Issue 120

Share your Experience:with Vouch or Grouch!


Vouch Or Grouch is Australia's first online business directory, contributed to by members sharing their customer experience.

Visitors search the website ( using tags (keywords) or business names for local businesses.

Viewing a business profile enables visitors to make informed choices of the businesses they use by reading comments left by previous customers.

"It's all about sharing your customer service experience with the community", stated Mr. Harwood, the creator of Vouch Or Grouch.

"There are so many websites that allow you to find businesses; the problem though is that these sites don't inform you of the quality of service the business delivers. The key role of Vouch Or Grouch is to provide this information to the community simply and efficiently".

A business may choose between a free or paid registration; the amount of information displayed in the business profile is determined by the registration level. Specially designed cards are available to display at point of sale to encourage customer interaction.

Vouch Or Grouch visitors may register as members in order to publish their customer experiences. Members may also add businesses to Vouch Or Grouch.

"Allowing members to add a business to the directory empowers the community" said Mr Harwood. "It's a way we can build the resource without restriction. If a member wants to publish a comment about a business that is not on the site, the member can simply add it."

Businesses that are initially listed by Vouch Or Grouch members are eligible to be claimed by the business owner.

Vouch Or Grouch is set to become a fundamental point of reference for customer service in Australia.

Attention business owners:

For the next 24hrs, Vouch Or Grouch is offering readers of Naturally Happy the opportunity to list your business at the paid registration level for free. Simply visit the site and register using the free option. Then fill in the form on the contact page stating the term "Naturally Happy" and your listing will be upgraded at no charge.


Good Grief - a short lesson in Grief 101: with Vanessa Finnigan!


If there's one thing I have learnt, it's that loss is a part of life and also one of our biggest challenges. I have processed a good deal of loss in my own personal life and attended four funerals in the last year. In addition, I have worked as a psychologist for over ten years and helped people come to terms with a variety of losses. Having this type of training and experience however, is not always helpful when you are supporting your own family through their bereavement.

Talking about death is still a dicey subject in our culture. Often people are concerned about upsetting the person who is grieving by even mentioning the word death. As a result, phrases such as someone has "passed away" or he has "lost his brother" are still quite commonly used. Some eastern cultures are a lot more prepared for death, with various teachings even advocating meditating on dying as a daily practice. Other cultures have rituals that involve witnessing the dead body being burnt or various methods of setting the spirit free. These methods seem to facilitate the processing of emotion and appear to be more about confronting than avoiding issues around death and dying.

Of course, there is no special formula or absolute right or wrong way of dealing with loss. What affects one person may not have as much impact on another. It's a very personal experience and feelings can often come in waves for the first few days or weeks. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who died a few years ago, was an internationally renowned psychiatrist of her time and "grief guru" who pioneered the five stage model to help people through different types of loss and bereavement. The five stages include: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. In reality, grieving is very individual and usually more of a circular than a linear process. Some stages may not be experienced by some people and other stages may be revisited before full acceptance of the loss is reached.

I also think there are certain gender differences when it comes to grieving and dealing with emotions. When my partner's mother unexpectedly died of a heart attack, all my previous knowledge and experience was initially a hindrance rather than helpful. I came to this realization: my partner does not have to deal with things in the way that I do, I am allowed to be human and it's probably better to leave the 'helpers hat' off for awhile when dealing with family members.

Here is a short lesson in 'Grief 101'. When your partner is grieving, doing the following things may well give you more grief:

1. Asking "How are you feeling?" Will usually be met with: "How do you think?"

2. Offering to take some time off work to fluff up pillows, and talk about ideas about reincarnation.

3. Launching into a talk on how to grieve and some of the warning signals to look for including charting the increases in swearing and pinning it to the fridge.

4. Removing all traces of chocolate, lollies or ice-cream in an attempt to get them to start a diabetes prevention or weight loss program, or just to reduce the sugar ods .

5. Set phrases such as: just open up, feel free to talk, share emotions, let it all out or have a good cry (because it will make you feel better), will all be met with the same degree of enthusiasm and resistance as a teenager being asked to wash the dishes.

6. Doing a rubbish bin check and reporting on your ratio of empty beer bottles to milk carton investigation. 7. Any repetitive mmm sounds after they have finished talking.

8. Burning lavender oil and playing soft soothing music that features wind pipes and running water will either lead to a toilet exodus or send them running out of the house altogether.

9. Asking about their bowel movements or using the opportunity to convert them to vegetarianism will generally be met with more eye glazing.

10. Any talk about correlations between grieving and reduced sex drive.

11. Suggesting that the neighbour's Ouija board could be borrowed to talk to the spirits on the other side.

12. Keeping a log of hours of TV watched by your partner and making references to watching sport on TV being an avoidance tactic.

Although this is an exaggerated list of what not to do, it is by no means any disrespect to people going through the agony of loss. Spending time with our loved ones, listening, being open and acknowledging their own resources and differing ways of dealing with emotion is what appears to be of most help.

Any ongoing difficulties with sleep, eating, managing mood, libido, increases in drug an alcohol use, reduced energy or behaviours that persist after a month are worth while discussing and seeking additional help. This could mean encouraging your loved one to talk to a close family member, trusted friend, spiritual teacher, doctor or counsellor.

A wise man once said: everything in moderation including moderation. Some people 'go off the rails' for a few days while they are grieving before they are ready to come back to a lifestyle of moderation. For some people it can be very cathartic to keep a daily journal or have an artistic, nonverbal way of expressing deep emotion. We can't however, save a person from their painful feelings, in fact the pain is often what propels them into change so that they can let go and become freer within themselves. The old saying that 'time heals' is only true if people actually work on the issues by confronting their biggest fears and most painful emotions step by step.

How we chose to do this is part of the art of grieving. Because we are all unique, yet share common ground we can learn from each other and ideally, walk the path together.

Vanessa Finnigan is a Brisbane-based psychologist and published writer. Vanessa's Clinic is located in Bulimba and can be reached on 0422 538335 [email protected]

Every Womens Dream Come True: Check out The Shoppers Haven Expo "4 U Women"!

FREE… Shoppers Haven Expo "4 U Women"

Find it all at one venue…one night for a great get together… everything that women could want! Lifestyle Careers Independence Party Fun Shopping

Shoppers Haven Expo is every woman's dream come true. See over 25 party plans and other women's businesses aimed at: stay at home mums looking to get into the workforce; women currently working who dream of their own business to work around family; and women who just love to party. We have 3 of these fantastic events coming up:

Mention the Naturally Happy emagazine at the stand and receive a FREE Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary.

Sunshine Coast: Saturday 7 July - 6-9pm Maroochy Community Hall, Millwell Rd, Maroochydore (behind Myers carpark at the Sunshine Plaza).

Burpengary: Saturday 14 July - 6-9pm Burpengary Community Hall, 111 Station Rd, Burpengary

Carina: Saturday 18 August - 6-9pm The Brisbane Abruzzo Association (Italian Club) 150 Fursden Rd, Carina

Other places we will be exhibiting are:

The Queensland dates are as follows: 4 August 2007 - Gold Coast, 18 August 2007 - Carina 25 August 2007 - Toowoomba 8 September 2007 - Bundaberg, 15 September 2007 - Rockhampton, 13 October 2007- Mackay 27 October 2007- Townsville, 10 November 2007 - Cairns We will be exhibiting in Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania and Perth next year.

Who you can expect to see:

S.K.I.N. fresh beauty bar ENJO Tupperware Learning Ladder Chocoholics Anonymous Living Silk Party Pets Flaschengeist-Ezygifts Atiyah Arabian Perfume Oils House of Bollee Creative Memories Dancing Crystals Pam Jennion - Paintings Partylite Wicked Thoughts Isabeau Jewellery Mummy's Little Helpers Phoenix Trading Intimo Lingerie Ashye - Inspiring Life Butterflies and Bullfrogs Curves Gym Décor Deli Emma Page Jewellery Shopping by Appointment Bean to Tea Stampin Up Faye Purcell-Colour Design for Better Business Fashion Parades Dancing Performances

Ladies enjoy a fantastic night out together and come down for tea/coffee, cake, cheese platter, fashion parades and lots of entertainment.

If you are a party plan consultant or know of anybody who is and would like to participate in the Shoppers Haven Expo or would like to know any further information:

Mention Naturally Happy at the stand and receive a FREE Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary.

Please call Tina - 1800 623 028 or 0438 505 544 or email [email protected] and "Live life, love Life"

Heavier Middle-aged women at risk of Diabetes: National Diabetes Week 8 - 14 July!

When 29-year-old North Lakes resident and Type 2 diabetic Lindy Marsh was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) last year, she decided to lose weight to curb diabetes and infertility.

"When I couldn't get pregnant again, my husband and I went through quite an ordeal to find out what was wrong. I realised I needed to lose weight to control my blood sugar levels," said Mrs Marsh.

"Last January I weighed over 130kg and tried to lose weight but didn't have anyone to help and hold me accountable. This January I decided it was time to take action by joining North Lakes Healthy Inspirations with a goal to weigh around 100kg by January 2008. Now I am well on the way towards achieving my goal and have a long list of reasons to stay motivated. I plan to manage PCOS and diabetes, as well as prevent heart disease which runs in my family, and show my 5-year-old daughter that it's good to be exercising."

The home daycare mum was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that followed gestational diabetes five years ago. Now she follows a healthy eating plan designed by Healthy Inspirations' consulting dietitians to manage diabetes.

Healthy Inspirations manager Andrea Stockton said women who have Type 2 diabetes and lose weight through exercise often come off their medication. "Losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle has helped many Healthy Inspirations members reduce their diabetes medication and sometimes even completely reverse Type 2 diabetes."

"Insulin resistance is associated with PCOS and Healthy Inspirations helps women like Lindy understand how eating the right foods and losing weight can improve fertility and manage diabetes," said Mrs Stockton.

New Australian research shows middle-aged women who are overweight and don't change to healthier lifestyles are at a much higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Those who are obese have more than 12 times the risk.

Researchers from the University of Queensland studied more than 7,200 women aged 45 to 50 from 1996 to 2004 and examined changes to their body mass index, body weight and the subsequent risk for diabetes. The results, published in the June 2007 issue of the American magazine, Diabetes Care, showed that women who were overweight were at a much higher risk of Type 2 diabetes than those who were in the normal weight range.

Women who lost some of their weight in the short-term improved their chances of preventing diabetes. However, the chances of avoiding the disease were much higher in women who committed to long-term weight loss strategies.

Diabetes is the fastest growing non-infectious disease in the world. For every person who has diabetes there is another person who has it and doesn't know it yet, according to Diabetes Australia.

Local women's weight loss and exercise centre, Healthy Inspirations, is helping women prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes by promoting healthier lifestyle habits during National Diabetes Week.

"If you are over 40, overweight and under-exercising, research shows it's pretty likely you are going to experience the most common form of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, at some stage," said Healthy Inspirations North Lakes manager Andrea Stockton.

"The two risk factors most commonly linked to Type 2 diabetes are obesity and physical inactivity, both of which are modifiable. Small lifestyle improvements can make an enormous difference to the risk of Type 2 diabetes, more so than many other health conditions."

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to many related health conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and circulation problems. This in turn can damage nerves, kidneys, feet, eyesight. If diagnosed early, diabetes can be effectively managed and the risk of serious health problems greatly reduced.

Knowing the link between higher body fat and diabetes, the Healthy Inspirations centre is offering free body composition reports to local women so they can dramatically cut their chances of suffering Type 2 diabetes.

Women over 45 with a waist measurement over 82cm have an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. If your waist measures over 88cm then the risk is very increased. Diabetes sufferers are almost three times more likely to have high blood pressure, obesity or elevated blood fats like cholesterol.

"A big waistline means high blood sugars because when you eat carbohydrates and sugars they end up as glucose," explains Mrs Stockton. "Insulin opens the gate to let glucose from your bloodstream into your muscles where it can be used as energy. Being inactive causes the gates that let sugar from the blood into the muscles to become rusty which makes it harder for the gates to open.

"Becoming more active has short and long-term benefits for preventing Type 2 diabetes. Exercise instantly burns sugar for fuel which reduces blood glucose levels. And every time you exercise it makes your insulin work better to minimise the risk of developing diabetes in the long term," said Mrs Stockton.

"Unlike other 'miracle' weight loss solutions that are impossible to maintain, Healthy Inspirations helps women learn sensible healthy eating, exercise and relaxation habits that last for life.

"The key to lasting weight loss is a combined approach that includes a personalised healthy eating plan, fun exercise circuit, weekly relaxation session in a massage chair, and one-on-one support three times a week with a lifestyle consultant," said Mrs Stockton.

People with Type 2 diabetes should exercise at least three days a week, with no more than two consecutive 'non-active' days, according to the International Diabetes Institute.

Research shows Australia is suffering from a diabetes epidemic with 275 new cases every day and 11 adults diagnosed every hour. An estimated 600 people go from being overweight to obese every day, and 30 to 40 per cent of obese people will develop diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Institute.

For more information, call in to Healthy Inspirations at North Lakes Medical Centre, North Lakes Drive (adjacent to Westfield Nth Lakes) or phone 3491 3966

Kenmore 3878 5222, Mitchelton 3355 1149, Mount Gravatt 3420 4233, North Lakes 3491 3966, Helensvale 5580 6600 and Elanora 5534 4666

Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!


Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Salon. 70* Hair Skin Management(Paddington)) MAX 7 TREATMENT PACKAGE! RECEIVE 6 Max Treatments ( Value $660) 5 Revitalize Treatment( value $325) 1 Microdermabrasion Treatment ( value $120) for only $550 Save $555! All treatments are customised to your skins needs and goals. . ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Brisbane Taekwondo Centre(Newmarket)Try it FREE! + ALL NEW MEMBERS RECEIVE A FREE MASSAGE ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Studio 54 Health and Fitness (Beenleigh)
( Please fill out the contact form on the page) Everything in Moderation..Recipe for Disaster!

Everything in Moderation..Recipe for Disaster by Colleen Huber

How many times have you heard "everything in moderation"? Usually it's used in defence for poor eating habits and often it ends the conversation. But can we trust this old adage? Colleen Huber, author for and Naturopathic Doctor says n. MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Eggplant,Basil, and Bocconcini!


1 tablespoon olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 onion, diced 1x 700ml bottle tomato passata* salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 500g packet spirali pasta 1/4 cup grated Australian parmesan 1 x 200g tub Australian milk cherry bocconcini 100g char-grilled eggplant slices, cut into strips 100g pitted black olives 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, torn extra virgin olive oil, for serving


1. Heat oil and sauté onion and garlic until softened. Add passata, simmer for 5 minutes and season to taste. 2. Cook pasta in salted boiling water until al dente, toss with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese. 3. To serve, divide pasta between serving plates and top with eggplant, olives, torn bocconcini and basil leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and black pepper.

Handy Hints * Passata also known as sugo, is an Italian tomato cooking sauce, found in supermarkets and delicatessens.

Tip: To make this meal even faster, use a pre-prepared tomato pasta sauce. Char-grilled eggplant slices can be purchased from supermarkets and delicatessens.

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Laughter is the best medicine!

How Smart Is Your Right Foot? This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And, you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot. But you can't!!!

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand ... Your foot will change direction!!! I told you so ... And there is nothing you can do about it. Make sure you pass this on to your friends ... They won't be able to believe it either!!!

Quote of the week!

"I've never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation." -- Mike Todd, film producer

For a Good Cause: Why Support the Free Hugs Campaign!

Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives. In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal. As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring. In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Camp Eden !
  • Salon 70 !
  • Groves Natural Therapies!
  • Brisbane Live well clinic!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.