Issue 144

Weight Loss: What Works Best? Diet or Exercise?

Most women have tried it all... They've tried the diets. They've tried exercise and many say "I've tried everything and nothing works!"

The fact is that there are many factors that contribute to weight gain. These include energy intake in food and drinks, as well as energy output in metabolism, exercise and daily activity.

Any approach that just addresses one factor is unlikely to be successful. Just like a combination padlock, it is only when you get all the numbers right - at the same time.

Many people are confused about exactly what to eat in order to lose weight. They also don't want to endure the hunger that comes with typical diets.

The Healthy Inspirations Great Shape program solves that problem with its personalised approach and also solves another weight loss problem.

That problem is making the change and sticking to it. That's where we have added the crucial high-frequency (3 times per week) weight loss coaching.

It is this mix of diet + exercise + coaching that yields the great results. (Check out the results on )

Healthy Inspirations invites all women to come in for a free weight loss planning session, where you will have your body composition properly assessed. From this a special plan can be designed to suit you and your lifestyle. To find the centre nearest you go to or call 1300 567 393


A Natural Approach to Adult Acne: By Nirala Jacobi ND ( USA)

Watching teenagers grow into their lanky bodies, we consider acne and braces almost part of their natural evolution. But many adults can suffer from ongoing acne well into their adult years. It is estimated that 40-54% of men and women over age 25 are still plagued by acne.

Not surprisingly, women have often tried many, many products, treatments, as well as prescription medications before finally searching help from a professional natural health care professional. They have spent literally thousands of dollars on these ineffective treatments and they are anxious to see results quickly.

I always have to explain that acne has several contributing factors that all need to be addressed for optimal results and it often takes weeks to months to see very obvious results with natural therapies. This is especially true if they've been on antibiotics or Roaccutane for their acne. I don't make the rules, I'm just the messenger. But the good news is-once the fundamental cause of the acne is addressed, breakouts become are rare or complete resolved.

I believe knowledge is power, and when people are educated about the cause of their illness and are provided the proper information, they gain a sense of empowerment that they are part of their own health care and they then feel more inclined to make the right choices.

So with that in mind let's take a look at some of the cause of adult acne.


It is a well established fact that hormonal fluctuations can cause acne- the reason for this could be twofold. Firstly, we know that the skin of acne sufferers contains higher concentrations of the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a potent androgen (male hormone) that can increase oil production in the skin. This oil production can trap normal skin bacteria, which feed on this oil, and cause typical acne lesions. Yes, even women make testosterone. Many oral contraceptives control acne by indirectly controlling this conversion.

Androgenic control is a very important part of any good treatment plan for adult acne.

Another reason why acne often worsens around the period is inefficient liver clearance of hormones. Improving liver function is a good strategy for this type of acne. Liver "congestion" can be caused by an overload to the detoxification systems of the liver. Chronic chemical exposures (like for hairdressers, nail technicians, carpet layers, etc), bacterial and fungal endotoxins absorbed from the digestive tract, and dietary and cosmetic hormone disruptors all are examples of "liver congesters"

Skin Bacteria

Your skin has a natural flora, just like your digestive tract. Even in very severe cystic acne, this normal flora is commonly all you can find on lab tests. Normal skin species include Propionibacterium acnes (Corynebacterium acnes) and Staphylococcus albus. P. acnes is believed to release chemicals that break down fats in skin oil that convert into potent free radicals, thus promoting an inflammatory cascade. Topical tea tree oil on acne lesions can help with this bacterial overgrowth.


Our diet is often a plethora of potential acne causing villains! The no-brainers are trans-fatty acids, most processed foods, and very fatty foods. Dairy is also associated with acne.

A good start is to eliminate these foods form your diet and stick to a 45% Protein, 35% carbohydrate, and 20% fat diet.

This diet will stabilize blood sugars that have been shown to be a factor in chronic acne. Researchers found skin glucose tolerance quite out of range in patients with acne. When given insulin their skin improved. This echoes what naturopaths have been saying for decades: consumption of sugar worsens acne! Supplemental chromium may be helpful if you have problems with balancing your blood sugar.

Believe it or not, I often find that food allergies can greatly contribute to chronic acne. This is especially true for the type of acne that does not seem to be affected by the monthly period - ie remain constant throughout the month.

Big culprits here are dairy products and wheat.


Rarely have I seen a patient that suffers from long standing acne that has adequate zinc levels. Zinc is involved in local hormone activation, wound healing, immune system activity, and tissue regeneration.

Vitamin A is also a no-brainer for acne treatment. Synthetic vitamin A is the prototype for Roaccutane-the conventional "big gun" of acne treatment. It is basically such high vitamin A doses that liver function has to be routinely observed But vitamin A in smaller doses over longer periods of time can be also very effective.

Unfortunately in Australia a severe phobia about vitamin A exists in the conventional medical community.

B5 (pantothenic acid) is another fairly important nutrient as this vital vitamin helps you to metabolize fats and oils as well as contribute to energy production. Some studies have shown very definite benefit with high dose B5 supplementation.

Topical Skin Products

One of the worst things you can do for your skin is to dry it out in hopes that this will stop the oil production that causes acne. So people use scrubs and antiseptics and wash their face multiple times a day. This is the worst thing you can do as this seriously dries out your skin and causes irritation and inflammation. Your skin will take that as a signal to produce more oil and therefore more acne lesions.

For daily skin care, I recommend organic skin care products (my favorite is Miessence) with low oil content, and spot treat acne lesions with Tea tree oil. Vitamin E topically to acne scars can take the discoloration out but it can take 3 months of daily applications to see visible improvement.

Topical B5 and B3 creams have shown benefits in clinical studies and are sometimes prescribed.


This article was meant as a basic overview and did in no way cover all possible natural treatments for acne. This skin condition is very amenable to natural treatments but patience is required. A must rule out, in my opinion, is liver congestion and digestive contributors. I also recommend professional guidance to make sure the treatment plan is individualized for you!

(c) Nirala Jacobi 2008

(07) 3368 1740 Address: 113 Enoggera Terrace Paddington Queensland

Colonic Irrigation: Why is it Good For Me?


The most common question that people ask a Colon Therapist is how does this work and why is this good for me?

Colonic irrigation is a safe and effective method of cleansing your colon. The method of cleansing your colon is by inserting a speculum into your rectum, small amounts of water infused with pure medical oxygen is gravity fed. The Therapist pulsates on the tubing attached to the speculum to stimulate the colon to defecate the waste within the colon. The waste passes through a viewing tube for the Therapist to analysis and then directly into the sewage.

Colonics help people to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from the colon.

Colonics also helps ease constipation, abdominal pain, and discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, acne, headaches, low energy, weight problems, PMS, bad breath, Psoriasis, and Crohn's disease to name a few.

Our colon, also called the large intestine or bowel, is responsible for cleansing our system of solid wastes. It also provides a key role in completing the digestive process absorbing important nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

If the colon is over-burdened our whole system is put under stress. The next question that people ask a Colon Therapist is, will it hurt? The answer is no. Having a colonic is like have 3 or 4 bowel motions. We help the body to get rid of toxins by giving you a colonic.

Why would people have this treatment?

The world we live in is filled with substances and chemicals, which are foreign and often harmful to our bodies. More importantly, the refined food we eat is often burdening our system with additives and agents our body cannot assimilate or handle. This puts our health on a downward spiral.

Improving ones health, and wellbeing is a result of having this treatment.

Taringa Health Centre

John and Mary Bruniges are a husband and wife team who have been operating as successful natural therapists since 1986 specialising in colon therapy.

Taringa Health Centre therapists are competent, caring and professional.
The centre operates two clinics at; Bundall (Gold Coast)

A Therapist works in the colonic room and attends to the client at all times during the colonic session.

Our main clinic at Bundall (Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) is situated a short distance from the Gold Coast Arts Centre.

With the Gold Coast being a tourist city, our clinic is visited by many people on holiday, who come to use our services, as Brunelle equipped clinics are not available in their home town.

07 5574 0366 Head office 35 CROMBIE AVENUE, BUNDALL, Gold Coast

[email protected]


Forest Lake Fitness: For the Forest Lake Community!

Forest Lake Fitness is located in the heart of the Forest Lake Community, and is the fitness centre of choice to many residents in the Forest Lake and surrounding areas.

Boasting a fully equipped modern gymnasium, our free weights, pin-weighted machines and wide variety cardio equipment are user-friendly to absolutely everyone. Why not try one of Group Fitness Classes (Aerobics) suitable for all levels of fitness for an enjoyable workout to motivating music. Or if you prefer, splash out in the heated swimming pools in an Aqua class or some lap swimming.

All memberships include access to weights, cardio equipment, group fitness classes, aqua aerobics, lap swimming, a personal fitness assessment and personalised fitness program and re-assessments every 8 weeks.

Personal training is the ultimate way to achieve your lifestyle goals. Our motivated trainers will bring out your absolute best. You will look and feel better than you could have ever imagined. With our one on one personal training program, you can change you body and change your life. Why not take the challenge all you have to lose is your weight!!

Some of the benefits of personal training are: increased energy, strength, self-esteem and fitness levels, reduces high blood pressure, cholesterol and reduces the effects of osteo-arthritis. Achieve weight loss or weight gain, learn correct technique and how to burn fat faster.

Our air-conditioned Group Fitness Studio is the place to be when looking to work out in a group environment. Our timetable features a range of classes to suit all fitness levels and abilities. The following classes are available at Forest Lake Fitness:

  • Body Balance: combines elements of yoga, tai chi and Pilates for relaxing de-stress workout
  • Body Attack: athletic inspired class to improve cardio fitness and overall body strength
  • Body Pump: complete resistance class to strengthen and shape from top to bottom
  • Body Step: 5000 steps per class to help improve cardio fitness and tone your lower half
  • Boxacise: a boxing inspired cardio circuit class for all levels to improve cardio fitness

    Our childminding facilities are second-to-none, and are available 6 mornings and 4 evenings per week. Have peace of mind knowing that your child is enjoying their time colouring in, watching videos and playing with the toys and other children under full supervision, while you’re sweating it out in the gym.

    Want a great tan all year round? Come and try our Power Tower Solarium! Build up to your desired tan and maintain that awesome golden brown tan 365 days a year in 4 min – 12 min sessions. Tanning accelerants and moisturisers available for purchase at reception.

    Ph: (07) 3279 9450 Email: [email protected]


Cnr Forest Lake Boulevarde and Hight street Forest Lake

Introductory Offers: Gyms, Beauty & Massage!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Movements Fitness Centre(Buranda)
$50 off the normal joining fee or $50 off our 12 months results programme! (mention
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

SASi Skin SPA(Brendale) 1. TOTALLY FREE SASI SPA FACIAL with purchase of 3 matis skin care products ( save $85)
2. $25 off a Matis Spa Body Wrap 3. 1/2 Price Danne Enzyme Treatment with Purchase of 3 Danne Products( save $55) (mention!
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Urban Retreat Massage Day Spa - Paddington
Receive a”Complimentary Ion Cleanse Detox Spa” with every Detox & Tone Salt Scrub.
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

more specials at Cod Liver Oil: The Number One Superfood!

by Krispin Sullivan CN

any of the older generations reminisce about taking a large spoonful of Cod Liver Oil each day when they were children. Nowadays, in the mainstream world it's a rarity, but if there is one supplement we should all be taking it's cod liver oil. MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Chicken Noodle Nests!


olive oil spray 500g skinless chicken breast fillets, cut into thin strips 1 onion, finely chopped 1 red capsicum, finely chopped 1 green capsicum, finely chopped 3 teaspoons mild curry powder 375g packet fresh hokkien noodles, soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes 100g snow peas, trimmed and cut into fine strips ¾ cup Australian reduced fat evaporated milk 1 ½ teaspoons cornflour ½ cup Australian reduced fat natural yogurt chopped fresh coriander or parsley leaves, for serving (optional)


1. Heat a non-stick wok or frypan and lightly spray with oil. Stir fry chicken, onion, capsicum and curry powder for 2-3 minutes. 2. Add noodles, snow peas and combined evaporated milk and cornflour to the chicken mixture. Cook, tossing for 1 minute, until slightly thickened. Stir through yogurt and herbs. Using tongs, twirl noodles into a nest shape in a bowl or plate and serve immediately.

Notes Tip: For adults, add a little grated ginger and some extra coriander leaves

Laughter is the best medicine!

Morty was in his usual place in the morning sitting at the table, reading the paper after breakfast. He came across an article about a beautiful actress that was about to marry a football player who was known primarily for his lack of IQ and common knowledge. He turned to his wife with a look of question on his face. "I'll never understand why the biggest jerks get the most attractive wives." His wife replies, "Why thank you, dear!"

Quote of the week!

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Berlet, Actor

For a Good Cause: Why Support The Abused Child Trust?

It is a sad fact that thousands of Queensland Children suffer some form of child abuse every year. But the Abused Child Trust can help. The Trust provides prevention and treatment programmes for families experiencing, or at risk of, child abuse or neglect. These programmes offer the specialised help of a social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist and nurse to assist individuals and families to resolve the issues that maintain destructive patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour - helping them break the cycle of abuse. The Abused Child Trust needs your assistance to continue this work.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Qlink!
  • Rainseforest Massage and Day Spa!
  • Personal Best Personal Training!
  • Nirala Jacobi, BHSc, ND (USA)
  • Earthsentials!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.