?" Barman says: "No, are you deaf?! We haven't got any bread, and if you ask me again and I'll nail your dang beak to the bar you irritating dang duck!" Duck says: "Got any nails?" Barman says: "No" Duck says: "Got any bread?

.Quote of the week!

We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us -- how we can take it, what we do with it -- and that is what really counts in the end." - Joseph Fort Newton

For a Good Cause: Why Support Clean Up Australia?

Clean Up Australia works with communities to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment

Clean Up Australia Day: Sun 7 March 2010 Business Clean Up Day: Tues 2 March 2010 Schools Clean Up Day: Fri 5 March 2010



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Pranic healing!
  • Club Coops!
  • Kickbike!
  • Medical Sanctuary!
  • Short and sweet!
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