Issue 122

Love Your Life, Learn to Massage!: with The International Massage Academy!

"The physician must be experienced in many things, but most assuredly in rubbing." Hippocrates

These are very exciting times for anyone considering a career in massage. As the massage therapy industry has developed from an alternative therapy to a global, billion-dollar industry acknowledged by health funds, the professionalism of the industry has also grown.

A major positive outcome has been that massage therapy training schools are now subject to extremely high standards. This ensures that the training of massage is professional and beyond reproach. Indeed, this is a very welcome change.

IMTA- we are Brisbane's Specialist Massage School -all about massage.

IMTA has been in the business of massage training for over a decade. We have based our training on ensuring that each student leaves fully competent and confident in delivering an "outstanding massage".

We want you to be an industry leader in terms of your massage abilities. A step above the everyday. The very best therapist you can be.

Become a part of a massage school that is interested in seeing you succeed in every way possible. We are dedicated to supporting you during your education, as well as throughout your entire career.

We offer a range of massage study options for you, including a 2-Day Intensive Full Body Massage or Seated Chair Massage Course (with certificate). This course is also accepted for association membership and provides access to professional discounted practitioner insurances.

We also are a Registered Training Organisation (31407) and deliver the Certificate IV in Massage and the Diploma of Remedial Massage. We provide "fast track" programs for students interested in commencing their massage careers in less time.

Our next certified 2-Day Intensives are:

Full Body Massage: 25th / 26th or 27th / 28th July
Chair Massage: 11th / 12th August

Our 2nd semester for Certificate IV and Diploma courses in Massage commence in Early September 2007.

So if you've been thinking about a new career in massage, why not call Jina today on 3366 4502 and ask about our extra special introductory offers for our courses. Love your life, Learn to massage!

Try our discounts:

$20 off each short course or $100 the Certificate IV and Diploma courses for July, August and September 07

For bookings or more information. OR CLICKHERE

07 3366 4502 / 0421 631 526

Water: Do you realise what you are drinking?

Water. Do you realise what you are drinking? According to Dr. Schumacher, President of the Canadian Medical Association, "80 per cent of illnesses are water-related" . We all know water plays a vital role in our wellbeing but have you ever stopped to consider the quality of your drinking water?

Good quality water is one that is free of impurities, non-acidic (alkaline) and high in minerals our body needs. But a simple test will show that most natural spring water, tap water and even filtered water are acidic and low in mineral content!

Acidity, alkalinity or neutrality of water is measured by a pH reading on a scale of 0 to 14. Water with a pH below 7 is acidic, over 7 represents alkalinity while 7 is neutral. Drinking acidic water adds acidic waste to your body, but alkaline waters help neutralise acid. Your parents always use to scream "Eat your vegetables!!" (may be they still do!) The reason being, not only do you take in a lot of minerals and vitamins from vegetables and fruits, most are alkaline forming foods. Alkaline waters work on this same principle - it helps neutralise acid in your body.

Sang Whang, author of "Reverse Aging" and a pioneer in the field of alkalinity/acidity studies states that it is the accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes that causes aging . If the cause of aging is the accumulation of acid, then to reverse aging must be to eliminate acid!

If you are drinking bottled water, check the Typical Analysis on the bottle or ask the company what the pH level and find out what you are really drinking. Is it acidic or alkaline?

Alkalife is a naturally occurring pristine alkaline water that is high in alkaline minerals which help neutralise acid in your body. To find out how you can improve your wellbeing visit or call 02 9380 9977.


Buy 4 x 15L bottles Get One FREE for your first order!
(call 02 9380 9977 to order and mention myhealthspecials)

or clickhere for details!

Train for Free: with a Diabetes Preferred Tariner!

John Schuh had reached the point where enough was enough. At fifty, with a busy corporate job and a stressful lifestyle, he was morbidly obese, unhappy, listless and a strong candidate for type 2 diabetes. Like a light bulb turning on in his head one day, John realised that to continue in this path would eventuate in sickness and probably an early grave. The realisation of these drastic consequences inspired him to act in a likewise drastic manner.

Refocussing the energy he had previously applied to his career, he embarked on a fitness regime and enrolled in a nationwide fat loss/slimmers competition to give himself a structured goal, realising in doing so that there is very little chance of hitting a target if you are not aiming at something in the first place.

It took John 12 weeks to completely transform his body and as a consequence, his life - in the process beating over 50,000 competitors, (most of whom were about half his age) to become the most improved "Fatblaster" challenger of 2005. The $70,000 worth of prizes he picked up, although appreciated, rated a far second behind the energy, vitality and new lease on life he had gained.

John is now a personal trainer, and delivers to his clients the same sense of possibility and personal power that allowed him to transform his own life. Needless to say, the risk of diabetes is now a distant memory for John.

Likewise Stacey Lee, a 36 year old mother of two from Beenleigh, reached a point of no return in her life when she couldn't fit into her size 22 shorts anymore. Giving up a life of binge eating, fuelled by depression and low self esteem, she took up a very graduated exercise routine, starting with an exhausting 10 minute walk up the road and back every day, and coupled this with a fresh approach to food. Eating to live became her motto, rather than living to eat as it had been previously.

In 14 months Stacey dropped 45 kilos and is today a vivacious, good looking "yummy mummy" who has reinvented her career and her life as a personal trainer. Stacey's enthusiasm is infectious as is evident when she speaks about her work - "No one ever wandered to the top of a mountain! It's damn hard work to get there, but if you could just jump into my body and feel what I feel everyday - the energy, confidence, the happiness - you won't want to let that feeling go!"

Depression? Low self esteem? Not a big part of Stacey's life anymore!

With special education and training in diabetes and its complications and benefits with relation to exercise, and a formalized system for helping their clients change their habits into positive ones forever - these guys are the first of a new breed of fitness professionals called "Diabetes Preferred Trainers".

Diabetes Australia -Queensland has instigated this program in response to the rapidly growth of diabetes in our community, coupled with research that now proves beyond doubt that regular exercise is one of the most important factors in preventing and/or successfully managing diabetes. The difficult thing for most people who are at risk of, or have recently contracted the disease, is that the local gym is often about the least comfortable place in the world for them to go! What's more, fitness instructors have often been under-educated and misinformed about diabetes and how it affects their clients in the gym, which further erodes the client's confidence in feeling understood and safe when commencing an exercise program.

DAQ's intent with the Diabetes Preferred Trainer program has been to change all that - by training fitness professionals in diabetes care and exercise guidelines, and allowing its members to locate and book a personal trainer or fitness class via the non-confronting medium of , the organization has striven to remove many of the barriers that had previously prevented people with (or at risk of) diabetes from engaging in a successful exercise regime.

As a special offer to Naturally Happy readers, you are invited to attend a free introductory session with a Diabetes Preferred Trainer to help get your personal exercise program started. With a Diabetes Preferred Trainer on your side, there has never been a better time to get started exercising than now! For many of us, just like John and Stacey- it has come to the time where enough is enough, and its time to make a start!

To download your free PT session with a Diabetes Preferred Trainer, click on and follow the prompts.

Share Your Experience: with Vouch or Grouch!

Vouch Or Grouch is Australia's first online business directory, contributed to by members sharing their customer experience.

Visitors search the website ( using tags (keywords) or business names for local businesses.

Viewing a business profile enables visitors to make informed choices of the businesses they use by reading comments left by previous customers.

"It's all about sharing your customer service experience with the community", stated Mr. Harwood, the creator of Vouch Or Grouch.

"There are so many websites that allow you to find businesses; the problem though is that these sites don't inform you of the quality of service the business delivers. The key role of Vouch Or Grouch is to provide this information to the community simply and efficiently".

A business may choose between a free or paid registration; the amount of information displayed in the business profile is determined by the registration level. Specially designed cards are available to display at point of sale to encourage customer interaction.

Vouch Or Grouch visitors may register as members in order to publish their customer experiences. Members may also add businesses to Vouch Or Grouch.

"Allowing members to add a business to the directory empowers the community" said Mr Harwood. "It's a way we can build the resource without restriction. If a member wants to publish a comment about a business that is not on the site, the member can simply add it."

Businesses that are initially listed by Vouch Or Grouch members are eligible to be claimed by the business owner.

Vouch Or Grouch is set to become a fundamental point of reference for customer service in Australia.

Attention business owners:

For the next 24hrs, Vouch Or Grouch is offering readers of Naturally Happy the opportunity to list your business at the paid registration level for free. Simply visit the site and register using the free option. Then fill in the form on the contact page stating the term "Naturally Happy" and your listing will be upgraded at no charge.

Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!


Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Clarks Lifestyle Centre ( Tarragindi)
Receive 1 free month when joining on a 3, 6 or 12 month membership!( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Fitness Market(Newmarket) Join our Fit+ club for $10 and save 5% off our already low prices!!! ( mention ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Vitale Natural Skin Care & Body Care( Paddington)Receive 20% off when you book a 60 organic minute facial $65.00 only $52.00 OR
A free eyebrow wax when you book a 60 minute organic facial (one offer per person)
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Pondera Physio and Pilates(West End)
Pilates Start up Special Receive a $20 reduction in your initial consultation and a 2for1 remedial massage voucher when you purchase your first 10 visit Pilates pass.mention
( Please fill out the contact form on the page) It's About The Little Things!

It’s About The little Things by Gina Cachao

Most of us would never throw litter in the streets or shut a door in someone’s face, yet that is exactly what we do when we fail to protect the environment. When as individuals and as a society we fail to take simple measures to reduce our environmental impact, we are littering the streets of the next generation. It is our children that will suffer the greatest consequences of our often wasteful lifestyles. How can we make a change for the better? How can we now affect the future positively, Gina Cachao has some simple suggestions... . MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Asparagus & Capsicum Bread Quiches!


12 slices wholegrain bread, crusts removed 1/2 cup Australian light evaporated milk 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 x 340g can low-salt asparagus cuts, drained 1 red capsicum, finely diced 2 spring onions, chopped cracked black pepper, to taste 1/3 cup Australian reduced fat cheddar cheese paprika, for sprinkling



1. Flatten each slice of bread with a rolling pin and press into a non-stick 12 muffin tin. 2. Lightly whisk together milk and eggs. Combine asparagus, capsicum and onions in a bowl and add combined milk and eggs. Season to taste and spoon mixture into bread cases. 3. Top with cheese and sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes or until crisp and set. Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields. The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm." The other cow replies, "I ain't worried, it don't affect us ducks."

Quote of the week!

"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly." -- Isaac Asimov, author

For a Good Cause: Why Support Angel Flight?

Angel Flight Australia is a charity that co-ordinates non emergency flights for financially and medically needy people. All flights are free and may involve patients or compassionate carers travelling to or from medical facilities anywhere in Australia.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Foot patches!
  • Sureslim!
  • Trainer Locator !
  • Sowelu!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.