
Issue Number 1 - February 2001

Valentines Edition

Date 14/2/01 Issue #1

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Welcome to the first edition of HEALTH E MAIL.

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requested a subscription. Unsubscribe instructions are at the end of this newsletter. A Big thank you to all of our new subscribers! The site has been live for 6 weeks and the feedback has been overwhelming! Evidently the site has been WELL worth a visit!

- SPECIAL FEATURE: Why are bacteria important?
- AND THE WINNER IS: Valentines Draw results!
- A FEW FUNNIES: Laughter is the best medicine!
- SPOTLIGHT: Ignite the passion all year round!

Beneficial bacteria can play an important role in many activities, which promote and retain intestinal health. We each have about 100 trillion bacteria residing in our intestines, made up of both beneficial and harmful bacteria.
The beneficial bacteria are continually competing with the harmful bacteria in order to maintain a well-balanced intestinal microflora. A number of factors associated with life in the '90's can deplete the numbers of beneficial bacteria. These include an unbalanced diet, stress, the ageing process, and medication, particularly some antibiotics. One way of maintaining a healthy intestinal balance is by continually replenishing the beneficial bacteria. For more information on bacteria and how to maintain a healthy level please check out this site.

The winner of our 'Ultimate Valentines Night At Home promotion was Sue from Kangaroo Point. Congratulations & have a great night! PS. don't forget if you receive our Health E Mail you automatically go in our draw for great giveaways every month. GOOD LUCK!

*-----------------WORDS OF WISDOM------------------*

Eleanor Roosevelt

Life's Reflections:

I'm not into working out. My philosophy is no pain, no pain.

I'm desperately trying to figure out why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

Ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window?

A lady came up to me on the street, pointed at my suede jacket and said, "Don't you know a cow was murdered for that jacket?" I said, "I didn't know there were any witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too".

By Yvonne Dunn (Naturopath)
Don't settle for sparks only on Valentine's Day, ignite the passion all year round. If you think aphrodisiacs are a thing of the past, think again. Though we may not be consuming dried beetle remains, animal genitalia, or lard in the pursuit of achieving sexual fulfillment, we are experimenting with ancient herbs, used traditionally to treat lowered libido. If you experience sexual dysfunction or low sex drive, do not be alarmed; you are certainly not alone. Sexual dysfunction affects 43% of women and 31% of men, with a lack of interest in sexual activity being one of the most prevalent psychosexual problems seen by health professionals.1,2 While the problem is seen more commonly in older members of the community, it is certainly not restricted to this age group.
Named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, aphrodisiacs are claimed to arouse or increase sexual desire or libido through the use of food, drink, drug, scent or device. Aphrodisiac claims made throughout the past 5000years have at times been seen as fraudulent, however recent evidence shows that a number of traditionally used herbs may in fact be of great benefit to those experiencing sexual dysfunction. So how may herbs be of help? Epimedium (Horny Goats Weed), Korean Ginseng, and Tribulus have all been shown to have a positive effect on sexual function and libido. There are various ways in which they may do this. Epimedium increases sperm production and stimulates sensory nerves. It also causes dilation of the distant blood vessels, and as such may improve blood flow to the reproductive organs. Enhanced blood supply means better sexual performance and more enjoyment for both sexes. Korean Ginseng works by correcting erectile dysfunction in males, and enhancing sensation in females. It does this via its hormone-like activity. Tribulus acts as a general tonic to the body and in this way improves sexual performance. In herbal medicine, tonics improve overall well being and enable the body to handle stress more effectively. It works also as an aphrodisiac by increasing the production of oestrogen in females, and testosterone in males. While herbal medicines may be of benefit to those experiencing sexual dysfunction and lowered libido, there are a number of other factors that should not be overlooked when pursuing sexual fulfilment. Regular exercise, a positive mental outlook and a good diet are all essential ingredients for optimal sexual function, passion and desire.

1.Laumann, E et al. Sexual Dysfunction in the United States. JAMA. 1999;281:537-544
2.Schreiner-Engel P, Schiavi RC. Lifetime psychopathology in individuals with low sexual desire. J Nerv Ment Dis 1986 Nov 174:11 646-51

APHRODISIAC RECIPE: short and sweet!


Ingredients: Freshly collected flowers of violets, Sugar solution: 0.5 kg sugar, 0.1 kg glucose, 1 cup of water.

Proceed as follows: Prepare the sugar solution by boiling the mixture until sugar and glucose have dissolved. Let the solution cool but not to the extent that sugar crystals begin to precipitate. Put the flowers of violets in a strainer and dip them into the solution. Let them cool and dry on a roster or a paper towel and eat!

Copyright 2001 My Health Specials Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved
Information contained in health e-mail is for increased awareness of health and well-being & in no way should be substituted for medical attention.


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