
Issue Number 13 - March 2002

In this months issue of "Naturally Happy"

Float Tanks: Float your cares away!

Once upon a time the floatation tank tended to be put with the so called "space cadets" and had the usual calls of 'placebo" and cynicism that has plagued many natural therapy techniques.

Now, however, psychologists, neuroscientists, physicians and others engaged in research into the benefits are convinced of the many positives. The most convincing would have to be the Australian Institute of Sport, which makes widespread usage of its tanks for its athletes ranging from relaxation to visualisation techniques with the outstanding results we saw at the Sydney Olympics.

How can laying in darkness and silence in 40cm of warm highly salted water for an hour have such a profound effects?

Dr John Lilly, a medical doctor who has trained as a psychoanalyst and specialised in neurophysiology developed the technique in the 1950's.

He was intrigued about what happened to the brain and body when all external stimuli were removed and were conducted experiments in the soundproof chambers used to train divers.

The results of his research were far reaching; people who floated claimed they thought and worked better, that they could learn more easily and concentrate for longer periods. Some said their creativity improved, others felt younger and healthier with some even claiming a better sex life.

Several centres both here and overseas have spent years analysing the effects and their results have shown floating can indeed do all these things and more.

Research suggests this could be attributed to the way floating stimulates the body to produce endorphins, the body's natural pain killers

One of floatings' most successful applications is the treatment of addictive behaviour, overeating, smoking, drug taking and alcoholism all respond remarkably well.

And for those of you who find you don't get enough time in bed - an hour's float is supposedly equal to around four hours sleep!

To take advantage of a great introductory offer at the Paddington Float Centre click here


Healthy Blood: Vital for Weight loss!

Healthy blood helps! Good health is an important part of the weight loss process.
SAFE Health Centre Morningside owner Mel Wilkinson said to achieve healthy weight loss, clients needed to start with healthy blood.

The centre's 12-week health and weight loss plan included a live blood analysis and green barley course where required, to cleanse the blood of residual chemicals from chemically treated food.

Green barley was high in enzymes which aided in cleansing the body, he said. When blood had been cleansed, it was better able to absorb oxygen and become more fluid. This contributed to higher energy levels and made clients more motivated to follow a weight loss plan. "If your blood is healthy, you are healthy," he said.

The program involved an exercise and eating plan, which included a meal replacement formula that was high in protein and low in carbohydrates.Me Wilkinson said the high protein content gave clients energy to get through the day with fewer carbohydrates, and thus less fat, than an equivalent meal.

Exercise and diet charts were checked by naturopath Kathy Hunter fortnightly and changes recommended. Clients were weighed and measured every two weeks and their blood checked for cholesterol and blood sugar levels at every second meeting.

SAFE (Sustainable Agriculture Food Enterprises) was founded 14 years ago by Gold Coast cancer patient Les Dine who went into remission after incorporating green barley into his diet.

He still oversees the manufacture of SAFE products as the business owner.

Mr Wilkinson is the Brisbane metropolitan distributor for SAFE products.

To take a closer look at the services provided at the Safe Health Centre click here


Healthy Life Qld Charity Golf Day::Teeing off to help fight breast cancer!

The annual Healthy Life Queensland Charity Golf Day is on again at Palm Meadows, Gold Coast on Friday 17th May 2002. Over the past 3 years Healthy Life has contributed $52,612.89 towards research into finding a cure for this complex disease. Everyone knows someone affected by breast cancer. With more research we will find a cure.

As a Healthy Life shop owner, much of our working day is taken up assisting and educating our customers about nutrition and how to improve their general health. So, the 'Health' of the wider community is both generally, and specifically, at the forefront of our mind. It follows naturally when we get together as a 'group' on our Annual Charity Golf Day, we combine to try and make a significant contribution to the community.

Breast Cancer affects nearly every single family in Australia, it is the number one killer of females in this country. Every year 10,000 cases are diagnosed and tragically every week 50 women die from breast cancer. Through research we have identified better methods of detection and treatment and survival is increasing.

The success of the Healthy Life Charity Golf day largely depends on the support of the business community, with the majority of funds raised coming from the Sporting and Music Memorabilia Auction which is held post-game.

Join us in supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, your contribution would literally be 'life-saving'. If you have any memorabilia you would like to contribute or if you are interested in participating and/or making a donation contact Susan on 1300 133 173 or email [email protected]


Health Buzz: The latest news on all things good for you!

Brought to you by

Medication mix ups
A major issue facing health professionals and their patients today is the problem of medication interactions. Certain combinations of drugs can alter the therapeutic effect of the medications, while other interactions can be life threatening. A recent study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania showed that two commonly used medications - aspirin and the anti-inflammatory ibuprofen - when taken together, inhibit the beneficial cardiovascular effects of aspirin. For example, if you're taking ibuprofen for osteoarthritis and aspirin to help prevent heart attack, you may be missing out on the benefits of the aspirin. In this case you could try switching to an osteoarthritis solution that does not contain ibuprofen, such as glucosamine sulfate. If you're concerned about the potential interactions of the medications you're taking you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Selenium fends off asthma and cancer
The trace mineral selenium has come in for praise in two recent studies. Researchers from the U.S. department of Agriculture have found that selenium-enriched broccoli could assist in the prevention of breast and prostate cancer. Meanwhile, findings published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine report that selenium combined with an apple a day may help control asthma. According to the researchers, selenium may help the body to process a flavonoid found in apples that reduces inflammation of the airways.

Immune boost for the elderly
In time for the winter cold and flu season is the news that older adults can boost their immune system and prevent infections by increasing the intake of certain nutrients. According to a review of studies published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, adults over the age of 65 can reduce their susceptibility to infections by adding a multivitamin and mineral supplement to their diet, along with supplements of zinc (up to 20mg), selenium (up to 100mcg) and vitamin E (up to 200mg).

Gloomy weather on its way?
If the thought of winter is making you sad, it may have more to do with the shorter days than the rain and cold temperatures. The amount of daylight entering the eye can affect the way we feel because the levels of certain hormones in the body are partly controlled by messages sent from the retina to the brain. And while it's not unusual to feel like hibernating during the dark winter months, some people are particularly susceptible to the low-light conditions, suffering from fatigue, depression, food cravings, weight gain and increased need for sleep. This condition is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Special lights that mimic daylight are used to treat SAD, and in severe cases anti-depressants are sometimes prescribed. Making sure you have morning sun coming into your bedroom and spending at least half an hour outside each day can help. In mild to moderate cases the herb St John's wort may be effective.


Short and Sweet: Cornflake and Coconut Fingers

Cornflake and Coconut Fingers

Ingredients :

  • 3 cups cornflakes (gluten free)
  • 1 1/4 cups shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 125g Australian Butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons honey

Method :

Combine cornflakes, coconut and sugar. Add combined butter and honey and combine well. Spread mixture into a lightly buttered 20cm x 25cm lamington pan and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting into fingers.

Nutritional Analysis per serve
Serves :8 Carbohydrates : 13 g
Energy : 311 kJ Calcium : 9 mg
Protein : 0.3 g Iron : mg
Fat : 3 g


Laughter is the best medicine!

"Docter, you've got to help me" said the patient. Every time I drive down a country road, I find myself singing 'Green Green Grass of Home'. Every time I see a cat I sing 'What's New Pussy Cat' and last night I Sang 'Delilah' in my sleep. My wife was not amused "I wouldn't worry" declared the doctor " It seems you have early symptoms of Tom Jones Syndrome" I have never heard of that said the patient. "It's not unusual", replied the doctor.

Quote of the month

"Life can be real tough ... you can either learn from your problems, or keep repeating them over and over."

Marie Osmond




Zen Chi Aerobic Massager: 2 up for grabs!

Congratulations to the winners of the Jamieson vitamin packs. This month we are giving away 2 Zen Chi Aerobic Massagers valued at $350 each. This massager provides natural no impact exercise and assists in relieving the symptoms of many health issues including weight problems, back pain and even insomnia. Remember! If you receive Naturally Happy you automatically go in the draw for every giveaway, every month! To find out more about the Zen Chi Aerobic Massager click here


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Medi Balls :Healthy Versatile Balls!
  • Universal Contour Wraps:Gauranteed inch loss!
  • Aloe Vera : The miracle plant!
  • Health Buzz:The latest news on all things good for you!
My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness.

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